Commercial Targeting for Banks
The webinar is mainly dedicated to Corporate Marketing Management of the Banks which has as its focus the search for target companies NOT customers with potential need for financial assistance. Through the form smart targeting of Leanus we will see how to identify them.
In fact, Leanus is the ideal tool for:
- identify, isolate and analyze client companies;
- select NON-Customer companies;
- select only NON-Customer companies in line with internal credit policies;
- segment potential target companies by geographic area, sector of activity, size and much more;
- further segment businesses by potential financial needs;
- identify the contact strategy for each remaining name;
- evaluate the coherence between the target companies and the characteristics of the client companies.
Alessandro FISCHETTI - Leanus Administrator
NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.