Video Archive - Courses
NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features may have been improved or added after the Webinar was registered.
- Tutto
- Budget analysis
- Group Analysis
- Insights
- Benchmark
- Business Plan
- Crisis Code
- Income Statement
- Filter Personal Data
- indices
- Bankability Indices
- First steps
- Financial statement
- Reclassification
- Slides and Presentations
- Balance Sheet
- theme
- Review
In an unstable market, it becomes essential to continuously verify the sustainability of the company's business in the coming months/years even in the presence of stressful situations. Business plan skills and tools will be increasingly required by companies. Business planning activity has become the key to access the Financial System. Business planning is legally required of directors and supervisory bodies. The Leanus Business Plan is a Platform that includes: Certified Software Certified professional training Data and assistance _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual features are continuously updated. Some features shown in the webinars may therefore not have been available at the time of registration.
A complete business plan includes the projection of short and medium-long term financing sources. The former determined by the working capital requirement, the latter by the amortization plans. How will the company's financial position evolve? Are short-term loans sufficient? Will the cash flows generated allow you to repay the mortgage? The Leanus Business Plan allows for timely management of financing sources by allowing you to: insert repayment plans for medium-long term lines; quantify short-term uses and plan the sources to cover; estimate the prospective DSCR. _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and individual features are continuously updated. Some features shown in the webinars may therefore not have been available at the time of registration.
A professional business plan provides monthly projections for the first year and annual projections for subsequent years. The sustainability analysis of the plan must be timely for the first months to manage the "peaks" of financial needs. When is the maximum financial requirement expected in the next 6 months? Will the existing credit lines be able to satisfy it? Even in case of unexpected events? Leanus allows you to monthlyize projections: it is possible to simulate seasonal trends over the course of the financial year; it is possible to quantify the financial needs month by month; it is possible to simulate the monthly trend of the Net Financial Position and of the sustainability indices. _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and individual features are continuously updated. Some features shown in the webinars may therefore not have been available at the time of registration.
An effective business plan builds scenarios using the information available in the company and in particular: official financial statements and interim accounting situations; sales and investment budgets; corporate treasury. The Leanus Business Plan includes specific functions that allow you to elaborate the different sources that can be used to: build the projection of costs and revenues; calculate the future values of balance sheet items; develop the prospective cash flow linked to each scenario. _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and individual features are continuously updated. Some features shown in the webinars may therefore not have been available at the time of registration.
The business plan of a start-up does not have historical data on which to build the scenarios to analyze. This is why it is essential to use a simulation system that automatically connects all the variables of the plan. Are the simulated revenues collected immediately or transformed into receivables from customers? If inventories increase, how does operating cash flow move? The Leanus Business Plan is a software system in which the equity, economic and financial variables are connected according to a logic which: is consistent with the double entry rules; adapts the simulation to the inputs received in real time. _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and individual features are continuously updated. Some features shown in the webinars may therefore not have been available at the time of registration.
A good business plan must be able to explain the effect of all the scenarios simulated by the analyst. Are the new investments convenient? Is corporate debt sustainable? Does the DSCR maintain acceptable values for the bank? These are just some of the questions that a good analyst must ask himself. The Leanus Business Plan allows you to simulate in real time the effects of the hypotheses entered by the user thanks to a single automated analysis model that connects: Income statement Balance sheet Cash flow statement DSCR, bankability indices, scores, requirements and so on _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and individual features are continuously updated. Some features shown in the webinars may therefore not have been available at the time of registration.
The analysis of the sector and competitors provides fundamental elements to the business planning activity because: it allows the hypotheses on which the plan is built to be verified with real data; reveals what competitors are doing and what their results are. The Leanus Business Plan supports the financial analyst with: a database with the financial statements and analyzes of millions of companies; advanced business search and profiling capabilities; possibility to analyze user-defined business groups and clusters; advanced benchmarking features. _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and individual features are continuously updated. Some features shown in the webinars may therefore not have been available at the time of registration.
A professional business plan must include descriptive elements supporting graphs and tables to better meet the understanding needs of the Professional or the bank. The Leanus Business Plan allows you to add text elements in different ways: loading entire slides with customized text; insertion of descriptions, notes and comments on graphs and tables directly in the Leanus menus: export of Leanus contents into standard writing programs (e.g. Microsoft Word). _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and individual features are continuously updated. Some features shown in the webinars may therefore not have been available at the time of registration.
Today the market and regulations require banks and professionals to use the business plan more frequently and more advancedly. The Leanus business plan is the optimal answer: because it is the only CERTIFIED business planning software in Italy that responds to very demanding technical specifications and highly professional requirements; because it is COMPLETE and supports the entire business planning process: from the insertion of hypotheses to the verification of the sustainability of the plan; because it is INTEGRATED with accounting information: the scenarios are built starting from budget data and company accounting. _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and individual features are continuously updated. Some features shown in the webinars may therefore not have been available at the time of registration.
The business plan has become an essential tool for companies, banks and professionals which is used to: manage the periodic reporting required by the appropriate organizational structures; evaluate the creditworthiness of companies requesting financing; monitor company health. The Leanus Business Plan responds to these needs because: it allows you to build economic-financial projections starting from budget data, accounting and the risk centre; generates detailed and automatic presentations; offers valuable support through financial forecasting and scenario analysis functionality. _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and individual features are continuously updated. Some features shown in the webinars may therefore not have been available at the time of registration.
In this in-depth session Cristian Fusili, former banker and business consultant, will show a real case of managing the bank-business relationship, illustrating how Leanus effectively supports professional activity. From the analysis of historical data to the benchmark, from the definition of the business plan to the drafting of the dossier for the financing request. He participates to discover how Leanus optimizes working times and maximizes the effectiveness of business consultancy! Speaker: Alessandro FISCHETTI - Leanus Administrator Guest: Cristian FUSILI - Administrator and Founder of Banking Solutions _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual features are continuously updated. Some features shown in the webinars may therefore not have been available at the time of registration.
Vincenzo Perrone, Co-founder of Leanus, was a guest of Motore Italia Sicilia to discuss the regional business system and to present the research and analysis of data from the Milano Finanza rankings. After analyzing the 2022 financial statements of Sicilian SMEs, Vincenzo Perrone made some reflections on the performance of the regional economy: «The analysis of Sicilian companies shows that the post-Covid difficulties were largely absorbed in the following years». «The Sicily system – said Perrone, bringing a breath of optimism – works well. The companies are in excellent condition from an economic, equity and financial point of view. Even according to our stress tests, the Sicily system is very resilient. And the evolution that can be hypothesized from the data available sees a rosy future." _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and individual features are continuously updated. Some features shown in the webinars may therefore not have been available at the time of registration.
In this training session the focus will be on loading proprietary accounting situations. Our experts Massimiliano Corriero and Francesco Adamo will explain how the Excel L1 and L2 models and the reclassification work. Furthermore you will see a practical example of benchmarking. Speakers: Massimiliano CORRIERO – Operations Manager Francesco ADAMO – Technical-Administrative Assistance and Service Center Manager _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are continuously updated. Some features shown in the webinars may therefore not have been available at the time of registration.
The art. 1.6 of the Research Document of the Italian Accountants on Adequate Structures establishes that: "The accounting evaluation (..) must be conducted focusing, first of all, on the collection of data and the information process in relation to which the data is transformed into information." The concept expressed is of central importance as it confirms that the professional must know the analysis model used for business evaluation. In other words, the lack of awareness of how values and indices relating to the balance sheet or business plan are calculated is a serious limit to the quality of the analyses, evaluations and adequacy of the accounting structures. The reclassification of accounting and balance sheet items can radically change the evaluation of a company, its value, its level of risk and its eco-fin balance. Must operating revenues include statutory item A.5? Should shareholder financing be included in the Financial Position? And should the pro-recourse factored credits that we find in the Risk Center be kept in the reclassified balance sheet? Are the costs of the company electricity bill fixed or variable? During the webinar we will analyze the main cases in which the choices underlying the Reclassification can lead to incorrect results, with a high probability of making mistakes and blunders. Speaker: Srefano CARRARA - Leanus Administrator _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual features are continuously updated. Some features shown in the webinars may therefore not have been available at the time of registration. Download the slides
Approximately 37% of the 2023 budgets are already available in the Italian system. 40% of companies recorded further growth of at least 10%; 19% instead reduced their turnover by more than 10%. The first signs highlight some signs of tension and a lower propensity to invest. It is precisely in this context that professionalism, competence and ability to provide concrete solutions can make the difference. A second half of 2024 awaits us in which commercial budgets can only be achieved by deploying distinctive elements at the service of the Enterprise segment. During the Webinar we will see how to identify what the real needs of Target businesses may be and how to prepare to discuss them with entrepreneurs. Banks, large and small, are all aware that knowing how to listen, understanding the company and assisting it are elements to focus on. Those that really succeed, through a service model in line with the times, are probably much fewer and the entrepreneur has long learned to recognize and appreciate them. During the Webinar we will see, working on concrete cases, how to achieve the objective of becoming in tune with the needs of deserving companies, and at the same time dodging any "black swans". Speaker: Alessandro FISCHETTI - Leanus Administrator _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual features are continuously updated. Some features shown in the webinars may therefore not have been available at the time of registration.
After having analyzed the composition of Working Capital and having shared methods for evaluating its sustainability and quantifying the resulting needs, we will focus with Cristian Fusili on the activity of choosing possible financing sources. This assessment, which starts from the needs indicated in the planning phase, will have to take into account some key factors including: company situation at Central Risks level, level of use of short-term lines and realistically available credit lines; sustainability of new lines to support working capital needs; flexibility and costs of the chosen financial instruments. Following the analysis, the reconciliation between the banking exposure present in the Risk Center with that resulting from the financial statements will also be made, using a real example. Speaker: Stefano CARRARA - Leanus Administrator Guest: Cristian FUSILI - Administrator and Founder of Banking Solutions _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual features are continuously updated. Some features shown in the webinars may therefore not have been available at the time of registration.
Working Capital represents the short-term investments of the company and like all investments requires adequate financial coverage! Small detail: it is an investment that changes over time influenced by factors that we are not always able to control such as: invoice collection times, fluctuations in the costs of raw materials, unexpected customer defaults. It therefore becomes essential to verify whether the available financing sources will be able to "handle" any extra financial needs of Working Capital. As? Obviously by realistically stressing the budget. How many days of delays in payments from customers are we able to tolerate with current liquidity and agreements? What will be the maximum short-term requirement over the next 12 months? Is it sustainable? We will answer these and other practical questions during the webinar, using the analysis of real cases. Speaker: Stefano CARRARA - Leanus Administrator _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual features are continuously updated. Some features shown in the webinars may therefore not have been available at the time of registration. Download pdf with slides
Alessandro Fischetti, Leanus Administrator, was a guest of Motore Italia Marche to discuss the regional business system and to present the research and analysis of data from the Milano Finanza rankings. These are some numbers that emerged from the research: companies in the Marche region reached 37 billion in revenues in 2022, recording a +14,96% compared to 2021, which in turn had already grown by +24% compared to 2020. To follow an interesting Business Case to discuss real cases and problems to outline a path to improve the bank-business relationship. _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and individual features are continuously updated. Some features shown in the webinars may therefore not have been available at the time of registration.
A practical training session on historical analysis and benchmarking in view of the next meetings on the sustainability of short-term debts with our experts Massimiliano Corriero and Francesco Adamo. Training objectives: share the general operating logic of the platform; indicate how to access the Guides, Webinars and Leanus studies; show the features available for historical analysis of accounting data and benchmarking; analyze and create examples together. Speakers: Massimiliano CORRIERO – Operations Manager Francesco ADAMO – Technical-Administrative Assistance and Service Center Manager _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are continuously updated. Some features shown in the webinars may therefore not have been available at the time of registration.
A series of online webinars not to be missed to delve deeper into the key themes related to business analysis and evaluation: from data collection to reclassification; from basic analyzes to advanced processing; from the analysis of historical data to the development of the business plan. Topics that concern all those who deal with businesses even if for different reasons: Management control, Access to credit, M&A, Adequate structures, Crisis Code, UTP, sector studies. Speakers: Alessandro FISCHETTI – Founder and Administrator Leanus _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual features are continuously updated. Some features shown in the webinars may therefore not have been available at the time of registration.
Third session of the Mini Master in Financial Administration Knowledge of the administrative process allows you to correctly interpret the content of the input accounting data, attribute the correct intended use, prepare the analysis model for the purposes of historical and prospective management evaluation. Speakers: Alessandro FISCHETTI – Founder and Administrator Leanus Romano FISCHETTI – Founder and Administrator Maxtrino _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual features are continuously updated. Some features shown in the webinars may therefore not have been available at the time of registration.
In this second session of the Master in Financial Administration, we will explore how the complexity of the Triple Match can be controlled thanks to artificial intelligence and machine learning tools capable of performing predictive matching operations, guaranteeing administrative units control of the flow and results. Speakers: Alessandro FISCHETTI – Founder and Administrator Leanus Romano FISCHETTI – Founder and Administrator Maxtrino _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual features are continuously updated. Some features shown in the webinars may therefore not have been available at the time of registration.
Alessandro Fischetti, Leanus Administrator, was a guest of Motore Italia Veneto to discuss the regional business system and to present the research and analysis of data from the Milano Finanza rankings. From the factual study by Leanus it emerges that, despite the decline in manufacturing production and exports, the Veneto factory easily passed the economic-financial stress test. Following is an interesting Business Case to discuss real cases and problems to outline a path to improve the bank-business relationship. _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and individual features are continuously updated. Some features shown in the webinars may therefore not have been available at the time of registration.
Although electronic invoicing is now an established standard, the registration process continues to be crucial and presents unique challenges and opportunities. You will discover how artificial intelligence and machine learning tools allow you to optimize the time and precision of recording service invoices even in the most complex cases that require the inclusion of analytical keys. Speakers: Alessandro FISCHETTI – Founder and Administrator Leanus Romano FISCHETTI – Founder and Administrator Maxtrino _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual features are continuously updated. Some features shown in the webinars may therefore not have been available at the time of registration.
Is this your first time accessing Leanus? The first line of the Menu (Purchase Documents / Process Analysis) allows you to carry out all the operations which involve first searching for a company or a group of companies and then processing an analysis. Line 2 of the Menu allows you to carry out any operation relating to the company already identified. Find out more in this short video! _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and individual features are continuously updated. Some features shown in the webinars may therefore not have been available at the time of registration.
Alessandro Fischetti, Leanus Administrator, was a guest of Motore Italia - Emilia Romagna to discuss the regional business system and to present the research and analysis of 14.375 companies with revenues >2M€. Some of the data that emerged: €289 billion in aggregate revenues - up 18,4% (CAGR 2019-2022 +11%) 4% of national GDP EBITDA (1): 6,8% NFP (1): €21,7, 2022 BILLION In 3,5, bank debt grew by €15BILLION, the investment/disinvestment balance is negative by over €55,7BILLION (the data seems to confirm the slowdown in investment activities). The interesting data emerges from the sectoral analysis: the Industry Sector represents 161% of total Revenues (€53BN) and absorbs 7,5% of Total Debts; the Construction and Real Estate Sectors represent 12,7% of total Revenues and absorb XNUMX% of total Debts. _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and individual features are continuously updated. Some features shown in the webinars may therefore not have been available at the time of registration.
With Leanus you can create Business Groups and evaluate their economic, equity and financial profile. The functionality is particularly useful for all those who need to analyze portfolios of customers, suppliers, competitors or market segments, to carry out monitoring activities or to analyze portfolios for the purposes of the sale or purchase of impaired loans, securitisations, etc. Find out more in this short video! _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and individual features are continuously updated. Some features shown in the webinars may therefore not have been available at the time of registration.
Webinar focused on the transformation of credit evaluation through the advanced use of Artificial Intelligence with in-depth analysis of crucial topics, from the analysis of historical data to the development of the business plan, offering a complete overview of the current state and future objectives. Historical Data Analysis An immersion in the potential of AI in the analysis of company financial statements. The results of the "back-testing". Integration with Period Accounting Situations, also from PDF AI and Machine Learning allow you to eliminate the loading and reclassification times of accounting situations (real cases). Benchmark Research and Development The limits of the traditional approach. Business Plan Development The new frontiers of business planning supported by AI. The Leanus module certified by Bureau Veritas / Cepas. Scenario Evaluation How AI contributes to the dynamic evaluation of scenarios. Development of the Summary Document The creation of summary documents with intelligent comments for effective communication. Speaker: Alessandro FISCHETTI – Leanus Administrator Guest: Daniele MONDELLO – Founder Olomedia _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual features are continuously updated. Some features shown in the webinars may therefore not have been available at the time of registration.
Leanus allows you to compare a company with those of the competition (benchmark) or to make a comparison between a company and a reference (for example sector analysis). The procedure is very simple and in a few moments it is possible to identify the company's strengths and weaknesses and discover opportunities for improvement. Find out more in this short video! _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and individual features are continuously updated. Some features shown in the webinars may therefore not have been available at the time of registration.
Alessandro Fischetti, Leanus Administrator, was a guest of Motore Italia Piemonte to discuss the regional business system and to present the Top 50 companies in Piedmont, selected by Leanus with criteria capable of highlighting the excellent economic, equity and financial profile maintained over time . Following is an interesting discussion entitled "Managing Credit for Growth: a concrete case" with the aim of discussing real cases and problems to outline a path to improve the bank-business relationship. _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and individual features are continuously updated. Some features shown in the webinars may therefore not have been available at the time of registration.
Alessandro Fischetti, Leanus Administrator, during the latest edition of the Richmond Finance Director Forum, showed an example of Artificial Intelligence applied to company evaluation processes. _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and individual features are continuously updated. Some features shown in the webinars may therefore not have been available at the time of registration.
During the last edition of the Richmond Finance Forum Alessandro Fischetti, Leanus Administrator, showed how to solve some of the daily needs of CFOs of medium and large companies. _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and individual features are continuously updated. Some features shown in the webinars may therefore not have been available at the time of registration.
Do you need to develop a Business Plan? With Leanus you not only do it in 5 minutes and without opening Excel, but you will also have many other advantages. The Leanus Business Plan offers a flexible structure that allows for effective management of internal controls, ensuring greater compliance with the requirements of the Crisis Code. The Leanus Business Plan facilitates the integration of financial data and key indicators, simplifying the preparation of documents compliant with EBA regulations. The Leanus Business Plan stands out for its ability to generate detailed and customizable reports, offering a clear and complete view of key business metrics. The Leanus Business Plan offers valuable support through its financial planning and scenario analysis functionality, facilitating the assessment of the sustainability of the company, its projects and its debt in various scenarios. The Leanus Business Plan software is the only one certified in Italy! Certification by a CEPAS (Bureau Veritas Italia Group) guarantees that the functionality of the Leanus Business Plan complies with a specification that provides stringent and sophisticated technical requirements. In this way the Professional and the Company will be able to have an additional argument to support the validity of the structures adopted as well as have a qualitatively advanced tool. The Training Certification guarantees that users who use the software have a high and demonstrable technical-financial knowledge of business planning processes, through the certificates issued by Leanus. _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and individual features are continuously updated. Some features shown in the webinars may therefore not have been available at the time of registration.
