Register and activate Leanus FREE now
With Leanus FREE sign in for free for 7 days and you can do endless research and analysis of business. No payment or credit card is required.
In your Reserved Area, for two Companies of your choice, you will be able to use all the features that include the indicators of the Business crisis, the Cash Flow Statement, the DSCR Calculation, the Benchmark, the Business Plan, the MCC Band and much more.
After 7 days, the Reserved Area and the company analyzes they will no longer be accessible.
You can upgrade at any time of your profile directly online or by contacting the Service Center
IMPORTANT: The law requires the filing of a copy of the valid identity document. Remember to send it during registration so that you can use your account right away.
To register, write to
Please submit the following information:
Name, Surname, Profession/Company, Telephone, Email, Front-back copy of a valid document
Public Area Width: all financial statements with Revenues> € 500.000
Reserved Area: 2 Analysis
Menu: Income statement and balance sheet
Access to Business Information: Yup
Price: Loano train station
Public Area Width: all financial statements with Revenues> € 500.000
Reserved Area: 300 analyzes
Menu: all
Access to Business Information: Yup
Price: Request an offer now