Leanus not only allows you to search for any company in its Financial Statements DB and check the availability of further official financial statements in the Chamber of Commerce, but also allows you to upload financial statements in just one click, even in PDF format. The procedure is very simple, watch this short video and find out how it works! _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and individual features are continuously updated. Some features shown in the webinars may therefore not have been available at the time of registration.
Leanus allows you to search, analyze and monitor businesses using a wide range of filters and search criteria in just a few simple steps. In this short video an example of how to monitor the latest financial statements filed as of 31.12.2023. _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and individual features are continuously updated. Some features shown in the webinars may therefore not have been available at the time of registration.
The Business Plan represents a fundamental tool for the management and development of a company. Its purposes are multiple and go far beyond simple formality. The Leanus Business Plan Module is now certified by CEPAS (Bureau Veritas Group Company). But what does certified Business Plan mean? What advantages does it offer? Find out in this short video! _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and individual features are continuously updated. Some features shown in the webinars may therefore not have been available at the time of registration.
Session 3: IN-DEPTH EVALUATION In this phase we will see how and which scenarios to physically build (they cannot be infinite or the classic three scenarios "worst", "normal" and "best", it no longer works like that!). Are the hypotheses on which I make projections, for example worsening of operating margins, consistent with the risk factors identified in the previous phase? The system used (Excel, Leanus or others) is able to calculate the prospective cash flows linked to the hypotheses used to make the projections. We will simulate two scenarios linked to the main risk factors identified and see how Cash Flows, DSCRs and other risk KPIs vary. What are the risk factors with the greatest impact? Can I quantify the variability (range) of the KPIs connected to them? We will also see how to formulate a judgment (so what?) following the three illustrated phases. Is the risk too high? How do I rate it? In conclusion we will also see how to monitor/update data on a periodic basis. Speaker: Stefano CARRARA – Leanus Administrator Guest: Michele MOGLIA – Advisor at _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual features are continuously updated. Some features shown in the webinars may therefore not have been available at the time of registration.
Session 2: IN-DEPTH ANALYSIS After having seen how the historical data, official balance sheet, trial balance and Risk Center are analysed, for the purposes of evaluating eco-fin imbalances and relationships with the Banks, in this second session of the Mini Master we will see how enhance our analysis capacity by adding new non-public data such as, for example: Central Risk Data: which date to choose? How to compare it with the budget? How often should you update it? Data from accounting: which accounting situations are best used? How to reclassify and harmonize them in the available Data Set? How can I minimize time losses related to: data loading, digitization, harmonization of the analysis model, etc.? How can I identify the main risk factors on which to develop the subsequent prospective assessment? Speaker: Stefano CARRARA – Leanus Administrator Guest: Michele MOGLIA – Advisor at _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual features are continuously updated. Some features shown in the webinars may therefore not have been available at the time of registration.
Since the now distant 2019, the year in which it saw the light, the Crisis Code has been and still is a succession of new versions, modifications, additions, interpretations, best practices and, alas, very heavy sentences against administrators who do not had implemented the necessary measures or did not have a precise job description in the company, or had not yet carried out, leaving a trace, the necessary assessments of business continuity or prospective sustainability of the debts. In this context it is important not to lose sight of the main objective that both the legislation and common sense suggest to us, that is, answering the question: Are the company and its projects sustainable? We will do this using a real case that we will use to focus on the operational issues related to the type of evaluation requested. We will divide our work into THREE SESSIONS, each of which, in addition to being consistent with the legislation, is also able to provide answers for the Professional and therefore for the Company. Session 1: PRELIMINARY ANALYSIS How do I evaluate the economic-financial risk of a company if I only have public data? How to understand if there are leasing debts? How to integrate them into the analysis using only the information available in the Notes to the Financial Statements? What is the correct analysis model to follow? For example: must debts to shareholders be included in the calculation of the NFP? Should item A5 of the public budget be included in the calculation of EBITDA? What to do in case of shortened budget? What logical steps should you follow to interpret the data and make an initial assessment? Speaker: Stefano CARRARA – Leanus Administrator Guest: Cristian FUSILI – Administrator and Founder of Banking Solutions _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual features are continuously updated. Some features shown in the webinars may therefore not have been available at the time of registration.
How do you develop the Business Plan of a startup that has no historical accounting data? The Leanus Business Plan module allows you to create, in a few moments, a Business Plan (annual or monthly) by entering the underlying hypotheses. For each hypothesis or simulation, the entire analysis model, complete with financial statement, balance sheet ratios, DSCR, LOM is updated in real time. Speaker: Alessandro FISCHETTI – Leanus Administrator Guest: Giampiero CERCHI – Chartered Accountant and Statutory Auditor _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual features are continuously updated. Some features shown in the webinars may therefore not have been available at the time of registration.
Leanus allows you to develop a real-time business plan complete with financial statement, balance sheet ratios, DSCR, LOM and much more on both an annual and monthly basis. To process it, simply enter the hypotheses (income statement or balance sheet) and click on the UPDATE button. With each update the entire model takes historical data and user input into account. Even in the absence of user input, Leanus automatically generates an “inertial” business plan, which evaluates a company's ability to repay debt based on its ability to generate operating cash. Since automatic hypotheses are not sufficient to represent the specific situation of the company and simulate future scenarios Leanus allows you to enter an unlimited number of inputs. During the Webinar we demonstrate the operating logic and show examples of the preparation of the annual and monthly Business Plan. Speaker: Alessandro FISCHETTI – Leanus Administrator Guest: Giampiero CERCHI – Chartered Accountant and Statutory Auditor _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual features are continuously updated. Some features shown in the webinars may therefore not have been available at the time of registration.
The Leanus analysis model is dynamic and customizable and allows you to integrate additional information (e.g. Risk Centre) and obtain personalized reporting complete with comments and points of attention. The Leanus analysis model includes: the Income Statement, the Balance Sheet, the Cash Flow Statement, the Balance Sheet Indexes, the Sectoral Indexes, the Equity Value, the DSCR Calculation, the Crisis Code, the Central Risk Analysis, the Range Medio Credito Centrale, the Recommended Credit, the Company Value, as well as the main analysis schemes adopted by business and professional banks. _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and individual features are continuously updated. Some features shown in the webinars may therefore not have been available at the time of registration.
Leanus allows you to quickly develop a business plan complete with financial statement, balance sheet ratios, DSCR, LOM and much more on both an annual and monthly basis. To process it, simply enter the hypotheses (income statement or balance sheet) and click on the UPDATE button. With each update the entire model takes into account historical data and user input. Find out how it works in this short video. _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and individual features are continuously updated. Some features shown in the webinars may therefore not have been available at the time of registration.
The webinar is mainly dedicated to the Corporate Marketing management of the Banks which focuses on the search for target companies NOT customers with potential need for financial assistance. Through the Leanus Smart Targeting module we will see how to identify them. In fact, Leanus is the ideal tool for: identifying, isolating and analyzing client companies; select NON-Customer companies; select only NON-Customer companies in line with internal credit policies; segment potential target companies by geographic area, sector of activity, size and much more; further segment businesses by potential financial needs; identify the contact strategy for each remaining name; evaluate the coherence between the target companies and the characteristics of the client companies. Speaker: Alessandro FISCHETTI – Leanus Administrator _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual features are continuously updated. Some features shown in the webinars may therefore not have been available at the time of registration.
During the third and final session dedicated to NPE portfolios, the following topics will be covered: the importance of quantitative and qualitative data underlying the analysis and evaluation of portfolio positions; how to harmonize and process information different in nature, type, degree of updating and source; the foundations for creating a digital process capable of supporting the entire life cycle of NPE positions: analysis => evaluation => recovery; an example of digital processing of the Case Study received from the participants in Excel format. Speaker: STEFANO CARRARA – Leanus Administrator _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual features are continuously updated. Some features shown in the webinars may therefore not have been available at the time of registration.
Banks, companies and professionals are constantly involved in managing non-performing loan portfolios. Leanus Portfolio is the solution, which can be integrated with your information systems, designed for the analysis and management of problem credit portfolios, in particular UTP. Leanus quickly processes the debt positions present in the portfolios uploaded by the user, starting from a simple Excel file (Loan Data Tape) and, after having performed a series of complex Data Quality and information recovery operations from various databases, returns you a detailed evaluation of individual relationships, debtors and the entire portfolio. The processing also includes the economic evaluation of the positions (adjusted GBV) which can be processed according to your company policy. You can easily explore all the processing and results obtained, and carry out further in-depth analysis and analysis on individual positions. The information can be exported to your company's management systems, and it is possible to activate the monitoring module which automatically updates information on debtors and portfolio assessments. With Leanus Portfolio you can manage different portfolios at the same time and evaluate whether the same person belongs to different portfolios under management. Additionally, Leanus Portfolio also supports post-acquisition management and recovery activities of portfolios. _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and individual features are continuously updated. Some features shown in the webinars may therefore not have been available at the time of registration.
Leanus allows you to associate the budget analysis based on public data with the corresponding analysis based on period accounting situations. Whatever the format, source or structure of the file, it is possible to upload and obtain processing. During the meeting we will see the different cases: accounting situations in PDF (Zucchetti, Teamsystem, Business Information Suppliers, various other formats); accounting reports in XBRL, XML, CSV format (Infocamere, Galileo, CeBi, various other formats); accounting situations other formats (via alternative procedure provided by the Module + Upload financial statements); accounting situations not processed automatically. Speaker: Alessandro FISCHETTI – Leanus Administrator _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual features are continuously updated. Some features shown in the webinars may therefore not have been available at the time of registration. Download the slides
During the session, the Case Study of the company "NDG1000092", presented in the last session, will be covered, with particular attention to the framework of the debtor's business situation and the possible GBV recovery strategies. We will do it with Eng. Andrea Bertola, CEO of Sinergy Key, an Italian company specialized in credit management and collection in various sectors, with years of experience and a deep knowledge of the use of technology in these activities. A portfolio of hundreds of UTP debtors differing in nature, company situation, amount owed and other characteristics will therefore be analysed, together with the participants." The main focus will be on the profiling of the portfolio and the evaluation of individual relationships as well as the total. The participants will be able to interact with the speakers. Speaker: STEFANO CARRARA – Leanus Administrator Guest: ANDREA BERTOLA – CEO of Synergy Key _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual features are continuously updated. Some features shown in the webinars may consequently not be were still available at the time of registration.
The Confidi system in our country is rapidly evolving due to the growing need of SMEs to obtain consultancy services and direct financing also from these operators. The recent regulatory pressures coming from (e.g. EBA LOM) and the "void" left, in some cases, by banking operators in the area, are in fact changing the role of Consortiums and the demand for services from the Market. Let's think of a small business that requires a guarantee or financing and the increasingly complex documentation that is required to accompany the evaluation. The same includes, for example, the company Business Plan which can no longer be limited to a generic projection of the economic results expected by the entrepreneur but must represent the economic, equity and financial implications of the project (Forward Looking Analysis) and highlight, through the metrics used by the banking system, its sustainability even in adverse scenarios. Many small businesses are not able to carry out this type of analysis in total autonomy, which however becomes necessary both for the internal evaluation of the financial feasibility of the projects and for a correct and rapid setup of the practice. It is therefore essential for the entrepreneurial fabric to be able to have new assistance and consultancy services to support the increasingly complex relationship with Financial Intermediaries. The impact of these new dynamics on the Confidi materializes in an exogenous push towards an adaptation of their organizational models which will have to add, to the traditional guarantee activity, also new business lines capable of intercepting the new needs of small businesses: finance and services. During the webinar Leanus, a Fintech platform for Business Analysis and Evaluation, and Galileo, a leading operator in the world of Consortia, will discuss, also using real examples, how technology is a key enabling factor, capable to allow Confidi to rapidly evolve towards new customer requests. In particular, the following topics will be explored in depth: We will answer, also using practical cases, the following questions: how to create a business plan using PEF Galileo data; which additional services to provide to SMEs and how to do it efficiently (e.g. benchmarks, risk analysis, consultancy); how to support Confidi in finding new customers. Speaker: STEFANO CARRARA – Leanus Administrator Guest: ANDREA GELFI – CEO @ Galileo Network _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual features are continuously updated. Some features shown in the webinars may therefore not have been available at the time of registration.
During the session, the operational aspects related to the evaluation and management of NPE portfolios (UTP in particular) will be thoroughly covered. Behind the numerous articles in the specialized press, which tell of the sale of billion-dollar portfolios, lies an enormous operational complexity in which analysts, lawyers, auditors and consultants participate. We will see, thanks also to the contribution of Pietro Gruosso, UTP specialist of the Intrum group, how a Loan Data Tape (LDT) is made, what are the typical problems and information gaps that add difficulty to the evaluation of debt positions. We will answer, also using practical cases, the following questions: Why is it not the same thing to evaluate UTP and NPL? What skills are required of the analyst in both cases? How to use financial statements in the evaluation of debt positions (GBV) and what to do when we analyze entities that do not have them (e.g. companies, partnerships)? How to optimize the costs of business information (Data Quality) along the various phases of the portfolio analysis and evaluation process? What data to request and when to do it? Finally, we will analyze the state of the art of technology adoption by operators and how new IT systems can increase competitiveness compared to the competition, reducing times and costs throughout the entire life cycle of NPE portfolios: Data Enrichment => Analysis = > Evaluation => Debtor management Speaker: STEFANO CARRARA – Leanus Administrator Guest: PIETRO GRUOSSO – UTP Corporate Specialist _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual features are continuously updated. Some features shown in the webinars may therefore not have been available at the time of registration.
The increase in turnover is an important result for a company, as it allows it to consolidate its position on the market and invest in new growth projects. But what does it mean for a growing company and what is the parameter of good growth? Leanus has identified companies that have increased their business value tenfold in 2022. What characteristics do they have? Find out in this short video! _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and individual features are continuously updated. Some features shown in the webinars may therefore not have been available at the time of registration.
70% of the revenues of the Italian business system are produced by companies born between 1861 and 2000. The secret of their longevity? The traditional (and stable) markets in which they operate. Discover Leanus' research in this video. _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and individual features are continuously updated. Some features shown in the webinars may therefore not have been available at the time of registration.
The menu + Search Tax Codes allows you to search for companies in the Database through a significant list of tax codes. If you are searching for a small number of tax codes, you can use the "Search by tax code" filter and enter them manually. When is it useful? Some examples: - to verify the correctness of the personal data of a list of counterparties; - to verify the presence of negative events affecting Customers and Suppliers; - to analyze a sector; - to analyze your portfolio (credit monitoring); - to check the availability of the latest available budget. _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and individual features are continuously updated. Some features shown in the webinars may therefore not have been available at the time of registration.
The webinar will be an opportunity to take a look at Italian companies and to measure some important trends for those who operate within the Business System: performance of large companies; performance of historical companies; growing SMEs; SMEs that create value; where did the bank debt go. Speaker: ALESSANDRO FISCHETTI – Leanus Administrator _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual features are continuously updated. Some features shown in the webinars may consequently not have been available yet at the time of registration.
During the last session we studied the Case Study relating to a company that went bankrupt in June 2023, going into detail on the economic, equity and financial dynamics found in the 2020, 2021 and 2022 financial statements that preceded its bankruptcy. We have seen together how individual indices, including LOM banking indicators, are not always able to be predictive of a future default but that it is only through a series of insights, specific analyzes and simulations that the analyst is able to better understand the current situation of a company and the prospective sustainability of its business. During this session we will instead analyze a portfolio of almost 1.000 real companies, putting ourselves in the shoes of the credit monitoring manager of a bank who has the difficult task of identifying problematic or potentially problematic positions even among companies classified in STAGE 1. Speaker: STEFANO CARRARA – Leanus Administrator _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are continuously updated. Some features shown in the webinars may consequently not have been available yet at the time of registration.
During the last session, we reviewed the EBA regulations and indices underlying the Credit Monitoring activity and we shared the case of a real company, which went bankrupt in June 2023. During today's session, we will analyze it together the 2020 budget and we will process the LOM indices to understand whether they really would have foreseen the default or it is preferable to extend the analysis to other aspects. Finally, we will present a real portfolio of around 1.000 companies and we will see how Bank Monitoring Managers can find potentially problematic situations. Speaker: STEFANO CARRARA – Leanus Administrator Guest: LUCA BALLABIO - BCC Credit Control Manager Carate Brianza _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are continuously updated. Some features shown in the webinars may consequently not have been available yet at the time of registration.
The Credit Monitoring module of the Master in Operational Finance includes 3 sessions during which a Portfolio with real companies will be used to simulate the periodic activities of the Financial Monitoring process. Particular emphasis will be placed on how to combine simple and complex balance sheet ratios to create real Control Algorithms to add to the Information Monitoring functionalities provided by traditional banking systems. One session will be dedicated to the use of cash flows for monitoring activities (DSCR, LOM, etc.). Speaker: STEFANO CARRARA – Leanus Administrator Guest: MICHELE MOGLIA – Advisor @inFinance _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual features are continuously updated. Some features shown in the webinars may consequently not have been available yet at the time of registration.
The new Open Data Directive requires the release of public sector data in free and open formats. It includes six thematic data categories, among them datasets related to companies and company ownerships. The main objective of the Directive is to ensure that public data of highest socio-economic potential are made available for re-use with minimal legal and technical restriction and free of charge. Will this new Directive really improve the access to data? Should we expect any negative impact on the Business Information Industry which plays a central role in every developed economy? Which scenario should we expect in the next two years in terms of changes along the whole Business Information Industry in Europe? And lastly, is it economically sustainable for Data Providers to collect, store, manage and deliver quality data for free or at lower prices that today? Speaker: STEFANO CARRARA – Ceo Leanus Guest: STÉPHANIE VERILHAC MARZIN – Institutional and Regulatory Affairs coordinator at FEBIS _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual features are continuously updated. Some features shown in the webinars may consequently not have been available yet at the time of registration.
In this third session dedicated to the Credit Process we will analyze a real case. From the name to the analysis of Public data The inertial scenarios developed in the absence of the Customer The integration of the 2022 accounting situation provided by the Customer The Business Plan scenarios created together with the Customer The evaluation criteria adopted by the Bank The impact of the simulations on the final decision Speaker: Alessandro FISCHETTI - Leanus Administrator Guest: Mario BORDA - Credit Monitoring Office Manager of Banca Cassa Di Risparmio Di Savigliano SpA _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are continuously updated. Some features shown in the webinars may consequently not have been available yet at the time of registration.
Leanus allows you to locate businesses that meet certain characteristics using a variety of search criteria. Searching by filters represents a very useful tool for business management, as it allows you to identify the companies best suited to your needs using a wide range of filters and search criteria, even in combination with each other. In this video we help you look for companies that have liquidity. _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and individual features are continuously updated. Some features shown in the webinars may therefore not have been available at the time of registration.
Leanus allows you to locate businesses that meet certain characteristics using a variety of search criteria. Searching by filters represents a very useful tool for business management, as it allows you to identify the companies best suited to your needs using a wide range of filters and search criteria, even in combination with each other. For example, how can you find the companies that invest in the Leanus Data Base? Watch this short video and find out more! _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and individual features are continuously updated. Some features shown in the webinars may therefore not have been available at the time of registration.
The credit assignment process follows certain phases and consists of that set of investigations, research, analyzes and processing intended to provide elements of evaluation to the competent bodies of the bank. In this session of the Master in Operational Finance we will analyze: the first commercial contact: the information available, the search for the right questions; information integration: analysis of interim accounting data; the analysis of the market context; prospective analyses: the business plan; qualitative information; monitoring of open positions. Speaker: Alessandro FISCHETTI - Leanus Administrator Guest: Cristian FUSILI - Banking Solutions Administrator _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are continuously updated. Some features shown in the webinars may consequently not have been available yet at the time of registration.
In the name of maximum interoperability, after the main banking formats and after the balance sheets exported by the main accounting solutions, Leanus is now also able to process the XLS/PDF file exportable from the ICCREA ModBilJ module. Business, Professional, Bank: Leanus allows you to process the accounting data extracted from the respective management systems, eliminating double attributions, errors and allowing you to apply all the Leanus analysis functions to the data contained therein: LOM, Business Plan, Benchmark, Sas Analysis, Snc, SpA, Srl, real time comparisons, portfolio analysis, monitoring, MCC range and much more. _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and individual features are continuously updated. Some features shown in the webinars may therefore not have been available at the time of registration.
Benchmark and Business Plan - two fundamental aspects for any entrepreneurial activity. The first because it helps the company, through comparison with its competitors, to develop strategies useful for satisfying market needs. The second because the creation of a Business Plan is an indispensable process for every loan request and for the banking evaluation and monitoring procedures (LOM). During this session of the Master we will therefore see, through the analysis of real cases, how a correct use of benchmarking allows you to optimize your strengths and build a strategic advantage. We will also analyze how to create a complete Business Plan, highlighting how the scenarios outlined can radically vary according to the hypotheses assumed at the outset. Speaker: Alessandro FISCHETTI - Leanus Administrator _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual features are continuously updated. Some features shown in the webinars may consequently not have been available yet at the time of registration.
This session of the Master in Operational Finance is dedicated to ADVANCED balance sheet analysis and is entirely based on real cases. We will start by analyzing the last deposited financial statements of ITA Airways, then we will proceed with the cases proposed by the participants. Focus on: • Break-even • Capital Profile • Cash Flow • Ratios (DSCR, DSO, Operating Leverage, Financial Leverage) • Simulations • The analysis process: Priorities, points of attention, mistakes to avoid. Speaker: Alessandro FISCHETTI - Leanus Administrator _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual features are continuously updated. Some features shown in the webinars may consequently not have been available yet at the time of registration.
Drag your file with accounting data into the appropriate box and Leanus will take care of the rest! Your data will be digitized, reclassified and verified in less than 10 seconds. _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and individual features are continuously updated. Some features shown in the webinars may therefore not have been available at the time of registration.
Speaker: Alessandro FISCHETTI - Leanus Administrator _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual features are continuously updated. Some features shown in the webinars may consequently not have been available yet at the time of registration.
Do you need to copy an accounting situation, reclassify it and develop a budget analysis? Just upload the file with the accounting data and Leanus will take care of the rest. Your data will be digitized, reclassified and verified in less than 10 seconds. _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and individual features are continuously updated. Some features shown in the webinars may therefore not have been available at the time of registration.
These particular companies must know how to combine the economic result of their characteristic activity with the pursuit of the common benefit, foreseen by their Statute. Leanus has analyzed the financial statements of about 3.000 Benefit Companies to try to answer the following questions: How much is the Sector worth in terms of Revenues, total Assets, margins and financial resources allocated by the credit system? How is it evolving? Are the Eco-Fin performances of the Benefit Companies superior to those of other companies? What were the development rates after the Pandemic? How much do they invest? Are they in debt? What is their risk profile? Are they listed on any regulated market? Speaker: Stefano CARRARA – Leanus Administrator Guest: Davide CRIPPA – Head of Strategy & Corporate Finance at We-Unit Group SpA _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are continuously updated. Some features shown in the webinars may consequently not have been available yet at the time of registration. Download the slides
During this webinar we try to answer specific questions related to the targeting process: Why is it necessary to go beyond the traditional criteria? How to exclude "transaction containers" and focus on valuable companies How to integrate public information with accounting data Analysis of the market context Business plan development Analysis of business plans drawn up by third parties Portfolio monitoring Speaker: Alessandro FISCHETTI - Leanus Administrator Guest: Stefania PEVERARO - President of EdiBeez srl and Director of BeBeez _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual features are continuously updated. Some features shown in the webinars may consequently not have been available yet at the time of registration.
In this Webinar we will review the evidence that emerged from the analysis of the companies in the Province of Cuneo and above all we will talk about the credit process: The first commercial contact: the information available, the search for the right questions The integration of information: the analysis of accounting data interim reports Analysis of the market context Prospective analyses: the business plan Qualitative information Monitoring of open positions Speaker: Alessandro FISCHETTI - Leanus Director Guest: Mario BORDA - Credit Monitoring Office Manager BANCA CASSA DI RISPARMIO DI SAVIGLIANO SpA _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual features are continuously updated. Some features shown in the webinars may consequently not have been available yet at the time of registration.
Starting from a real case, in this webinar we will see how to: consolidate the historical data analysis model; integrate information with trial balances; elaborate economic, asset and financial projections on different scenarios; determine financial needs; analyze the DSCR and banking indicators; create a presentation for Banks. In real time and without opening Excel or Powerpoint. Speaker: Alessandro FISCHETTI - Leanus Administrator _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual features are continuously updated. Some features shown in the webinars may consequently not have been available yet at the time of registration.
Should tax debts be considered in the calculation of the Net Financial Position? And those towards members? And those towards other financiers? It is well known that NFP, in relation to EBITDA, has now become a key element of evaluation by Banks, however the calculation approach used is often mechanistic and superficial. The classification of a balance sheet item as a "financial debt" should instead be the result of a broader reasoning that favors substance over form. Only in this way can the analysis be defined as realistic and will be useful for the purposes of a correct financial evaluation of the company. In the video we address the topic with the help of real cases of calculating the NFP from the statutory budget. _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and individual features are continuously updated. Some features shown in the webinars may therefore not have been available at the time of registration.
How to calculate and interpret the NFP/EBITDA ratio. How to disentangle the various possible combinations between two central quantities in financial analysis and banking valuation, without being misled by the data and their reading. _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and individual features are continuously updated. Some features shown in the webinars may therefore not have been available at the time of registration.
During the webinar we will see how the choice of a Reclassification influences the interpretation of the financial statements by the Analyst. We will deepen, with real cases, the following topics: What are the best reclassification schemes of the Income Statement and the Balance Sheet? For what reason? How to manage cases in which company valuation is strongly influenced by the Reclassification of accounting entries, even before their numerical value. What are the most frequent interpretative "traps"? The THREE bank valuations, most affected by the Reclassification, namely: NFP, EBITDA and LOM indicators. Practical advice on how to reclassify certain items of the boarder line statutory financial statements from an operational point of view: - A.5 Other Revenues; - A.4 Increases in fixed assets; - C.III.7. Financial assets for centralized treasury management - D.3. Payables to Shareholders for financing - D.14. Other debts Speaker: Stefano CARRARA - Leanus Administrator _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual features are continuously updated. Some features shown in the webinars may consequently not have been available yet at the time of registration.
EBITDA is a quantity that does not appear in the Income Statement in statutory format. To determine its value it is necessary to reclassify this financial statement scheme and calculate the difference between Revenues and Operating Costs. But what are these values? Should statutory item A5 be included in the EBITDA calculation? Is there a single rule applicable to the financial statements of any company or should different criteria be adopted from time to time? The issue is not of little importance given that EBITDA, in addition to being a parameter widely used by analysts, is also an essential component of some indicators used by banks to evaluate the creditworthiness of companies. The video shows a real case of how EBITDA, and therefore company valuation, can vary depending on the calculation methodology applied. _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and individual features are continuously updated. Some features shown in the webinars may therefore not have been available at the time of registration.
Leanus makes it possible to standardize balance sheets and accounting situations by reducing any source to a single data reading scheme. Whatever the structure, language and format of the accounting situation, it is possible to load it, reclassify it and integrate it into the analysis model. For most of the PDF, Excel, XML, XBRL, CSV formats, loading and reclassification are automatic and take place without user intervention. In other cases, other procedures are available which minimize working times. During the webinar some real cases are analyzed. Speaker: Alessandro FISCHETTI - Leanus Administrator _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual features are continuously updated. Some features shown in the webinars may consequently not have been available yet at the time of registration.
What types of debts should be included in the calculation of a company's Net Financial Position (NFP)? Should shareholder financing always be counted? What about overdue tax debts? The video indicates the items included in the NFP in the scheme reclassified to Sources and Uses of the balance sheet liabilities. It is also shown how to modify the reclassification logic and how this impacts the calculation of the NFP. _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and individual features are continuously updated. Some features shown in the webinars may therefore not have been available at the time of registration.
The automatic or inertial Business Plan developed by Leanus allows you to evaluate with a simple click whether a company is able to repay the residual financial debt through the generation of operating cash. Includes income statement, balance sheet, cash flow statement, balance sheet ratios and prospective score trend for the next 4 financial years. A valid tool for those who need to optimize time! The automatic business plan then allows the expert user to insert the specific hypotheses that characterize the individual case and* develop different scenarios closely linked to the actual company strategy. _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and individual features are continuously updated. Some features shown in the webinars may therefore not have been available at the time of registration.
The statutory financial statements are structured according to criteria that have not been designed for management and financial analysis. For this reason, Analysts prefer to reorganize the accounting items that make it up in Reclassified Financial Statements formats, which are much more effective for assessing profitability, cash flows, capital structure, risk and many other dimensions of companies. During the webinar we will see how to switch from a civil law analysis model to a reclassified analysis model. We will see, in particular, through practical cases, how to develop the Management Schemes of Income Statement, Balance Sheet and Cash Flow Statement having the following types of Statutory Accounting Data available: Deposited Statutory Financial Statements of a joint-stock company, in XBRL format; Deposited statutory financial statements of joint stock companies, in PDF format; Statutory financial statements of partnerships, in PDF format; Detailed accounting situation organized according to civil law, in PDF / Excel formats. Speaker: Stefano CARRARA - Leanus Administrator _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual features are continuously updated. Some features shown in the webinars may consequently not have been available yet at the time of registration.
The reconstruction of the Corporate Structure provides important elements in the company analysis. Who are the partners? Are there any foreign companies among them? Who is the “final beneficiary”? How to represent the entire corporate structure, from shareholders to subsidiaries? What to analyze in company information for risk assessment purposes? And again: if a Group does not consolidate its financial statements, how can we simulate an overall financial statement? Finally, does the Corporate Structure coincide with the Organizational Structure envisaged by the new Crisis Code or are they two distinct things? Must a SRL, a SPA and a SNC have the same Organizational Structure? Speaker: Stefano CARRARA - Leanus Administrator _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual features are continuously updated. Some features shown in the webinars may consequently not have been available yet at the time of registration.
The balance sheet values may not reflect the effective valuations of assets and liabilities. To understand whether the company is in balance sheet balance, it is necessary not only to reclassify them adequately but also to make an estimate of the potential gains. From a liquidation perspective, it is also necessary to differentiate between preferential (special, general) and unsecured debts. During the Master's session we will analyze the Leanus "LIQUIDATION" module to understand: how to obtain a quick estimate of the asset balance; how to enter hypotheses; how to manage the process of determining assets and liabilities from a composition with creditors perspective. Speaker: Alessandro FISCHETTI - Leanus Administrator _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual features are continuously updated. Some features shown in the webinars may consequently not have been available yet at the time of registration.
The LOM indicators should make it possible to intercept positions at risk in a "predictive" way. During the webinar we analyze the indicators, the methods of calculation, their effectiveness for the purposes of assessing creditworthiness by analyzing the financial statements of companies that have actually gone into default. Speaker: Alessandro FISCHETTI - Leanus Administrator _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual features are continuously updated. Some features shown in the webinars may consequently not have been available yet at the time of registration.
This short video shows the analysis of a real case. _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and individual features are continuously updated. Some features shown in the webinars may therefore not have been available at the time of registration.
What is the DSCR, what is it for, how is it calculated, why is it considered so important (is it really?), how to interpret it and how to elaborate it on the data of the business plan? The entire session of the Master will be dedicated to the analysis of real cases proposed by the participants. Speaker: Alessandro FISCHETTI – Leanus Administrator _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual features are continuously updated. Some features shown in the webinars may consequently not have been available yet at the time of registration.
In this short video the analysis of a real case that explains how to interpret them to anticipate the possible default. _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and individual features are continuously updated. Some features shown in the webinars may therefore not have been available at the time of registration.
Some reflections on the calculation of the main indicators that relate the economic and financial profile. Find out more in this short video! _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and individual features are continuously updated. Some features shown in the webinars may therefore not have been available at the time of registration.
Net Financial Position and EBITDA (Earnings Before Interest Tax Depreciation and Amortization) are two very important indicators when we find ourselves evaluating the operating profitability of a company and the sustainability of its financial debt. However, there are hidden risks for the analyst who uses them without taking into account the context, which can also be deduced from the company financial statements. Which items to use to calculate EBITDA? Which debts are to be considered "financial"? Is a negative NFP a good sign? All time? We will answer these and other questions during this webinar using only real cases. Speaker: Stefano CARRARA - Leanus Administrator _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
The calculation of the cost of money may not be determined with balance sheet values alone. If the average monthly values of the debt exposure undergo significant variations during the year, the values of the percentage financial charges may not reflect the actual cost of money. Find out more in this short video. _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and individual features are continuously updated. Some features shown in the webinars may therefore not have been available at the time of registration.
Analysis by Indexes The main financial statement indicators, their interpretation and errors to avoid. Focus on Change in Revenues, ROS, EBITDA, ROI, Turnover, ROE, DD Credits, DD Debts, DD Inventories. _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and individual features are continuously updated. Some features shown in the webinars may therefore not have been available at the time of registration.
The creation of a Business Plan is a process of fundamental importance for every request for financing and for bank evaluation and monitoring procedures. Creating a valid Business Plan involves planning revenues, costs, assets, liabilities and cash and the analyst's evaluation of the many possible scenarios that derive from it. What is the heart of the Business Plan? Let's find out together in this short video. _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and individual features are continuously updated. Some features shown in the webinars may therefore not have been available at the time of registration.
Balance Sheet Analysis by Indices An overview of the main balance sheet ratios (Growth, Solidity, Efficiency) and their use. Focus on working capital indicators (customer credit days, supplier payables days, warehouse rotation days), the DSCR and the LOM indicators. How to read them, how to interpret them and above all how to avoid mistakes. Speaker: Alessandro FISCHETTI - Leanus Administrator _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
With Leanus it is possible to search for companies for any item in the statutory balance sheet such as passive derivatives, tax credits, patents, tax or social security debts over 24 months. The procedure is very simple, discover it in this short video! _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and individual features are continuously updated. Some features shown in the webinars may therefore not have been available at the time of registration.
"CASH IS KING" or we judge companies based on their ability to produce positive cash flows! Building and interpreting the Cash Flow Statement has become the daily bread for CFOs, professionals and financial analysts. You cannot analyze a company without knowing its cash flow dynamics in depth. During the webinar we will deepen the following topics with real cases: • The construction and interpretation of the "managerial" cash flow statement with the indirect method • What to do with the financial statements in abbreviated format • The economic and equity reclassifications that modify the Cash Flow • The Cash Flow Statement in bank format with in-depth analysis of Working Capital • When the EBITDA lies and the cash is sincere! • Net Profit + Amortization is NOT Operating Cash Flow • Cash Flow indices • Cash Flow in LOM Banking Metrics Speaker: Stefano CARRARA - Leanus Administrator _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
In the name of maximum interoperability, after the main banking formats and after the balance sheets exported by the main accounting solutions, Leanus is now able to process the CSV file exportable from the Galileo application. Business, Professional, Bank: Leanus allows you to process the accounting data extracted from the respective management systems, eliminating double attributions and errors and allowing you to apply all the Leanus analysis functions to the data contained therein: LOM, Business Plan, Benchmark, Sas Analysis - Snc - Spa - Srl, Real time comparisons, Portfolio analysis, Monitoring, MCC range and many others. Watch this short video and find out how! _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and individual features are continuously updated. Some features shown in the webinars may therefore not have been available at the time of registration.
How to go from a non-editable PDF trial balance to a Leanus analysis in minutes. These are the main topics: The compilation of the L2 form The management of the asterisked items The reclassification of the Income Statement The reclassification of the Balance Sheet From costs by nature to Intended use (advantages and disadvantages) Speaker: Alessandro FISCHETTI - Leanus Administrator _____ NOTE: Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
Financial Statement Analysis – Don't want to abandon your Excel template? Leanus can also help you save time in this case! The video shows how to digitize a PDF balance sheet in a few moments and obtain the Excel file to use to feed your model. _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and individual features are continuously updated. Some features shown in the webinars may therefore not have been available at the time of registration.
Speaker: Alessandro FISCHETTI - Leanus Administrator _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
These are the issues addressed in the first session of the second part of the Master in Operational Finance: Why is it important to reclassify the balance sheet? What does EBITDA depend on? What are the main criteria adopted? What is the fixed cost multiplier? The importance of performance analysis The main indicators Speaker: Alessandro FISCHETTI - Leanus Administrator _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly updated and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
The new code of business crisis and insolvency (CCII) does not limit itself to indicating the principles to be followed in the preparation of the Recovery Plan but also explains the operational steps to be followed and the economic-financial models to be used. During the webinar a REAL CASE will be analyzed for which we will see how to operationally: diagnose and represent the state of crisis; identify the recovery strategy; build the economic model; build the equity model; build the financial model; carry out the "sensitivity analysis". Speaker: Stefano CARRARA - Leanus Administrator Guest: Giampiero CERCHI - Chartered Accountant srl _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
The procedure for transferring a PDF accounting situation generated by Team System to the Leanus platform is very simple. Watch this short video and find out how! _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and individual features are continuously updated. Some features shown in the webinars may therefore not have been available at the time of registration.
The aggregate accounting data does not allow us to detect the contribution to profitability of the individual Business Units. To do this it is necessary to use detailed accounting data from which to detect costs and revenues directly attributable to each Business Unit. Here's how to carry out the Profit Center analysis using Leanus, with just a few clicks. _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and individual features are continuously updated. Some features shown in the webinars may therefore not have been available at the time of registration.
EBITDA in the last three years greater than X%, NFP / Ebitda not exceeding…, not belonging to certain sectors, with X% of recurring turnover. These are just some examples of traditional criteria used by Private Equity to research potential target companies. But how to go beyond these criteria to be the first to discuss with the companies actually in the perimeter? During the webinar we will retrace the Leanus research methodology on 2021 financial statements. Speaker: Alessandro FISCHETTI - Leanus Administrator Guest: Stefania PEVERARO - President and Co-founder of EdiBeez srl _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
The analysis of target companies and benchmarks is even more complex than the analysis of a single company. Filters based on Ateco or on some indices (NFP / EBITDA, Ebitda% or others) often only return the illusion of having identified the companies suitable for their objectives. Speaker: Alessandro FISCHETTI - Leanus Administrator _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
Credit monitors, study center analysts, NPL / UTP experts and many other professionals often need to analyze portfolios or market segments consisting of a large number of positions. However, the information available is often partial, decentralized, out of date and difficult to manage even for Excel experts. The traditional approach provides for a "TopDown" methodology; the most important positions are analyzed individually, the secondary ones in an aggregate manner, on the basis of criteria defined on paper but which hardly take into account the specific characteristics of the portfolio and / or the availability and quality of the data. Following this approach, the risk of making mistakes is very high. During the session we will show how it is possible to analyze and cluster a business portfolio having as input a list of tax codes or search criteria; we will show how to segment and evaluate the portfolio in a dynamic way, updating the analyzes at the same time as new information, financial statements or updated accounting situations are available. We will also show the risks of adopting traditional segmentation criteria or simple sector aggregations. In summary, we will show how to create a dynamic observatory capable of providing aggregate information, being able to go back, at any time, to the detailed information, up to the individual accounts that determined each balance. Speaker: Ivan FOGLIATA - Executive Partner at _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
During the webinar we will show how to transfer a TeamSystem chart of accounts to Leanus in order to obtain a management analysis complete with benchmarks and business plans. These are the topics covered: Transfer TeamSystem File to Leanus and automatic reclassification Customization and reclassification Analysis of strengths, attention and weaknesses Company structure and beneficial owners Analysis Central Risk Group MCC CRISIS Indicators Financial Report (also in OIC format) Creditworthiness (DSCR and LOM Indicators) Research and Benchmark Processing Business Plan Processing Report Creation Commented Q&A Speaker: Stefano CARRARA - Leanus Administrator Guest: Giampiero CERCHI - Commercial Doctor _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration. Download the slides
The analysis of a real case told by Cristian Fusili - former Branch Manager of one of the major Banking Institutes. Today he assists businesses to help them interact with the banking system. Speaker: Alessandro FISCHETTI - Leanus Administrator Guest: Cristian FUSILI - BGWorld srl CEO _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
The realization of a Business Plan is an indispensable but also fundamental process for every request for a loan and for the banking evaluation procedures (SREP) and monitoring (LOM). Starting from the current numbers, the Business Plan develops the project demonstrating its financial sustainability as well as the associated risks and scenarios and accounting for the number of resources required, their nature, their use and return. Realizing a valid Business Plan therefore involves the planning of revenues, costs, assets, liabilities and cash and the analyst's evaluation of the many possible scenarios that derive from it. The Bank will then evaluate the request by thoroughly analyzing the Business Plan, which thus becomes the fundamental element on which to base the decision to grant any financing. This webinar will therefore illustrate how to create a complete Business Plan, highlighting how the scenarios outlined can radically vary according to the hypotheses assumed at the start and highlighting the fundamental role of the analyst who must equip himself with extremely flexible tools that simplify the simulation process to allow more time for the necessary assessments. Speaker: Michele MOGLIA - Advisor at _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
Exercise Session Nr. 3 Analysis of the following real cases: Some particular cases relating to the 2021 financial statements Search for a list of possible competitors Selection of similar profiles Benchmark processing Analysis of the evidences that emerged Speaker: Alessandro FISCHETTI - Leanus Administrator _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
Thanks to Leanus, the Professional can process any accounting data, thus offering his customers a more extensive and complete service up to supporting him in the creation of the documentation to be presented to his bank for the request, for example, for a loan. During the webinar, analyzing some real cases and we will see the details of each stage of the process, from first contact to monitoring. Speaker: Stefano CARRARA - Leanus Administrator _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
Webinar dedicated to the analysis of financial statements, benchmarking and business plan, relating to an accounting situation prepared through the Zucchetti management systems (AGO / OMNIA). These are the topics covered: File transfer from AGO / OMNIA to Leanus and automatic reclassification Reclassification customization Analysis of strengths, attention and weaknesses Company structure and beneficial owners Risk analysis Central MCC range CRISIS indicators Financial report (also in OIC format) Creditworthiness (DSCR and LOM Indicators) Research and processing Benchmark Processing Business Plan Creation of Q&A Commented Report Speaker: Alessandro FISCHETTI - Administrator Leanus Guest: Mariella BRUNELLO - Sole Administrator at NovusTec - Zucchetti dealer _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and individual features are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration. Download the slides
In this fifth working session of the Master in Operational Finance some special issues will be addressed, such as the Break Even Point, that is the meeting point between costs and revenues of a company, fundamental to be considered in order to correctly evaluate the impact of any managerial choice by the entrepreneur. We will also talk about interim financial statements, which play a fundamental role since they offer an update of the evolution of company management during the year, both as regards the balance sheet and income aspects. Finally, we will address debt sustainability, an extremely delicate as well as important issue for understanding whether a company is able to meet its present and / or future obligations, without having to resort to financial assistance or risk running into situations of default. Speaker: Michele MOGLIA - Advisor at _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
What are the main financial ratios? How should they be calculated? How are monetary cycle indices related to cash flow? How many ways are there to calculate the DSCR? What does the NFP / EBITDA ratio indicate? These are just some of the main questions on balance sheet ratios that we will try to answer during this work session. In particular, it will be highlighted how important it is to be able to correctly interpret the meaning of these indices. Through the analysis of different real cases, it will be illustrated how to avoid specific situations that could lead to a misleading representation of the financial dynamics of a company that could lead to an incorrect financial assessment and its creditworthiness. Speaker: Ivan FOGLIATA - Executive Partner at _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
Exercise Session Nr. 2 Speaker: Alessandro FISCHETTI - Leanus Administrator _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
“CASH IS KING” - the famous statement recalls the importance of the analysis of the cash flow statement in the evaluation processes of companies together with the economic and equity profile. The difficulty of elaborating the Cash-Flow of a company not obliged to deposit often leads analysts and professionals to neglect the financial dynamics with the risk of making significant errors of interpretation. During the webinar we will show through the analysis of some real cases, how to build a financial statement highlighting the most common errors. Speaker: Michele Moglia - Advisor at _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly updated and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
Exercise Session Nr. 1: NFP / EBITDA Analysis on real cases and Reclassification of Accounts Plans Speaker: Alessandro FISCHETTI - Leanus Administrator _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
Income Statement, Balance Sheet, Cash Flow Statement: the analysis of the balance sheet, whatever the objective, must make it possible to evaluate, both on historical and prospective data, the economic (Income Statement), balance sheet (Balance Sheet) and financial profile (Cash Flow Statement) over time. The first step is the reclassification, that is the reorganization of the balance sheet data (or of the provisional accounting situation) according to (managerial) schemes able to provide the user with an immediate reading and interpretation of the data. In this second session of the course we will see how to carry out the reclassification of the budget starting from the chart of accounts. Speaker: Stefano CARRARA - Leanus Administrator _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
What is Operational Finance? To analyze companies and interact with entrepreneurs, it is necessary to know how to process company data and information through an analysis process that is consistent with the times and needs of the Business. We will begin with the management reclassification of a statutory financial statements after talking about sources, management schemes, NFPs, and the principle of accrual of cash flow. During the subsequent sessions and exercises we will research target companies, analyze portfolios, develop benchmarks and business plans, calculate the DSCR, LOM indicators, crisis indicators. Speaker: Alessandro FISCHETTI - Leanus Administrator _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
Often groups of companies manage the treasury in a unified manner, draining liquidity from the accounts of the subsidiaries to centralize it on those of the parent company. A company subject to this dynamic could present a balance sheet with limited financial resources, at least in appearance. Let's see how, in such cases, Leanus makes it possible to: identify the companies that transfer liquidity by virtue of Cash Pooling contracts; bring out the liquidity transferred (financial credit) and calculate it for the purpose of calculating the main bankability indicators such as: NFP / EBITDA. This short video presents a real case with indications on how to use the Leanus menus for these purposes. _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
What does a NFP / EBITDA = 5 ratio indicate in relation to a manufacturing company? A - It will pay off the debt in 5 years. B - Has excess liquidity. C - It is not possible to answer. In this webinar Alessandro Fischetti comments on the results of the survey in which over 20.000 professionals took part. Furthermore, it explains what are the pitfalls that hide behind one of the most used indicators by Business and Professional Banks and above all, through the analysis of a real case, it will highlight how for the same company the value of the indicator can take on very high values. different according to the calculation methods. In addition, it describes the calculation methods widely used by the banking system and above all the differences between the different methodologies. Speaker: Alessandro FISCHETTI - Leanus Administrator _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration. Download the slides Download the Leanus Business Analysis with NFP 1 and EBITDA 1 Download the Leanus Business Analysis with NFP 5 and EBITDA 5
In this webinar we analyze the effectiveness of LOM indicators for the purpose of "predictive" identification of positions at risk. We analyze about 1.000 companies with revenues greater than 500K € in Procedure in 2020 and their 2018 and 2019 financial statements to understand if and which indicators could have favored the process of identifying risk positions. Theoretical session speaker: Michele MOGLIA - Advisor at Practical session speaker: Alessandro FISCHETTI - Leanus Administrator _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
In 2021 Lavazza Group obtained a loan of 500 million euros from a pool of banks (including BNL Gruppo BNP Paribas, BancoBPM and Intesa Sanpaolo). Leanus and inFinance have analyzed the Lavazza case (historical data analysis, benchmark research, prospective simulations, DSCR calculation). Theoretical session speaker: Michele MOGLIA - Advisor at Practical session speaker: Alessandro FISCHETTI - Leanus Administrator _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
The ECB imposes increasingly stringent rules on the Banking System with the declared aim of controlling the Credit Risk and improving efficiency. Procedures such as SREP, LOM and AQR oblige Banks to continuously monitor company data. The quantity and complexity of information that Institutions must request from client companies, to feed these procedures, will only increase. It is therefore essential to adapt bank procedures so that information can be collected, processed and evaluated in compliance with the legislation and the individual Credit Policies. Only in this way will it be possible to anticipate possible problems that the Bank may have. During the theoretical session, the most difficult application aspects of EBA procedures are touched upon, with particular attention to their impact on both banks and businesses. During the exercise, a real case of analysis and monitoring of a portfolio of companies is presented with the LOM (Loan Origination and Monitoring) indicators of particular interest for the Credit and Monitoring functions. Theoretical session speaker: Ivan FOGLIATA - Executive Partner at Practical session speaker: Stefano CARRARA - Leanus Administrator Guest: Mario BIANCHI - Head of BASF New Business Italy _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated . Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
9 out of 10 companies are SMEs. But what is the definition of SMEs according to the European Commission? How are “real” SMEs identified? The definition of SMEs, made necessary so that the Community assistance measures can be addressed to subjects with real rights, is far from being easy to understand. In fact, the size parameters alone (Employees, Revenues, Total Assets) are not enough, but complex calculations are also necessary aimed at identifying relationships with other companies (controlling or investee companies) such as to make them lose the characteristics of SMEs, or small businesses. and medium-sized autonomous and independent and therefore more deserving of obtaining support. In this short video there are some examples of how to distinguish real SMEs in a few moments. _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration. DOWNLOAD PDF
Thanks to Leanus, the Professional can provide new value-added services to companies, using the available accounting information that becomes the basis for a more complete consultancy support. Leanus is able to process the data of any platform, no matter what accounting software is in use. In this way the range of action of the Firm is not limited only to client companies and only to accounting management but can also extend to new businesses and new types of support of great importance. In the webinar we see which new services can be added to those currently provided by the Firm and it is also explained how they should be introduced and explained to customers with whom interaction is essential. Theoretical session speaker: Michele Moglia - Advisor at Practical session speaker: Stefano CARRARA - Leanus Administrator Guest: Alessandro MATTAVELLI - Chartered Accountant _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration. Download the information brochure
The LEANUS AUTOMATIC REPORT is now available which allows you to understand the health status of any company with a single click. The LEANUS AUTOMATIC REPORT is: DYNAMIC, because it takes into account the choices made by the user and the characteristics of the company being analyzed; TRANSPARENT, because it shows not only the analyzes but also the data that determined the result; ECONOMIC, because it is available, at no additional cost, for all companies present in their archive; INTELLIGENT, because it highlights points of attention and weaknesses that could otherwise be overlooked. _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration. Download example
Many of you will know different valuation methods: Income methods such as, for example, the method of multiples of Ebitda, the DCF; Capital Methods; Mixed Methods. But how do you know if the evaluation result is actually consistent with the objectives of the entrepreneur and the buyer? This short video shows a practical example of using the Ebitda multiples method. _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
Credit analysis has not only concerned banks for many years. For years, companies, especially those of medium-large size, have equipped themselves with structures and professionals capable of going beyond the mere assessment of the creditworthiness and reliability of customers and suppliers. We tackled the issue both from the point of view of banks (see interview with Emanuele Regis DG, Banca CRS: and the webinar: and from the point of of view of other operators outside the banking system. During session no. 8 of the Master in Credit Process Management we talked about it together with Anna Giuliani - Head of Credit Risk Management of Basf Italy - and Antonio Armillotta - Credit Risk Manager of Groupama Asset Management. Theoretical session speaker: Ivan FOGLIATA - Executive Partner at Practical session speaker: Alessandro FISCHETTI - Leanus Administrator Guests: Anna Giuliani - Head of Credit Risk Management BASF Italy Antonio ARMILLOTTA - Credit Risk Manager _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
If we combine the more than 200 filters that Leanus makes available to search for Italian companies, we are able to profile the companies of our country in a very sophisticated way. Which are growing and needing long-term finance? Which lines would benefit from working capital lines? Who has the best market performance? Which companies to use as a benchmark? What are the best targets? In which ones is it worth investing? These are just some examples of applications of a new technology which, unlike traditional databases, allows not only the search and extraction of names to be carried out within the platform but also the processing and analysis phase that is normally carried out in Excel. generating average savings of 60-70% on "number crunching" and presentation of results. This Leanus feature is very useful for anyone involved in private equity, M&A, subsidized finance, corporate business development, business consulting, investment and financial analysis. _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
If we combine the over 200 filters that Leanus makes available to search for Italian companies, we are able to profile the companies of our country in a very sophisticated way. Which ones are growing and need long-term finance? Which lines on working capital would benefit? Who has the best market performance? Which companies to use as benchmarks? What are the best targets? Which ones are worth investing in? These are just some examples of applications of a new technology which, unlike traditional databases, allows you to carry out within the platform not only the search and extraction phase of names but also the processing and analysis phase which is normally carried out in Excel, generating average savings of 60-70% on "number crunching" and results presentation activities. This feature of Leanus is very useful to all those who deal with private equity, M&A, subsidized finance, corporate commercial development, business consulting, investments and financial analysis. _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and individual features are continuously updated. Some features shown in the webinars may therefore not have been available at the time of registration.
After the pandemic, the opportunities for subsidized finance multiply. Each call requires different balance sheet and capital requirements for companies. Let's see how Leanus speeds up and makes company profiling effective, ensuring the best matching between companies and subsidized finance. _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
Leanus has analyzed over 15 thousand Italian SMEs with revenues of less than 100 million euros and the data that emerged are in contrast and not expected, at least on the aggregate numbers. The Leanus analysis demonstrates a general economic resilience of the sample. It seems that many companies have managed to absorb the undoubted difficulties generated by the pandemic crisis, partly thanks to the measures granted by the government but not only. The liquidity of the system has grown considerably, also due to the deflation of working capital. Speaker: Stefano CARRARA - Administrator Leanus Guests: Stefania PEVERARO - Pres. EdiBeez - Dir. Resp. BeBeez Daniele MONDELLO - Founder Olomedia Paolo PERRONE - Financial analyst Leanus _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration. Download pdf with the slides
Credit monitors, study center analysts, NPL / UTP experts and many other professionals often need to analyze portfolios or market segments consisting of a large number of positions. However, the information available is often partial, decentralized, out of date and difficult to manage even for excel experts. The traditional approach provides for a "TopDown" methodology; the most important positions are analyzed individually, the secondary ones in an aggregate manner, on the basis of criteria defined on paper but which hardly take into account the specific characteristics of the portfolio and / or the availability and quality of the data. Following this approach, the risk of making mistakes is very high. During the session we show how it is possible to analyze and cluster a business portfolio having as input a list of tax codes or search criteria; we will show how to segment and evaluate the portfolio in a dynamic way, updating the analyzes at the same time as new information, financial statements or updated accounting situations are available. We also show the risks of adopting traditional segmentation criteria or simple sector aggregations. In summary, we show how to create a dynamic observatory capable of providing aggregate information, being able to go back, at any time, to the detailed information, up to the individual accounts that determined each balance. Theoretical session speaker: Ivan FOGLIATA - Executive Partner at Practical session speaker: Alessandro FISCHETTI - Leanus Administrator Guest: Pasquale NACLERIO - Head of Major Risks and Banca Ifis Monitoring _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are continuously update. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
Manage warning systems well to avoid trouble. Yes, but how? The topic is dealt with during the webinar both from a theoretical - normative and from a practical point of view. Knowing how to adequately manage the control and simulation procedures of Early Warnings is in fact a MUST for the company and the professional, on pain of the materialization of legal and financial risks in addition to worsening the company's banking positioning. The topic is dealt with in full by Ivan Fogliata, who explains the origin and functioning mechanism of the legal and banking alert indices, illustrating what their implications are in the monitoring processes of credit institutions, deepening formulas and "potential traps "that the calculation of the indices hides. The interventions of the expert, Federico Diomeda, complete and enrich the picture with the experience of the professional. Finally, in the exercise, held by Stefano Carrara, it is shown how to use the Leanus platform to better manage the Early Warning ratios, process internal accounting data, carry out the 6-month projection on different scenarios, and produce reports for the auditor. , for the bank and for the other Stakeholders of the company. "Speaker Theoretical session: Ivan FOGLIATA - Executive Partner at Speaker Practical session: Stefano CARRARA - Leanus Administrator Guest: Federico DIOMEDA - Chartered Accountant _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual features are constantly updated. Some features shown in the webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
The consolidated financial statements are used to represent the economic, equity and financial situation of the "Groups" net of the items that produce effects only internally. As part of the bank credit analysis, the analyst is called upon to provide a "clear" representation of the Group but at the same time to grasp the dynamics of the individual consolidated businesses, especially as regards their contribution to overall results and risks. There are about five thousand in Italy compared to over seventy thousand individuals who hold at least two company shareholdings above 50% who are not required to consolidate accounts. How does the analysis of a consolidated financial statement differ from the ordinary one? What are the main consolidated financial statement figures and ratios that can most mislead the analyst? How do you simulate a consolidation of ordinary financial statements and why is it useful to do so? How is it possible to identify, within the scope of consolidation, the companies that make the greatest contribution to the Group? How to reclassify, from the point of view of management analysis, customer - supply relationships between companies of the same group? Speaker Theoretical session: Ivan FOGLIATA - Executive Partner at Speaker Practical session: Stefano CARRARA - Administrator Leanus Guest: Fabio BOLOGNINI - Co-founder Workinvoice _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
The Leanus Business Plan module allows you to create, in a few moments, a Business Plan (annual or monthly) by entering the underlying assumptions. For each hypothesis or simulation, the entire analysis model, complete with Financial Statement, Crisis Indicators, DSCR, Score, KPI, Statutory Schema and Ce.Bi is updated in real time. The Leanus module is extremely powerful and can be used not only for projections relating to individual companies but also for the assessments of groups or clusters of companies for the purposes, for example, of Banking Self Assessment (SREP), understanding sectoral dynamics and much more. . The first part of the Leanus master's session dedicated to SME Consulting is dedicated to understanding the logic underlying the drafting of a business plan or a monthly budget. The second part, as usual, is dedicated to practical exercises. Ample space is also dedicated to the determination of the Company Value (Equity Value and Enterprise Value). Speaker Theoretical session: Ivan FOGLIATA - Executive Partner at Speaker Practical session: Alessandro FISCHETTI - Leanus Administrator Guest: Giampiero CERCHI - Professional Accountant in Business _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
A new Leanus feature tells you if a company has made capital increases in the months following the close of the financial statements. In this way it will be easier to evaluate the 2020 financial statements which, as we know, are drugged by numerous accounting facilities and which therefore require an even more extensive and sophisticated analysis to understand their real dynamics. _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
Mergers, business acquisitions and other extraordinary transactions arise from the identification of new opportunities on the market. Knowing how to adequately profile companies and be able to analyze the markets requires balance sheet data, qualitative information and a good dose of analytical skills. All necessary but not sufficient ingredients to create real M&A opportunities. Only the availability of an adequate company valuation model, capable of grasping the risks and opportunities hidden in the financial statements in advance, guarantees a correct identification of the potential of the companies. During the webinar, the main selection criteria used by investors and the risk of false positives associated with them are explored. With several real cases, the difference between "querying a database of companies" and "profiling target companies effectively" is shown and how the so-called "weak signals" that are inherent in the numbers of companies, even if not always revealed. Speaker Theoretical session: Michele MOGLIA - Advisor at Speaker Practical session: Stefano CARRARA - Leanus Administrator Guest: Nicolò BRENTAN - Wholesale Business Intelligence Manager at Luxottica _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
The Business Plan is now “fundamental” for every request for financing and for the banking evaluation (SREP) and monitoring (LOM) procedures. It is not just a document to be attached but the planning of revenues, costs, assets, liabilities and cash. Starting from the current numbers, it develops the project demonstrating its financial sustainability as well as the related risks and scenarios. It must explain how many resources are required, what type and how they will be used and returned. For the Bank it is an element to be analyzed that will contribute to the final decision. This webinar explains what its real importance is in the Bank's decision-making process, which often seems to be less than stated. Speaker Theoretical session Ivan FOGLIATA - Executive Partner at inFinance Speaker Practical session Stefano CARRARA - Director Leanus Guest Giuseppe APICELLA GUERRA - Managing Director at Banca Promos Corporate Consulting srl _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
To upload a more recent balance sheet to the Leanus platform, simply click on the Menu + Upload Financial Statements and follow one of the procedures indicated. Follow the instructions in the video. _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
Process control and automation, integration with all other company systems, immediate reports, management of international cash flows, reconciliation of complex data. Here are the priorities of the Italian CFOs today in terms of financial planning, treasury management and cash management. In every sector, in addition to the possibility of "systematizing" planning, companies must have the ability to manage and control the process, in terms of automation, reduction of data processing times, security, traceability. All issues of digital transformation and to satisfy them, the ERP system is often not enough because it is not able to manage bank accounts and cash flows in real time both from a budgetary and final point of view. Treasury management has different logics from accounting. We will talk about this and much more in our web event. Introducing the webinar: Marcello IANNUZZIELLO - President of ADC Bologna Speakers: Stefano CARRARA - Director Leanus Ilaria SESTINI - Ceo Rewind Francesco BRAMI - Ceo Change Capital Mauro TRANQUILLI - Ceo DocFinance Massimiliano LODDO - CEO LaSia Spa Download pdf with the slides
On April 15, during the live broadcast of Milano Finanza - Motor Italy, the Leanus photograph of the companies in the Emilia-Romagna region was presented. There are about 30.000 companies with revenues exceeding 500.000 euros which overall generate over 160 billion in revenues and bring the region to third place in the national ranking, after Lombardy (440 billion) and Veneto (170 billion). The picture that emerges is that of a healthy territory made up of both large companies known internationally, and about 27.000 companies that generate revenues of less than 10 million euros. During the webinar, in addition to going into the details of the characteristics of these companies, Alessandro Fischetti also shows the logic used to carry out the impact simulations deriving from the health emergency and above all how this impact affects companies in very different ways, which often do NOT depend on from the sector to which it belongs but from specific characteristics of the individual realities. Speaker: Alessandro FISCHETTI - Leanus Administrator _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
In modern business it is of vital importance to continuously compare yourself with others to quickly grasp their strategies, business models, results, strengths and weaknesses. A correct use of BENCHMARKING allows an immediate answer to the following questions: What is the current positioning of our company on the market? How are the competitors doing and what are they doing? Are our results better or worse than theirs and why? Who among the competitors adopts the same business model? Who are the most indebted to the banks? What about those with the best margins? Are we growing more or less than the market? Do we pay staff at the same level? BUT ATTENTION: the Ateco Codes (the acronym for ECOnomic ACTIVITY) - an alphanumeric combination that have the aim of identifying the sector of activity of each Italian company - hide numerous traps! Are they really useful for carrying out a sectoral study or researching the best benchmark? Do they allow you to quickly identify companies that share the same business model? During the webinar, after an analysis of the main indicators, together with the host Giuseppe Apicella of Banca Promos we show how to develop a benchmark and make the best use of the information available to answer strategic questions. Speaker: Alessandro FISCHETTI - Leanus Director Guest: Giuseppe APICELLA GUERRA - Managing Director at Banca Promos Corporate Consulting srl _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
This Webinar created by Change Capital in collaboration with Leanus aims to present a loan specifically designed to support the financial solidity of SMEs, the MidCaps to stimulate international competitiveness. The characteristics of the loan and its benefits are studied in depth thanks to Simest Spa, a company of the Cassa Depositi e Prestiti Group, which since 1991 has supported the growth of Italian companies through the internationalization of their business, practical cases of companies that have received the loan. Specifically, the "entry levels" and "threshold levels" are analyzed thanks to the budget analysis. Among the speakers: Stefano CARRARA - Leanus Administrator _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration. DOWNLOAD THE SLIDES WATCH THE FULL WEBINAR
The advantage of indices is that they are synthetic, their defect is that they are synthetic ". With this sentence by Michele Moglia we could summarize this webinar in which we have deepened, with many examples and real cases, which are the main financial ratios, how they should be calculated and interpreted and in which situations they could give a misleading representation of the financial dynamics and therefore of the assessment of the company and its creditworthiness. How are monetary cycle indices linked to cash flow? How many ways are there to calculate the DSCR? What are the reference thresholds for deciding? Why not decide only with the DSCR? These are the insights made in the exercise session which ended with a real case of using the AQR and LOM indices to monitor a portfolio of 1000 companies. Theoretical session speaker Michele MOGLIA - Advisor at Practical session speaker Stefano CARRARA - Leanus Administrator Guest Cristian FUSILI - CEO BGWorld srl _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
Derivative products take on this name due to the fact that their value “derives” from the future trend in the value of an underlying asset. These are highly complex financial products characterized by the ability to magnify gains or losses, given the leverage inherent in such contracts. These instruments are mainly used to pursue three different types of purposes: to reduce the financial risk of a pre-existing portfolio; assume risk exposures on financial quantities in order to achieve a profit; achieve a risk-free profit through combined transactions on the derivative and the underlying such as to capture any valuation differences. Furthermore, derivative contracts can be traded on regulated markets (the so-called listed derivatives) or in the so-called “over the counter” market or an unregulated market where direct counterparties enter into contracts therefore called “OTC derivatives”. In this second type of market there are the problems of greater complexity: if, in fact, the value (the so-called fair value or mark to market) of a listed derivative can be easily inferred from the market, the value of an OTC derivative must be estimated and , following the reform of the financial statements following decree 139/2015, correctly represented also in the financial statements of joint-stock companies that adopt the national accounting standards. How are derivatives represented in company financial statements? How does their accounting work? How to deduce the effects of the same on company cash flows? How to analyze the overall impact they have on a company's balance sheet? These are some of the questions addressed in this webinar. Speakers: Alessandro FISCHETTI - Leanus Director Ivan FOGLIATA - Executive Partner inFinance _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
Corporate financial statements speak for themselves and technologies allow banks, analysts and suppliers to understand better and better if a company is healthy or in difficulty. The advice is to anticipate them and not put your head in the sand, facing the situation head on if your balance sheet has warning signs. Tips and answers in this video interview by Jimmy Clarini from Entriage with Alessandro Fischetti, Leanus Administrator. _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
The aim of the webinar is to involve the participants by providing in advance a business case on which to practice in the activity of evaluating the economic, financial and financial profile, in the calculation of indicators and company value and in the assessment of bankability. Although not mandatory, it is strongly recommended to answer the questionnaire questions indicated in the business case before attending the webinar and to write down any doubts that arise during the compilation. Leanus users (in any configuration) should be able to answer the questionnaire in a maximum of 15 minutes. Those who do not use will be able to use any other tools or data sources available. During the webinar, together with Professor Vincenzo Perrone, Alessandro Fischetti commented on the results showing how to obtain the individual answers. Speaker: Alessandro FISCHETTI - Leanus Administrator _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration. DOWNLOAD THE QUESTIONNAIRE
The data of the Plan of Accounts extracted, from the accounting, can be imported on Leanus to build the Balance Sheet at "Sources and Employment". This scheme, unlike the statutory one, opens the door to a more managerial and financial evaluation of the company and allows a better understanding of the contribution of the various managements to the economic - asset dynamics and to the construction of the historical and prospective corporate CASH FLOW. In the theoretical session, Michele Moglia illustrates the logic and reclassification criteria to be followed in the creation of the "Sources and Employment" scheme, focusing his attention on the analysis of current management, financial management and asset management. In particular, it illustrates how to identify these managements in the balance sheet and how to link them to the income statement. Particular attention is paid to investments in working capital and their correct interpretation. In the exercise session, Stefano Carrara illustrates the STEPS necessary to import a Plan of Accounts into Leanus, reclassify the items correctly, feed the "Sources and Uses" scheme and manage the various operational steps required and in particular: how to copy and paste the original Plan of Accounts on the L2 format imported into Leanus; how to "link" the imported items to the Leanus management schemes and obtain the Management Income Statement and the Balance Sheet to "Sources and Employment"; how to use the balancing control menu and the other accounting checks when mapping the imported Accounts Plan; how to memorize the mapping of a Plan of Accounts in Leanus to be able to apply it for subsequent imports of new accounting periods referring to the same Plan of Accounts; how to represent the Management Schemes to a customer or counterpart, revealing the logic of reclassification of the accounting data. _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
The analysis of the financial statements, whatever the objective, must make it possible to evaluate, both on historical and future data, the economic (Income Statement), balance sheet (Balance Sheet) and financial (Cash Flow Statement) profile over time. The first step is the reclassification, that is the reorganization of the balance sheet data (or of the provisional accounting situation) according to (managerial) schemes able to provide the user with an immediate reading and interpretation of the data. The most commonly used reclassification schemes are: - the income statement with added value and contribution margin - the balance sheet with sources and uses. The cash flow statement can be calculated using the indirect method on the basis of the first two. Together with Michele Moglia (inFinance) and Simone Spedo (Credit Office Manager of Banca Etica), Alessandro Fischetti (Leanus Administrator) tackles the issue, showing real cases and daily experience. In the second part, dedicated to exercises, it will be shown how to manage the reclassification of any balance sheet or accounting situation, how to manage the sign (same sign, opposite sign) with particular reference to the Balance Sheet. _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
To assess the creditworthiness of a company, it is necessary to process balance sheet data, performance data and other information, which are essential for responding to the loan request in good time. Although this process is strongly codified in banking practice, it is not immune from errors, even serious ones, which risk undermining its reliability. The “Banca Algoritmo” and the widespread use of Fintech do not in any way eliminate the risks of material, processing or interpretative errors in the Data Set of the credit line. During the webinar we analyze, using real cases, some examples of errors that can influence the outcome of the credit assessment. Thanks to our subject matter experts we see what best practices to adopt to avoid them. Theoretical session speaker: Ivan FOGLIATA - Executive Partner inFinance Practical session speaker: Alessandro FISCHETTI - Leanus Administrator Guest: Pasquale NACLERIO - Head of Major Risks and Monitoring at Banca Ifis _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
The Business Plan is the most complex financial year in the company and is often approached hastily, both in the economic and financial aspects, focusing mainly on revenues, and in the strategic aspects, not fully grasping the opportunities intrinsically given by the process of drafting itself and the possibilities of scenario simulation (so-called sensitivity analysis). In this webinar we combine, in collaboration with inFinance, the essential aspects of content, at the basis of a conscious process of drafting a business plan (Economic, Patrimonial and Financial), with the operational aspects, through a versatile online tool. The problems involved in creating a business plan are, in fact, particularly complex and the user of technical tools, however advanced they are, in any case needs to have a full understanding of the logic and detail aspects underlying the design of a business plan. Speakers: Alessandro FISCHETTI - Leanus Director Ivan FOGLIATA - Executive Partner inFinance _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
There are various reasons for reclassifying a balance sheet. If the objective of the reclassification is that of a management evaluation of the company, the reclassification logic adopted assumes a critical role. Ebitda, the score, the financial statement ratios just to give a few examples, are not present in the statutory financial statements and their value strongly depends on the reclassification choices that should be able to best represent, through the numbers, the actual business reality. Just to give an example: to determine EBITDA, is it correct to reclassify Item A5 together with Revenues from Sales and Services (A1)? From a statutory point of view, both revenues that may derive from ordinary operations and other revenues are included in item A5 - Other Revenues. A correct reclassification, able to best represent the actual company context, is therefore crucial for a correct evaluation. During the session we will show how to reclassify a statutory financial statements and how the valuation can vary according to the different choices made. Theoretical session speaker Michele MOGLIA - Advisor at Practical session speaker Alessandro FISCHETTI - Director Leanus Guest Andrea ONORI - Chartered Accountant and Statutory Auditor at Studio Direco _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
The analysis of a sample of Italian SMEs that closed their financial statements in August 2020 reveals an unexpected reality. Many companies, even in the presence of decreases in turnover, seem to withstand the impact of COVID very well. Some have even grown up. The riskiness of the sample is absolutely good. _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
The Early Warning systems, the new banking regulations and the management of the "post" COVID moratorium phase will radically change the professional and financial assistance needs of Italian SMEs. New advanced reporting services, business planning, risk management and Rating Advisory will be requested by companies in the next 24 months. The availability of "fresh" accounting and performance data and the ability to adequately process them will become a determining factor for the construction of new services by accountants, finance professionals and corporate CFOs. During the session we will answer the following questions: What new advanced professional services will be required by SMEs in the new post-pandemic scenario? Why is "just" accounting management no longer sufficient and risks blocking the professional growth of the professional? Why do professionals have an important competitive advantage and how can they use it for their own benefit and for the benefit of clients? Why and how do accounting data become a functional asset for the development of high added value services linked to the Crisis Code, to the management of the relationship with the Banks, to the Rating Advisory and to the relationship with the world of alternative finance? We talked about it together with our experts during an interactive training session during which it will be possible to ask questions and interact with the speakers and experts. Theoretical session speaker Michele MOGLIA - Advisor at Practical session speaker Stefano CARRARA - Leanus Administrator Guest Francesco BRAMI - CEO at Change Capital _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
The analysis of the Net Tax Position allows to determine the contribution of the tax management of a company in the Cash Flow Statement and is very important in the calculation of the DSCR required by the Early Warning procedures. With Leanus it is possible to do it automatically, in this short video we will explain how. _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
Bank of Italy and EBA requested "information on the strategic alignment of banks with post-Covid scenarios and structural changes in the market". In other words, the banking system is required to assess the riskiness of its portfolios in relation to the expected trend of the real economy. The focus is on Moratoria (even if the request also concerns the other Forborne, Stage 2, UTP positions) and concerns not only the prospective assessment of the impacts relating to the 2021-2023 time frame but also the detail of the methodology adopted for the analysis. in light of the new default definition. Terms such as SICR, SREP Watch List, Forbearence, past-due are known to insiders, as well as the objective difficulties of consolidating an evaluation model capable of assigning individual positions or clusters of companies the reference "stage" that take into account available information, updated data analysis, prospective evaluations, sector, etc. In fact, once the “stage” has been defined, the banking procedures process the corresponding values to be set aside, but what is the methodology and logic for the “staging”? Is it possible to carry out these assessments only at an aggregate level, using forecast statistical models? Is a "single name" approach possible? What are the difficulties and how to overcome them? In summary, how can we move from a traditional analysis model to an “expert” evaluation system (which the Bank of Italy itself has been using for years now)? We talked about it together with experts from the banking system with the aim of simulating the various problems that professionals are forced to face and to show possible solutions. Introducing the webinar Dr. Emanuele REGIS - General Manager at Banca Cassa di Risparmio di Savigliano Spa Speaker: Alessandro FISCHETTI - Leanus Administrator Guests: Giuliano SOLDI - Member of the Finance Commission and ODCEC Milan Banks Commission Cristian FUSILI - Ceo BGWORLD srl _____ NOTE: The platform Leanus is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration. Download pdf with the side Download pdf with the interventions of individual guests
How is a sector, or rather, a supply chain? Is it possible to carry out a simulation to understand what is the trend of a portfolio? Simulate the financial needs? This is one of the most frequently asked questions. The question implies a daily need; that of being able to process data relating to companies in an aggregate manner. The need may concern the analysis of a market sector, the SREP (i.e. the assessment that banks are required to carry out to assess the risk of their portfolios), the estimate of incremental credit needs and much more. The answer is "YES" but unfortunately it is not so easy to get it with a single click; to answer it requires the intervention of an expert. These are the main causes: The ateco may not reflect the actual business activity. With the same Ateco or other sectorial code, companies can be very different in size, model and plurality of business, margins, risk profile, etc. Some companies may close their business at different times of the year. Some companies present a complete balance sheet (details of debts and credits). Some companies present both ordinary and consolidated financial statements. Some businesses do not present financial statements for one year. …. Furthermore, even after eliminating all possible anomalies, before proceeding with the simulations, it is necessary to ensure that the companies in the perimeter are actually represented by the sample. Only then is it possible to proceed with the simulations. In this short video Alessandro Fischetti, Leanus Administrator, shows an example relating to the analysis of a “good” ATECO code: 47992 - Retail trade carried out by means of vending machines. _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
The Leanus Business Plan module allows you to create, in a few moments, a Business Plan (annual or monthly) by entering the underlying assumptions. For each hypothesis or simulation, the entire analysis model, complete with Financial Statement, Crisis Indicators, DSCR, Score, KPI, Statutory Schema and Ce.Bi is updated in real time. The Leanus module is extremely powerful and can be used not only for projections relating to individual companies but also for the assessments of groups or clusters of companies for the purposes, for example, of Banking Self Assessment (SREP), understanding sectoral dynamics and much more. . But how do you elaborate the Business Plan of a startup that does not have historical accounting data? Watch this video to find out how to make your simulations in a few moments, starting from the costs. _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
One of the most frequent mistakes in corporate valuation is the use of the Ebitda as if it were a financial quantity. This is a risky practice that can lead to real "blunders"! Let's see how to avoid them with Leanus. _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
The Leanus Data Base contains hundreds of thousands of Italian companies, this short video shows you how to search for them. _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
The first analysis, at national level, based on REAL NUMBERS After many forecasts and simulations, Leanus has carried out the first analysis, at national level, of the impact of the pandemic on the real balance sheets of a significant sample of Italian companies in different sectors and with situations heterogeneous economic - financial pre-COVID. These are those companies whose accounting year does not coincide with the calendar year and which therefore already discount the impact of the worst months of the crisis, which in many cases saw the total cessation of sales and collections. The analysis of the deviations from the previous year and of the main indicators reveals that the approach adopted by many operators and sometimes followed by the banking system itself to simulate the impact of COVID based on the sector to which a company belongs is often unsuitable and potentially the bearer of erroneous forecasts. During the Webinar we make use of comparisons built on real numbers to investigate these issues and try to propose a different approach, in our opinion more effective, to simulate the impact of the crisis on companies with its consequences: Banking staging, prospective DSCR, change in rating, company reliability, Early Warning indicators. Speaker: Stefano CARRARA - Leanus Administrator Guests: Ivan FOGLIATA - Executive partner of inFinance Lorenzo NOSELLOTTI - Partner, Deal Advisory at KPMG Italy _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
The Leanus FREE profile is a free Leanus user that allows you to obtain the reclassified income statement and balance sheet of all Italian companies and to view a professional presentation. Furthermore, for a company of your choice, during the test you will be able to view all the Leanus functions (including the MCC Band, the Crisis indicators, the KPIs, etc.) or elaborate the Benchmark and the Business Plan. To do this, simply select a company and “transfer it to a Reserved Area. _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
Let's see how to create a complete Business Plan for a company that does not yet exist in a few minutes. Leanus transforms the working hypotheses into projections of the Income Statement, Balance Sheet and Cash Flow, immediately creating the professional documentation necessary to validate a business project and dialogue with investors and banks. Watch this short video! _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
The current macroeconomic context, as a result of the decisions relating to the Covid emergency, will probably be the cause of an increasing number of new defaults. During the webinar we do some simulations to intercept the types of companies at greatest risk. Together with Stefania Peveraro and Vincenzo Perrone we analyze all the main insolvency procedures opened in the first 8 months of 2020. We evaluate the amount of Total Debts owed to Creditors by type (Banks, Suppliers, Tax, Pensions, Other), the impact for the 'occupation; we analyze companies to understand their characteristics and history, the corporate structure, the sector to which they belong. As usual, through the analysis of real cases, we try to understand if and in which cases it is possible to anticipate the imminent state of crisis 2 or 3 years before the default, which analyzes can help trigger the alert, if particular geographical areas or industrial sectors have a higher risk profile than others. Speaker: Alessandro Fischetti - Leanus Administrator Guests: Stefania Peveraro - EdiBeez President - Chief Executive Officer BeBeez Vincenzo Perrone - Professor of Strategic Management and Organization - Bocconi University _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration. DOWNLOAD PDF
The business professional faces the need to answer complex questions on a daily basis. • Is the company reliable? • What is the creditworthiness? • Is it capable of supporting an investment? • Will he have enough cash to meet his commitments? • What is the value? • Is it better or worse than its competitors? • What is the target market? • What opportunities can be seized on the market? To answer these questions it is not enough to know how to elaborate numbers, you must above all know how to interpret them. Processing the numbers takes time. We need to access the data, re-elaborate them, interpret them, present them. The error is always ready to hide behind an Excel cell, risking to affect working hours. Leanus eliminates this risk. It eliminates the time needed to access updated information and to process any type of analysis, even the most complex. Using Leanus means freeing up time that the professional can devote to interpretation. Just view the Leanus “HOME” login page to realize it, even with the Leanus FREE profile! Watch this video! _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
The Business Plan can be drawn up in a few moments, but you need to know the assumptions! To develop a business plan it is necessary to know the assumptions on which the projections are based. The Leanus software takes care of the rest, capable of processing the Economic, Patrimonial and Financial Profile, the DSCR, the Crisis indicators, the OIC financial report and much more with a single click. An example: In 2020 the company will reduce revenues by 20%, then it will recover 10% in the following years. It will reduce the cost of personnel by 10% in the first year, will make a new investment of 1000.000 euros with a new loan of the same amount. What will be the economic, equity and financial profile corresponding to the hypotheses inserted? Will it be in line with the crisis code? What will the DSCR be? What will the rating be and how does it change as the assumptions change? The answers are all in the Leanus Business Plan module. But be careful! Even small changes in the assumptions can significantly change the simulation results. Therefore, the role of the professional returns to be central. Look at this example! _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
Watch this short video to find out about the new features that have been added within Leanus! _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
90 minutes with Stefano Carrara, founder of the business analysis and evaluation platform used by Banks, Companies and Professionals to find out how to eliminate the processing time traditionally dedicated to Excel and free up time to devote to research and better customer management. Main topics: - From the chart of accounts to management reclassification (from AGO, from OMNIA, from TeamSystem, from WKI, from Excel) - The analysis of the Central Credit Register - The dynamic analysis of the Crisis Indicators both on historical data and on the Business Plan - The DSCR - The MCC BAND - The OIC Cash Flow Statement, also prepared quarterly - The Benchmark - The Business Plan - Market Research _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
Italian Fintechs entered the pandemic at different moments in their growth project. During the webinar we see, data in hand, what their state of health was at the beginning of Covid-19 and we try to understand if its negative effects on the financial sector could open up new opportunities related to new technologies. Guests: Roberto Lorini - FinTech Leader - PwC Barbara Uttini - FinTech Expert - PwC Francesco Simone Farina - FinTech Analyst - PwC _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
How much does a company have to grow to be able to sustain € 1.000 in Additional Costs? The answer to the question is provided by the Fixed Cost Multiplier, or the ratio between 1 and the Contribution Margin. Let's take an example. Bank XYZ evaluates the disbursement of a loan that provides for additional financial charges of € 1.000.000 for 5 years. Assuming that the contribution margin of the company SPA (100.000.000 revenues) is equal to 5%, it follows that the multiplier of fixed costs is equal to 20. By how much a company must grow, therefore, the Impresa SPA in order to cover 1.000.000 additional financial charges? The answer is provided by the new indicator: exactly 20.000.000 (+ 20% of Revenues). It is up to the analyst to assess whether the XYZ firm will be able to increase revenues by 20%. The Fixed Cost Multiplier is now available, both for historical data and for the Business Plan, among the Leanus indices. It is also visible in the Home in the "Last Period Evaluation" Box. Also on Home, in the Eco / Fin Summary box, the anomalous contractions of Revenues, Liquidity and Shareholders' Equity and the increase in Financial Debts are now highlighted. Watch this video and find out more! _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
At best, the financial statements available on the system relate to the financial year closed 5/6 months earlier. Often the latest available budget is even 20 months earlier. Here then it becomes necessary to integrate the public information with the verification balances received directly from the Customer. This video shows operationally how to upload data (without typing them manually), reclassify them and obtain a complete analysis model for assessing the creditworthiness and the economic, equity and financial profile of the company. _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
The Contribution Margin is the difference between revenues and directly related costs; to obtain the contribution margin it is sufficient to subtract the value of Consumption (Purchases + Change in Inventories) and Variable Costs from Revenues. If, for example, the Revenues are equal to 1000 and the Contribution Margin is equal to 4%, it means that for every euro of revenues 960 € will be used to cover costs directly related to sales. 40 €, or the Contribution Margin, can instead be used to cover Fixed Costs, Amortization, Ancillary Management, Financial Management and Taxes. All other conditions being equal, the percentage contribution margin remains unchanged as the revenues change. In our example, if revenues double, the percentage contribution margin remains equal to 4%; the Contribution Margin in absolute value will therefore be equal to € 80. The Contribution Margin (which depends on the correct reclassification of fixed and variable costs) is an extremely important measure in the creditworthiness assessment processes. The value of the Break-Even, the Operating Leverage and many other measures depend on it. It can be used, for example, to understand whether or not a company will be able to maintain its economic equilibrium following a financing operation. In our example, in the case of a loan that provides for annual financial charges equal to 10, it must be assumed that the company must increase its revenues by 25%; In fact, € 250 of additional revenues generate an incremental Contribution Margin to be used to cover financial charges exactly equal to 10. Watch this short video and find out more! _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
Leanus allows you to identify and profile new B2B customers in just a few clicks. Watch this short video to see how. _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
The analysis of target companies and benchmarks is even more complex than the analysis of a single company. Filters based on Ateco or on some indices (NFP / EBITDA, Ebitda% or others) often only return the illusion of having identified the companies suitable for their objectives. With Leanus it is possible to carry out benchmark analyzes in 4 different ways, each consistent with the analyst's knowledge of the sector, his expertise and the time available to obtain the output. Watch this short video and find out how! _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
Financial statements analysis is a complex activity that goes through most of the processes that affect the relationships between the Bank, the Company and the Professionals. Leanus eliminates the processing times that generally require long hours of work on excel, leaving the Professional the possibility to modify and integrate the analysis model, customize the reclassification criteria, carry out infinite simulations. Leanus carries out all processing without errors, freeing up the Professional's time to devote to activities with greater added value and to the interpretation of numbers. The Leanus analysis model provides that each index or processing is available in real time both on historical data and for the Benchmark, the Business Plan and the Business Aggregates. Crisis Indicators, Cash Flow Statement (OIC), MCC Band, DSCR, Debt Capacity, KPI, CR Management, Enterprise Value, Targeting are just some of the possible calculations with Leanus. _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
Analysts use on average 10% of the Business Information they buy. Personal data, negative events, shareholders and so on are of little use if not used in a context of financial analysis that knows how to value them. Few but useful! In this short video we see how this happens inside Leanus thanks to the new drop-down menus on the Home page. This video is for educational purposes only and does not intend in any way to express judgments or evaluations on any companies mentioned. _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
The analysis of a company of any size is a complex activity that requires analysis and interpretation skills. A company's risk profile or value cannot be summarized by just a few indicators or an algorithm. To evaluate a company it is first necessary to evaluate the completeness and correctness of the data used for the analysis (Source), reorganize it in order to best represent the company, analyze its history (trend analysis), position it within your own competitive context (Benchmark), evaluate the possible trend and the effects of strategies and market conditions (Business Plan), analyze the corporate structure, shareholdings, the presence of negative events or press news. Leanus allows you to do all this in a few moments, starting from the sole search of the company by name or VAT number. The "Home" Menu is the Control Tower from which the analyst can monitor all movements and choose which aspects to investigate. _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
The new Leanus FREE profile now allows you to obtain the reclassified income statement and balance sheet of all Italian companies and to view a professional presentation. It is sufficient to register for free and after logging in, search for the company by name or VAT number. Furthermore, for two companies of your choice, during the test you will be able to view all the Leanus functions (including the MCC Band, the Crisis indicators, the KPIs, etc.) or elaborate the Benchmark and the Business Plan. To do this, simply select a company and transfer it to the Reserved Area as shown in the video. With the same profile you can also make a top-up starting from 20 CR to be used to purchase chamber information or to process financial statements in real time that are not yet present on Leanus or are being updated as you urgently need. Finally, at any time it will be possible to activate the upgrade to the Leanus PREMIUM profile online, at a cost of € 480 + VAT you can freely browse the entire database and analyze in depth up to 20 companies in the Reserved Area. Activate the FREE Profile here Once you have completed the registration process, view the video to find out what you can do or do the following: - Search for a company - Transfer it to your private area - Create an automatic report - Navigate through the different menus - Process the Business Plan If you need help, contact the service center on the toll-free number 800 86 45 88 The law requires the filing of a copy of a valid identity document. Remember to send it during registration so that you can use your account right away. _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
Often the financial statements are provided by the Client before they are available at the Business Register. Therefore, before being able to analyze it, it is necessary to recopy it, reclassify it, activities that take time and do not add any value to the analytical capacity. Leanus allows you to achieve the same result (and more) without any effort. At the moment the processing request is managed by the Service Center, but soon there will be some news that will allow you to reset the loading and processing times. Watch this short video in which we show a real example relating to a 2019 budget. _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
According to the definition given in Article 1511 of the Civil Code, the Cooperative is a non-speculative company with a mutualistic purpose, which deals with the production of goods and services (..). The definition of non-speculative means that it is not born for profit, but to directly favor the shareholders who are part of it, producing goods and services intended directly for them. Usually, these goods and services are sold to shareholders on favorable terms, compared to those they would find if they bought them on the market. In Article 1512 of the Civil Code, on the other hand, we find the definition of a cooperative with prevalent mutuality. These cooperatives mainly carry out their activities to favor the members and make use of the work services of the same to achieve their goals. Cooperatives defined as "consumer", on the other hand, fall within the definition of non-mutuality cooperatives and produce goods and services not only for their own members, but also for third parties. The characteristics and purposes of these companies are such as to require greater experience on the part of the credit system operators called upon to evaluate them. In this webinar we explain, using real cases, how to analyze them, interpret the attention signals and evaluate the creditworthiness shows, what are the elements to keep under control to limit the risk of error. Guest: Simone Di Colantonio - Central Manager Coldiretti - Credit Agri _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
Let's test with a real case - the Italian Analysis Centers - the Leanus functions that allow us to find, profile and compare the companies that operate in a certain sector and that meet our selection parameters such as: ATECO, Growth, Risk, Marginality , Personal and so on. _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
SIMEST is the 76% subsidiary of Cassa Depositi e Prestiti through SACE. Minority shareholders are the main banks and trade associations. Iccrea Bancaimpresa (Iccrea Cooperative Banking Group) concretely assists SMEs with various forms of subsidized financing and guarantees that can be added to those provided by the MCC Guarantee Fund. Objective: to foster the possibility of exploiting commercial and / or investment opportunities abroad and to give concrete support to implement them according to the schemes and methods deemed most appropriate. Who can access? What are the costs and procedures envisaged? What information must be prepared in order to obtain answers from the system in a timely manner consistent with business needs. What are the possible causes of exclusion. By simulating some real cases we will show how to evaluate the credit repayment capacity, the impact of an additional loan on the company accounting profile and finally how to provide the system with the set of useful information to speed up the authorization process. Guests: Giuseppe Filiaci - Head of Foreign Department - Iccrea BancaImpresa SpA Carlo De Simone - Senior Expert External Relations - SIMEST SpA Vincenzo Perrone - Strategic Management and Organization - L. Bocconi University _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are continuously updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
Leanus has introduced a new service: the development of the Central Credit Register. This service allows you to transform the document provided by the Central Credit Register, tabular and often very voluminous, into a streamlined document that highlights the information you need. How? We aggregate the significant data, we simplify the reading and above all we provide a summary view to quickly and clearly understand the position of your company with respect to the Central Credit Register. Watch this short video to find out how! _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
Knowing how to correctly profile the TARGET company is a valuable competitive advantage for those involved in M&A. Arriving earlier and better than the competition is a fundamental prerequisite for the success of each ACQUISITION. During the webinar we see, using simulations on Italian companies, how the mix of DATA BASE + TECHNOLOGY + ANALYSIS MODEL is winning for the purposes of optimal TARGETING. We will also address the following topics: - How to build effective algorithms for the profiling of target COMPANIES responding to the TRANSACTION strategy - The traps of ATECO CODES and traditional QUERIES on FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - Two comparative approaches: extracting lists of target COMPANIES and working on Excel or process the data in a single PLATFORM _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
What can be done with the Leanus platform? How can Leanus support Banks in the analysis and evaluation processes concerning Italian and foreign companies? Listen to the interview with Emanuele Regis, General Manager of the Cassa di Risparmio di Savigliano Spa bank.
Leanus allows you to create personalized presentations and professional documents in just a few clicks for use with banks, meetings and many other occasions. The slides include numerical analyzes, graphics and even your comments and all presentations can be archived. Watch this short video to find out how! _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
The technology behind the new FORWARD LOOKING metrics The economic discontinuity generated by Covid-19 is determining an adaptation of the credit and risk assessment process used by banks. The traditional counterpart assessment metrics must be strengthened with a new approach to the estimation of risk parameters from a forward looking perspective that takes into account the post Covid19 scenario. The construction of scenarios on the basis of the business sectors does not appear sufficient for the limits inherent in the official classifications of activities. The emergency approach currently followed by the Banks to manage the Economic Shock will leave room for a New Phase in which to capitalize on the experience gained and develop new methods. What new solutions and interventions are desirable and available to enhance the current Credit Process and prepare it for the next Shock? We will talk about it during the webinar, also using real cases, with: Stefano Carrara - Leanus Administrator Sergio Gianni - Advantage Reply Partner Francesco Brami - Change Capital CEO Vincenzo Perrone - Professor of Strategic Management and Organization - Bocconi University _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform it is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
Reclassifying a balance sheet means bringing the original accounting structure back to a more functional scheme for the analysis we are developing. A frequent example is the placement of item A5 of the statutory income statement. This item refers to revenues and income other than operating income which therefore should NOT contribute to the formation of the operating margin (EBITDA and EBIT). In some cases, however, such income may refer to activities "related" to those characteristic and "proportional" to them. In the example we are dealing with one of these cases in which an Italian metallurgical company presents important values of heading A5. These revenues refer to the sale of "metal shavings" which are "scraps" generated by the main processing. The hypothesis applied is that, since this item is "constant" and "proportional" to operating revenues (item A1), it is possible to change its location in the reclassified format used by the analyst, adding it to revenues (A1). The impact can be significant on: margins, score, rating and many other calculations… _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
With Leanus it is possible to automatically reclassify any accounting data (Italian or foreign financial statements, accounting situation, balance sheet, valued chart of accounts, etc.) drawn up by any management software or even in Excel and to modify the preset reclassification model and then adapt it to the individual company. Furthermore, Leanus also allows you to reclassify a proprietary data source and load it automatically and without typing within the platform. Watch this short video to find out how. _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
On May 27, 2020, the 2019 Leanus Report was approved. In this short video we show you the results commented by the Directors with some anticipations for 2020. _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
In company sales transactions, the most used method for company valuation is the EBITDA multiples method. The big advantage of using this method is its simplicity and the fact that it is limited to operational aspects; however, there are several limits to their use and I identify them in 3 categories: - normalizations, - the reference period, - EBITDA itself as a measurement metric. In this webinar we analyze various practical cases, evaluating the different values that the elements used and their sensitivity can assume. _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration. Guest: Carlo Serroni - Partner Docfin Srl
Agricultural companies, SAS, SNC, and in general the subjects who have partial accounting information make the process of assessing creditworthiness even more complex. By interacting with the entrepreneur and knowing the dynamics of the sector well, it is still possible to carry out the appropriate assessments to reach appropriate credit decisions. The video shows a short interview with Alessandro ARNOLDI, entrepreneur and expert agronomist in the horticultural sector. _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
Unexpected events such as the Coronavirus, or even normal positive or negative events, can determine significant economic and financial consequences in the short and medium term, making all the hypotheses of a business plan obsolete that must be completely questioned. It is therefore necessary to be quick and flexible in re-setting new scenarios and variants that allow management to understand which levers to act on, even 2/3 scenarios, of the sensitivity tests or stress tests useful for understanding all the risks of an industrial plan or turnaround or simply understand the effects on the indices that determine the business crisis (Legislative Decree 14/19). In the most critical situations it is even necessary to set assumptions on the main economic and equity variables on a monthly (or quarterly) basis to understand cash risks. Guest: Jimmy Clarini - Turnaround specialist - Entriage Srl _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
There are various reasons for reclassifying a balance sheet; the statutory scheme, for example, allows the company chart of accounts to be brought back to a standard scheme. If the objective of the reclassification is that of a management evaluation of the company, the reclassification logic adopted assumes a critical role. The Ebitda, the score, the financial statement ratios just to give a few examples, are not present in the statutory financial statements and their value strongly depends on the reclassification choices that should be able to best represent, through the numbers, the actual business reality. Most of the scores are based on the statutory or CE.BI scheme and are not affected by any adjustments made by the analyst. Leanus, on the other hand, updates the assessments, indices and scores in real time according to the reclassification model adopted. The short video shows an example based on real numbers. _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
The beginning of Phase 2 of the COVID-19 emergency requires planning the Economic Restart both at a regional and individual company level. Leanus analyzed the Veneto business system in detail, segmenting it by size, business model and state of health. In this way it was possible to simulate the possible impacts on the economic, equity and financial profile of the VENETIAN COMPANIES, deriving from a business contraction followed by an expansion phase. Which categories and sectors are most at risk? And the more solid ones? How does the Moratorium work on company accounts in the short but also in the long term? Is it always right to do it? Two possible scenarios for the main industrial sectors of the Veneto. What do the numbers and projections say? How to plan the recovery in the Company: from the Cash Budget to the post-moratorium bankability. Guests: Roberta Conte - Business Planner at Piano Bis - Credit analyst Gloria Bettini - Business planner at Piano Bis Stefano Bicego - COO of Opensymbol _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
Codes 41, 42 and 43 correspond to the Ateco Codes used by Professionals, Credit Managers and Advisors to identify companies in the Construction Sector. Subclasses should allow you to refine your search. For example, the description “Construction of residential and non-residential buildings” corresponds to code 412; code 433202 corresponds to the description “Installation of fixtures, furnishings, false ceilings, movable walls and the like”. Only the analysis of the individual companies and above all the dialogue with the experts and in-depth connoisseurs of the individual companies allows us to go further and understand the different specializations and business models that characterize them. During the Webinar we will analyze the data processed by Leanus for the Assimpredil Observatory ANCE, the association of construction companies of Milan, Lodi and Monza and Brianza and for 70 years the largest reality of ANCE, the National Association of Builders Edili of Confindustria. Together with Antonio Gennari (Senior Advisor of Assimpredil Ance), Marco Martini (Vice President of the Assimpredil Study Center) and Roberto Brioschi (Chartered Accountant Partner of CGP Studio Legale e Tributario) we analyze the data of the Observatory, we understand what differences characterize the companies that operate with different specializations (Public Works, Developers, Demolitions, Complementaries), we will try to understand if there is a correlation between the riskiness of the company and the type of specialization, the size, the geographical location or other variables. We will evaluate what may be the combined effects deriving from the Coronavirus emergency, from the entry into force of the “Save Italy” Decree, from the postponement of the entry into force of the Crisis Code, also from the point of view of the Auditor. We simulate various scenarios to understand which companies will need new financial resources immediately and which challenges they will have to face both from a management and governance point of view. Guests: Antonio Gennari - Senior Advisor of Assimpredil Ance Marco Martini - Vice President of the Assimpredil Study Center Roberto Brioschi - Chartered Accountant Partner of CGP Studio Legale e Tributario _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
How much time do you have to devote to drafting the Business Plan? Unlikely, because the priorities of the new entrepreneur must be other: making presentations to future customers, meeting the financiers, building the new website and working side by side with colleagues. In this short video we show how with Leanus 5 minutes are enough to develop a Business Plan and to determine if and how the business idea will be successful in an increasingly complex and competitive market. _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
Which Ateco Codes correspond to the Agri-food Sector? Code 01 - Agricultural crops and production of animal products, hunting and related services - includes two basic activities, * the production deriving from agricultural crops and the production of animal products. Code 10 - Food Industries - includes the transformation of agricultural, forestry and fishery products into edible food and drink for humans or animals, as well as the production of various intermediate products. Is this classification sufficient to identify the various operators in the supply chain? Does the sectoral classification actually correspond to the real activity carried out by the company? During the Webinar, together with Simone Di Colantonio (Central Manager of Coldiretti CreditAgri) and Pier Paolo Quaranta (CEO of Giordano Vini) we will try to understand what are the segmentation criteria of the Sector and the criteria adopted for assessing the degree of reliability of the various subjects of the supply chain. We will also try to understand what the impact of the Coronavirus Emergency may be on the different actors and the corresponding financial needs. Guests: Simone Dicolantonio - Central Manager at Coldiretti CreditAgri Pier Paolo Quaranta - Executive Board Member at Italian Wine Brands SpA / CEO at Giordano Vini SpA
Despite the number of operators and Italian SMEs potential targets of Private Equity Funds, completing an operation requires a long time, high skills and a great capacity for dialogue between the world of finance and that of companies. The near future and the current Emergency will probably force all interlocutors to change something and find a meeting point that allows both parties to achieve higher goals than those set independently or following a standard approach. To try to fully understand the dynamics that intervene in the relationships between funds and companies and to understand how the Coronavirus emergency could change the Private Equity market, together with one of the leading experts in the sector, we will retrace the entire process, from scouting to 'exit. As usual, we show how Leanus, if used by "expert hands", can allow you to speed up work processes, reduce errors to zero and above all help you to follow new paths that are difficult to identify using traditional approaches. Guest: Marco Vismara - M & A / Private Equity Professional _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
The Government has appointed a task force led by Vittorio Colao to identify a plan of interventions capable of restarting the economy in the shortest possible time. Leanus and analyzed in detail the system of Italian companies, segmenting it by size, business model, risk profile and, for each of them, the possible impacts on the economic, equity and financial profile deriving from a foreseeable business contraction in different scenarios (Optimistic, Medium, Pessimistic). The analysis also made it possible to identify 5 lines of action for businesses. During the Webinar, together with Ivan Fogliata ( we present the evidence of the study and discuss these proposals with Giovanni Bossi (CherryNpl), Franco Moscetti (OVS SpA), Daniele Lago (Lago Spa), Ivan Losio (EY), Luca Manzoni (Banco BPM) and Prof. Vincenzo Perrone (Bocconi University). Download the speakers' profile here _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
A few days ago the final conference of the Supply Chain Finance Observatory of the Politecnico di Milano took place. The numerous participants were asked which of the SMEs between 2 and 15 million in revenues will need financial resources most due to the Coronavirus Emergency "(divided between manufacturing companies, those who work for orders, commercial ones and services ). To answer this question, we analyzed the financial statements of the companies in question. A pessimistic scenario for 2020 and a recovery in 2021 was assumed for each category and the impacts on the Economic, Equity and Financial profile were measured. The video shows a few minutes summary of the analysis conducted by Leanus for the Politecnico di Milano. _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
No Defenses in Central Risks but the debts in the Budget are too many! The Performance and Financial Analysis must go hand in hand if we want to improve credit quality and strengthen the stability of the system. During the webinar we will try to explain the strengths and weaknesses of both types of evaluation, in a historical moment in which knowing how to distinguish deserving companies makes the difference. Why should CR and Accounting Data be analyzed together and how to do it? The CURA ITALIA decree "suspends" the CR to access the Guarantee Fund. Can we really do without it? How to elaborate the Central Risks and Financial Statements in formats more suitable for cross-evaluation, real case. Guest: Andrea Isacchi - CR Expert _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
It is now clear that the COVID-19 emergency will cause a shock to individual companies. There will be companies that will even benefit from it, others that will be able to react quickly, others that without the necessary countermeasures may not be able to restart. In any case, it will be essential to evaluate the consequences and do it in advance. The crisis will have immediate impacts on the Income Statement. The financial ones may occur with a slight delay (for companies negatively affected) or in the immediate future (for companies that have suffered positive effects or are already in a situation of financial tension). In any case, it is no longer the time to navigate by sight. The analysis of annual, quarterly or monthly prospective data becomes necessary to plan the route and take stock of the ship along the way. During the Webinar we will show how Leanus can give a valid help at low cost both for the evaluation of SMEs and companies in simplified accounting. _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
It is difficult for non-experts to hypothesize what the amount of the "number of strokes" will be less than the Vending companies will register due to the COVID-19 emergency. The machines located in hospitals and workplaces considered essential, probably if constantly recharged, could work at full capacity. The others could remain inactive throughout the emergency period. The video shows the simulation carried out on 30 companies, which in 2018 overall generated revenues of € 1,5 billion (+ 10% compared to 2017) and an average EBITDA of 15%. _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
l Ateco Codes, the acronym for ECOnomic ACTIVITY, is an alphanumeric combination that aims to identify the sector of activity of each Italian company. The ATECO classification is adopted for both statistical, fiscal and contributory purposes in order to simplify the information managed by public administrations and institutions. Is it really useful to carry out a sectoral study or to search for the best benchmark? Does it allow you to quickly identify companies that share the same business model? During the webinar we see through several real examples how the use of the Ateco Code alone can mislead the analyst and above all what process to adopt to check errors and obtain the best result based on the information available. _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
Article 49 of Legislative Decree 18 “CURA ITALIA” suspends the use of Central Risks data for the calculation of the MCC bracket to which they belong and consequently to assess eligibility for the Guarantee Fund. For now, the assessment will have to be based on the Economic and Financial module only. How to do it, how to read it and what precautions to take before going to the Bank. _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
To assess the impact of the Coronavirus emergency we hypothesized a reduction in total revenues of 37,5%, a catastrophic hypothesis and never verified before; Suffice it to say that the contraction in the revenues of the TOP 500 companies that occurred following the 2008 crisis was 12,1% and then led to a reduction in overall profits by just one percentage point. What will happen in 2020 following the "lock-down"? What will the financial needs be? Which sectors are likely to be most affected? And finally, what measures should be expected to ensure that the system can return to normal as soon as possible. During the webinar we will retrace the analysis carried out for BeBeez / MF (see the article here) in which we measured the impacts both on groups of companies that are homogeneous by size and by business level (Services, Industry, Trader, Order) and on more 5000 companies with a highly compromised risk profile; we will also compare the results of the current crisis with the scenario that occurred during the 2008 crisis. The numerical evidence (see article) would show that Italy can do it and that the need for greater financial resources will occur when the recovery. Guests: Stefania Peveraro - President EdiBeez - Chief Executive Officer BeBeez Giuseppe Apicella - Chief Executive Officer of Promos Corporate Consulting Giuseppe Farinacci - Partner and Director of Boston Consulting Group Vincenzo Perrone - Professor of Strategic Management and Organization - University _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual features are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
There are those who hypothesize losses of up to 60% of revenues for 2020 as a consequence of the Coronavirus emergency. Probably each sector, and within each sector each firm, will react differently. For Private Equity Funds it becomes essential to simulate the impact on the “NAV” or on the valuations of the equity investments which are likely to suffer heavy depreciation. During the Webinar, together with Mario Basilico, Senior Manager of Migliora Independent Advisor, we will see how to carry out simulations on individual companies or on micro-sectors in order to calculate, on the basis of different scenarios, the value of the companies and the portfolio. Guest: Mario Basilico - Senior Manager Improves Independent Advisor _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
The recent “CURA ITALIA” decree supports SMEs through some measures to reduce the effects of the pandemic on their economic and financial structure. The main ones make it possible to suspend the payment of mortgages and loans, preventing, under certain conditions, their revocation by the Bank. Others aim to generate liquidity through tax deferrals. During the Webinar we will analyze them focusing on the following aspects: 1. What are the 2-3 measures with the most significant effect for companies? 2. What is their operating mechanism? How do they compensate for the loss of turnover and the cash tensions generated by the "business block"? 3. What changes in the relationship with the Bank and how should one operate for the Moratorium request? Is the rating getting worse? 4. Are there forms or sources of Alternative Finance, in this context of crisis, to be placed side by side with the traditional ones? 5. What weight do the funds allocated to date have compared to the numbers of the Italian business system? Guests: Tiziano Cetarini - CEO of Rewind Srl and Co-Founder of Change Capital Francesco Brami - CEO of Change Capital _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
The Airport Services Management Companies, following the Coronavirus emergency, recorded a reduction in passenger traffic of more than 95%. We simulated the impact of the emergency on 19 companies in the sector which in 2018 had generated approximately 3 billion euros in revenues with an aggregate EBITDA of 38%. The simulation was carried out assuming a contraction for 2020 of 40% and 55% and should be considered as a simple "stress test" that we invite entrepreneurs to carry out on their companies including other effects whose estimate can only depend on in-depth knowledge of its sector. _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
The analysis of suppliers is often reduced to a mere activity of "compliance" in company life in which compliance with formal requirements prevails over the elements of substance, largely evidenced by a more careful evaluation. Complex portals, auctions, "on-boarding" procedures limit the knowledge that could instead be extracted by adopting a more focused perspective on the interpretation of the numbers offered by financial statements and single and aggregated accounting data. During the webinar we will try to offer a more substance-focused perspective for optimal supply chain management. In particular, through real examples, we will deal with the following topics: 1. How to process the financial statements and internal accounting data of suppliers by adopting more functional schemes for the eco-fin evaluation? 2. On which aspects to focus attention? Because the automatic rating is convenient but not enough for a complete evaluation. What other signs and points of attention should you pick up and how? 3. Why is it essential to group suppliers into portfolios and sub-portfolios and how is it done? What criteria to use? The drill-down from the aggregate level to the single company. 4. To what extent can the supplier financially support a new order? What to watch out for and what are the warnings to be absolutely grasped. Guest: Antonietta Valentino - Senior Financial Controller Procurement at Whirlpool Corporation _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
Companies and Investors often use different valuation metrics and language, sometimes making dialogue difficult and above all considerably lengthening the process that should lead to the conclusion of an operation. Developing a Business Plan quickly, completely and in line with the needs of both parties can facilitate the dialogue and the negotiation process. Thanks to the experience of Serena Auletta, Senior Partner of Migliora Independent Advisor and Mario Basilico, Senior Manager of Migliora Independent Advisor, we analyze some real cases and see how to create a simulation environment in which to test hypotheses, evaluate the equity and financial impacts in the presence of only economic assumptions and how to develop the Business Plan for Startups and SMEs. Guests: Serena Auletta - Senior Partner Improves Independent Advisor Mario Basilico - Senior Manager Improves Independent Advisor _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
It is not true that to analyze the financial statements for 2019 you have to wait until June 2020! At least not for everyone. In fact, a few thousand 2019 financial statements are already available today, which could prove to be very useful for grasping some trends of Italian companies in advance of the market. Find out if they have grown, have earned, are more in debt and a lot of other interesting information. These are about 5000 companies that close their financial statements in June, September, November or other months and which therefore report management results that do not entirely coincide with the calendar year 2019 but potentially very significant for professionals, banks and companies. To these are added some companies which, despite having closed the financial year on 31/12/2019, have already filed the financial statements after only two months. An aggregate with numbers of absolute relevance that often passes "under the radar" to most of the analysts who look at the financial statements starting from June. Its numbers, on the other hand, are of absolute importance, even on a national scale: 135 billion in revenues, 6 in EBITDA, 3 in net profit, 72 in debt and 43 in equity. During the Webinar we answer, also using real cases, the following questions: - Why for some companies the duration of the financial year does not coincide with the calendar year? What are the benefits and implications? Are there any sectors or types of businesses that adopt this choice more frequently? Because? - How are the companies with infra-annual operations distributed according to the month of closure? - How are companies distributed with the 2019 financial statements already available for: sector, region, growth in volumes and margins, bank debt and other parameters? - Why and how are these financial statements interesting for banks, businesses and professionals? What kind of analysis is it useful to do? Guest: Roberto Brioschi - Chartered Accountant Partner of CGP Studio Legale e Tributario _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
Knowing our competitors is vital in business but we often don't know how to do a competitive analysis. Using the Leanus platform we explain how to identify competitors and how to calculate the market share of each of them, why it is better to compare reclassified financial statements and not the original financial statements and much more. Webinar in collaboration with our Partner INFORM in Spanish. _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
Leanus automatically uploads and reclassifies all official financial statements or from the main management systems; Leanus also allows you to load any data source (processed in Excel, management CSV, etc); in these cases the loading takes place automatically but it is necessary (at least the first time) to carry out the manual reclassification. Leanus supports the reclassification procedure which takes a few moments if managed by expert hands. During the webinar we show several examples to complete the reclassification of a management chart of accounts by focusing on "asterisked items" and on the management of signs (same sign, opposite sign). Guest: Davide Bertolli - Chartered Accountant _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
One of the sectors most affected by the Coronavirus emergency is certainly the hotel sector (Ateco 551). We have tried to roughly simulate the impact of this emergency by analyzing the budgets of almost 5.000 hotels and simulating a loss of 20 and 40% for 2020. This 8-minute video is sobering, and once again confirms how much the system ITALIAN entrepreneurial, as a whole, is solid and (apparently) capable of facing extraordinary crises, obviously without forgetting the many, many companies that, if not properly supported, will not be able to get out of them.
The recent Crisis Code and the new Banking Alert Systems (AQR) sensationally bring the balance sheet analysis back to the center of the business evaluation. Companies must produce and share financial indicators that represent their current and prospective state of health. The processing must be continuous and based on the “fresh” data contained in the company Accounts Plan which has a different structure from the statutory financial statements and requires attention and expertise to deal with some typical pitfalls of this activity. What is its real importance in the Bank's decision-making process? Guest: Luciano Tarantino - Accountant and Statutory Auditor _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
Reclassifying the financial statements means reorganizing the individual values in the Accounting according to an Income Statement, Balance Sheet and Cash Flow Statement functional to the analysis to be carried out. The statutory scheme typical of Italian financial statements is the standard reclassification adopted for Italian companies and generally used with Fonte for further elaborations (eg. Reclassification of the Income Statement at Cost of Sales, Reclassification of the Balance Sheet for liquidity, Reclassification of the Balance Sheet to Sources Loans or for Liquidity CE.BI Scheme, AQR Schemes). Leanus allows you to manage all these models at the same time, allowing the user to adopt the most suitable scheme for their analysis model. _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
The Business Plan is now "mandatory" for each request for funding. It is not just a document to be attached but the planning of revenues, costs, assets, liabilities and cash. Starting from the current numbers, it develops the project demonstrating its financial sustainability as well as the related risks and scenarios. It must explain how many resources are required, what type and how they will be used and returned. For the Bank it is an element to be analyzed that will contribute to the final decision. This webinar explains what its real importance is in the Bank's decision-making process, which often seems to be less than stated. Guest: Ivan Fogliata - Executive Partner inFinance _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
The new crisis code - The changes defined by Legislative Decree no.14 of 12 January 2019 will come into force on 15 August 2020, while some changes to the civil code have already entered into force. One of the aims of the reform is in fact to avoid that the delay in perceiving the signs of crisis of a company can then lead to an irreversible state of crisis. The decree requires the entrepreneur to adopt an adequate organizational structure for the purpose of promptly detecting the state of crisis; to this end, the methods for detecting any state of crisis and the indicators to be used have been defined. But what should the entrepreneur do when he detects a possible state of alert? What information must be prepared in order to communicate with the OCRI (Corporate Crisis Settlement Body)? Are the crisis settlement bodies set up at each Chamber of Commerce? What changes compared to the past? Guest: Rosario Pallone - Independent Financial Advisor to Advisor in bankruptcy proceedings _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
The Order of Accountants has formalized, after months of intense debate, seven Indicators that must be used for the new Crisis Code. These are seven parameters which, if not respected, could trigger the activation of the alert procedure at the OCRI, the last resort before the known insolvency procedures. Unfortunately, in the endless conferences held in recent months on the subject, little or nothing has been said about the practical aspects to be able to calculate the indicators when the data explicitly requested by the formulas are not available or they are not in civil format. For this reason, during the Webinar, we propose a series of reflections and examples that will illustrate how to calculate the Indicators of the Crisis Code when the raw material available is not a statutory financial statement but a Plan of Accounts, organized according to logic and structures. different. Guest: Andrea Onori - Chartered Accountant, Auditor and Trainer - Studio Direco Read more: Examples of Rectification Procedures _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
Over 3 billion euros in revenues with an EBITDA that exceeds 38% and a net income of 18%. This is the picture that emerges from the analysis of 19 airport management companies from all the main Italian cities. It would therefore seem that, with a few exceptions, the sector is solid both from an economic, patrimonial and financial point of view, even if it recorded a modest growth compared to the previous year (+ 3,6%). Aggregate Net Equity: € 3 Billion, Payables to the Banking System: € 0,7 Billion, Debt / Net Equity: 0,26 NFP / EBITDA: 0,1. We analyzed the characteristics of the sector and the reasons for these exceptional performances with Gianluca Littarru, General Manager of Aeroporti di Roma, the largest of the management companies analyzed, which alone represents approximately 34% of the market by revenues and 44,7% for EBITDA. Guest: Gianluca Littarru - Rome Airports General Manager _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly updated and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
The analysis of the financial statements of the top 246.963 companies with 2018 revenues greater than € 500.000, shows an image of Italy that is different from expectations and that overall appears to be in good health: € 2.384 billion in revenues, 7,7% Ebitda, € 443 billion of Payables to Banks for € 1.163 Billion of Net Equity; ROE 7,6%, ROI: 4,83%. € 211 billion available liquidity at the end of 2018. These are the numbers at an aggregate level. As reported in the Milano Finanza article, the analysis of the individual realities shows that about 6.000 companies (2,5% of the total) alone move a large part of the country's economy (60% of revenues, 63% of Ebitda, 55% of the Net Equity, 44% of the Bank Debt). Among the companies in the sample, 500 TOP companies emerge, selected on the basis of the best economic, equity and financial profile. The first three in terms of turnover are Pietro Fiorentini SPA, FOMA SpA, Aermec. The first company in Southern Italy (Naples) is Kimbo Spa. Guests: Vincenzo Perrone - Full Professor of Bocconi University Nicola CAROSIELLI - Journalist at Milano Finanza _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
UTPs or Unlikely to Pay (in Italian Unlikely to pay) are credit exposures for which the bank considers full repayment unlikely. Compared to bad loans, they are considered less risky as the probability of recovery is much higher. Regardless of the degree of risk, most of the banking system prefers to get rid of them by selling them to specialized companies better organized for the purposes of their assessment and recovery activities. The acquisition of a UTP portfolio by a specialized company presents many critical aspects which, if not properly controlled, can eliminate any earning opportunity and are dealt with in detail during the webinar and above all we show how Leanus is able to give an answer. concrete and allows you to pass from a list of fiscal codes to a portfolio monitoring and evaluation system over time, impossible to hypothesize with Excel or with other accessible low-cost tools. Guest: Francesco Scorza - Associate Partner @ Bain & Company _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
The recent introduction of the new IFRS 16 for the accounting of financial and operating leasing contracts will oblige companies to include the debt for LEASING in the balance sheet liabilities and the related assets in the assets. All other conditions being equal, we will have financial statements that are more representative of the real Financial Position of the companies which will include the debt for Leasing, until now relegated to the maze of the Explanatory Notes. The operating margins, EBITDA and EBIT will discount a fictitious improvement, due to the unbundling of the interests that will go into the Financial Management. For operators who have always adjusted the Statutory Financial Statements, including LEASING, nothing changes, while for the others there could be unexpected effects, not always welcome. Guests: Roberto Brioschi - Chartered Accountant Partner of CGP Studio Legale e Tributario Andrea Onori - Chartered Accountant, Auditor and Trainer - Studio Direco _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
Volumes of NPE (Non Performing Exposures) are decreasing thanks to the persistent cleaning and rationalization activities carried out in recent years by the banking system. NPL transaction volumes decreased in 2019 even though institutions still hold significant stocks of positions that are likely to be disposed of (bad loans and UTPs). In addition to this, there are significant portfolios of NPLs that have not yet been recovered from the banks' balance sheets and therefore will lead investors to invest in the Services and Technologies necessary to manage the evaluation process until recovery. The experience gained in the field with NPL market operators allows us to focus on some typical problems that can be frequently encountered in the management of NPL portfolios and with respect to which, instead, a correct use of technology would allow for a significant improvement in quality. analysis, reducing costs and times at the same time, with obvious advantages for Servicers and Investors. During the Webinar we focus our attention on how the most recent technological solutions, and in particular the Leanus platform, are able to support and improve this process. Guest: Enrico Rovere - Managing Director, Valuation Advisory Services - Duff & Phelps _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
The consolidated financial statements are one of the most complex documents to analyze as they are a place of aggregation of several individual financial statements. But why did our legislative system consider it appropriate to introduce legislation that would bind the consolidation of the financial statements of the groups? Why is it not enough to simply "add up" all the financial statements of the subsidiaries and the parent company? The reasons lie in the fact that groups of companies are characterized by the risk of duplication of economic and equity values that can distort the vision on the real health of a group. What are these duplications? How does the consolidation process manage to “deflate” them? In this webinar you will find the answers to these and other questions. Guest: Ivan FOGLIATA - Executive Partner inFinance _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
NO BUSINESS WITHOUT PLAN! Startups need a Business Plan to determine if and how they will be successful in an increasingly complex and competitive market. Analyzing and quantifying the target market, understanding who they are and what future competitors are doing and designing the path that will transform an idea into a "CASH POSITIVE" company is the reason why the Business Plan is drawn up. The Business Plan is not a document but a continuous planning and control process that absorbs commitment and resources and presents some exquisitely operational issues that are dealt with in a very practical way during the webinar. Hosts: Leopoldo Bonetti - Business Consultant - BB Service Management Control - Giusto Software Sales Manager Andrea Zaccheo - Yeap Founder and Administrator _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
The NFP / EBITDA ratio is an indicator often used as a proxy of the reliability of a company as it should express how many years the company would be able to repay its financial debts if it used all of its "potential" operating flows (expressed by 'EBITDA). Like all the indications taken into consideration individually, the risk of error is very high. Through the analysis of real cases we explain why. _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
The "QUICK RATIO" has improved but the company has gone bankrupt! Indices are relationships between values derived from available accounting and balance sheet information, which help us evaluate a company and make comparisons. Unfortunately, the analysis by indices hides many pitfalls, if not carried out correctly, risking to generate False Positives and False Negatives. Building and interpreting financial statements has now become a mandatory or at least necessary activity for CFOs, professionals and financial analysts. _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
The new indicators envisaged by the so-called CRISIS CODE have recently been presented. If the Net Equity is positive, then it is necessary to calculate the DSCR, the Financial Expenses / Revenues, Net Equity / Total Debts, Short-term Assets / Short-term Liabilities, Cash Flow / Total Assets, Social Security and Tax Debt / Total Assets . Each index is then compared with the sectoral thresholds. If none of the indices exceed the alert threshold, then the alert procedure must be initiated. Leanus simulated how many companies would trigger the alert despite having a positive net worth. The results are amazing. In fact, just over a hundred companies with positive net worth would trigger the alert because none of the indices exceeds the relative threshold. At least this is what emerges from the analysis of the 2018 financial statements of approximately 250.000 companies with revenues greater than 500.000 euros. During the webinar, in addition to showing the new module on the CDC, we will try to understand together with Andrea Isacchi (CEO of CR Expert) if and how the data from the Central Credit Register can be used for prospective processing. Guest: Andrea Isacchi - CEO of CR Expert _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
Despite the huge investments in technology, Excel remains the "life saving" tool of most CFOs even for very complex operations for which error handling remains a critical factor. During the Webinar dedicated to the needs of CFOs we will show how Leanus, without the need for expensive additions, can allow you to respond in real time to most needs. Some examples: monitor companies, suppliers, competitors, customers and evaluate their position also in relation to the provisions of the Crisis Code; analyze and compare the results of Business Units of the same company or of different companies; monitor the progress in relation to the covenants agreed with the banking system; compare your company with Italian and foreign competitors; analyze the individual legal entities by individual position and at an aggregate level and compare the results with the consolidated analysis; monitor the performance data of your company, subsidiaries / investee companies, commercial units etc; develop / manage / analyze business plans. _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
Although widely used for this purpose and even proposed by the alert systems (AQR and Crisis Code), EBITDA is not a proxy of cash or it is not an indicator of the company's ability to generate operating cash; in fact, in order to determine the operating cash flows, it is also necessary to take into account collection and payment times. The differences between Ebitda or Profit + Amortization and Operating Cash Flow increase with the increase in collection and payment times; they coincide only in the remote hypothesis that the company makes payments and collections at the same time as receiving / sending the invoice. After analyzing in detail how to build the Financial Statement (see registration), during the webinar, together with Carlo Serroni, a long-time professional with strong experience in business analysis and evaluation, we analyze several business cases to show these differences and to understand which one is the best indicator of the company's actual financial balance. Guest: Carlo Serroni - DOCFIN _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
"CASH IS KING" or we judge companies based on their ability to produce positive cash flows! Building and interpreting the Cash Flow Statement has become the daily bread for CFOs, professionals and financial analysts. You cannot analyze a company without knowing in depth its cash flow dynamics. During the webinar we will deepen the following topics with real cases: The construction and interpretation of the "managerial" Financial Statement with the indirect method What to do with the financial statements in abbreviated format The economic and balance sheet reclassifications that modify the Cash Flow The Cash Flow Statement in banking with in-depth analysis on working capital When EBITDA lies and cash is sincere! Net Profit + Amortization IS NOT Operating Cash Flow The indices linked to the Cash Flow _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
“The profession of the accountant is changing”. It is the recurring affirmation that has almost become the catchphrase of recent years. Certainly electronic invoicing, the new Crisis Code and in general the technological evolution has already transformed the activity of the studies. Despite the difficulties, the category of Accountants can still leverage a fundamental asset that can represent the critical factor on which to build a successful customer service model, namely direct access to the accounting data of companies. During the webinar it is shown how in a few seconds it is possible to analyze the data in the accounting from a managerial point of view, to carry out any simulations relating to costs, depreciation, tax impact; calculate the indicators of the crisis and obtain everything that allows you to assist your customers to evaluate their business, to access credit and for all extraordinary transactions. All operations that no other professional is able to carry out without receiving data from the Customer. You can also see how to obtain the same results by processing the charts of accounts extracted from the other management systems or ERPs (SAP, WKI-IPSOA, TeamSystem, Oracle, etc). _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
Would early warning systems have been able to pick up the signs of deterioration and thus prevent Thomas Cook's bankruptcy? In recent months, following the reform of the business crisis and the introduction of the IFRS9 accounting standard, early warning systems are presented as tools capable of capturing the signs of deterioration with consequent organizational impacts on companies. The so-called "Early warning Systems" are therefore systems of indicators, parameters, trend observation that can bring out the first signs of a business crisis and therefore able to activate early warning systems (ie early warning) . But the real question is: do they really work? We will try to apply them to a recent case of financial news: the bankruptcy of Thomas Cook, the largest world tour operator. Guest: Ivan Fogliata - Executive partner inFinace _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
The reclassification of the Balance Sheet with the Funds and Loans scheme and other financial methods improves the results of the preparation of the financial statements. Reclassifying the Statutory Financial Statements means reorganizing their values according to different Income Statement, Balance Sheet and Cash Flow Statement schemes, more functional to the objectives of the Analyst and of operators such as Banks, Investors and Professionals. An effective reclassification of the Statutory Financial Statements will make it possible to obtain a representation of the company situation that is closer to reality and more useful for the decision-making process. _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
The in-depth Leanus analysis of the 2018 financial statements of the Minibond issuing companies identified by the Milan Polytechnic Observatory offers interesting and unconventional insights into their real situation. What risk profile do Minibond companies present in light of the new alert systems (Crisis Code and bank Asset Quality Review)? To what extent would they be financed by traditional banks? How much cash have the operating and investment activities generated or absorbed? What is the ideal company profile for the next Minibonds, how many subjects exist in Italy with these characteristics and what financial needs do they have? Guest: Giuseppe Apicella - Managing Director of Promos Corporate Consulting _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly updated and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
Reclassifying the Statutory Financial Statements means reorganizing their values according to different Income Statement, Balance Sheet and Cash Flow Statement schemes, more functional to the objectives of the Analyst and of operators such as Banks, Investors and Professionals. An effective reclassification of the Statutory Financial Statements will make it possible to obtain a representation of the company situation that is closer to reality and more useful for the decision-making process. Thanks to the reclassification of the Statutory Financial Statements, it will also be possible to have a single analysis model suitable for understanding and comparing any company! _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
We analyzed the 2016 financial statements of 656 companies that defaulted in 2018 to see if it is possible and how early to intercept the signs of the crisis. The analysis concerns both small businesses and businesses with revenues (in 2016) exceeding 500 million euros. In 55% of cases the signs of the crisis are clear and evident. However, 6% of the companies showed a very good economic, equity and financial profile, thus escaping the control of the warning systems. But what are the characteristics of these companies? Is it possible to enhance the scores to intercept this type of company as well? What other elements can be considered? Guest: Andrea Paschina - Banca IFIS Operations Evaluation Manager _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly updated and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
How to reclassify the statutory financial statements to Leanus schemes? In this webinar, all the platform features are explained in detail to help you understand how Leanus can save you time and increase the quality of your work. _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
Stefano Carrara, Founder of Leanus, explains the main features of Leanus and will help you understand how our platform can save you time and increase the quality of your work. You will discover how to analyze a balance sheet, upload an accounting situation, find the benchmark, develop a business plan in less than 5 minutes. _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
The statutory scheme typical of Italian financial statements is the standard reclassification adopted for Italian companies and generally used with Fonte for further elaborations (eg. Reclassification of the Income Statement at Cost of Sales, Reclassification of the Balance Sheet for liquidity, Reclassification of the Balance Sheet to Sources Loans or for Liquidity CE.BI Scheme, AQR Schemes). Leanus allows you to manage all these models at the same time, allowing the user to adopt the most suitable scheme for their analysis model. _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
The calculation of the DSCR (Debt Service Coverage Ratio) is an indicator of the ability of a company to meet its commitments to the financial system through the cash generated in a given period. The Operating Cash Flow (numerator of the indicator) represents the company's ability to generate cash through its own characteristic management; the portion of debt to be repaid including interest over a given period of time is in the denominator. If the ratio is greater than 1 (1,1 is currently the most commonly used threshold) then the firm would be able to meet its commitments. But how is it calculated? Is it calculated on annual data, monthly data, management data and / or forecast data? Is it possible to calculate the DSCR using the information present in the Central Credit Register data? When the company is growing rapidly, what values does the DSCR assume? Guest: Gianluca Imperiale - Founder and Administrator of Business Plan Excel _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
Much has been said and written about the approximately 1200 active Italian companies controlled by French partners in recent days, almost always in conjunction with some "exchange of views" that has occupied the recent political agenda of the two countries. Much has been said about the large Italian entrepreneurship and finance groups that ended up in French hands, realities known by all as Parmalat, BNL, Pioneer, Loro Piana, Bulgari, Pomellato and many others. Very little attention was given to small and medium-sized Italian companies in French hands, a large group of over 900 companies rooted in the beautiful country that develop over 6 billion euros in revenues for an aggregate growth of over 8% in just 12 months. _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
In this webinar all Leanus features are explained in detail to help you understand how our platform can save you time and increase the quality of your work. _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
Preparing a presentation can be as complex and challenging as processing the analysis and information it contains. Together with Carlo Serroni, Founder and CEO of DOCFIN Srl, we will see how to develop a "pitch", a summary document to be used for the preliminary stages of the negotiations, how to choose the quantitative and qualitative information, what are the errors to avoid. We will also see how Leanus supports the analyst not only to elaborate tables and graphs relating to the numerical part, but also to include images, texts and qualitative information in the presentation, all in a few moments. Guest: Carlo Serroni - Founder and CEO of DOCFIN _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
The financial system on the one hand and the legal system on the other almost simultaneously introduce the so-called EARLY WARNING SYSTEMS (EWS). What is it about? These are the systems of indicators, parameters, trend observation that can make us grasp the signs of a business crisis and therefore able to activate early warning systems (ie early warning). The recent reform of bankruptcy law, in fact, provides for the introduction of systems capable of capturing the anticipatory signs of the crisis in order to promptly entrust the company to the care of experts. On the other hand, the recent introduction of the IFRS9 accounting standard with the consequent creation of the Stage2 category of loans, the so-called underperforming loans, requires credit institutions to equip themselves with alert systems capable of detecting the start of a deterioration process as soon as possible. credit quality. _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
Portfolio analysis helps to understand which companies to invest in and which ones to give up. There are a thousand ways to create and analyze business portfolios, the best is the one that more than others meets the analyst's objectives, be it risk assessment or identifying new opportunities on the market. How to create and manage Portfolios with Leanus? The use of filters and of the Group Analysis menu - Aggregate Analysis vs Individual enterprise analysis - Dispersion analysis, advanced positioning matrices, activity analysis (ATECO), risk analysis, rankings. _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
The development of the Business Plan requires time and skills. Leanus allows you to manage Business Plans both in INBOUND (i.e. when you receive excel documents produced by others), and in OUTBOUND, i.e. when you have to process them from scratch (eg Startup and Business Case) or when they concern companies with an accounting history . We will demonstrate that the goal of a good Business Plan is not to "anticipate the future", but to create a simulation environment capable of helping the analyst to test the hypotheses underlying a business idea. Guest: Andrea Moresco - Managing Partner of Audirevi Transaction Services _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
The analysis of over 1000 "traditional" Italian companies with revenues between 50 million and 1 billion reveals trends and profiles of great interest for lenders and investors, often in contrast with the country's economy. A relevant part of our economy carefully analyzed and segmented to identify who are the best target companies for economic and financial operators. What risk profile do they have? What are there potential opportunities? Which are successful without recourse to credit? With what business model? And again: which segments are growing the most and which ones have the best operating margins? What potential do they have in terms of economic returns for investors and new loans for banks? _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
In modern business it is of vital importance to continuously compare yourself with others to quickly grasp their strategies, business models, results, strengths and weaknesses. A correct use of BENCHMARKING Leanus allows you to immediately answer the following questions: What is the current positioning of our company on the market? How are the competitors doing and what are they doing? Are our results better or worse than theirs? Because? Who among the competitors adopts the same business model? Which are the most indebted to the banks? What about those with the best margins? Are we growing more or less than the market? Do we pay staff at the same level? Guest: Nicolò Brentan - Project Manager & Business Analyst at DECATHLON PRODUCTION ITALY _____ NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.