Beyond the Official Budget - How to reclassify the provisional data. Practical examples

Leanus automatically uploads and reclassifies all official financial statements or from the main management systems; Leanus also allows you to load any data source (processed in Excel, management CSV, etc); in these cases the loading takes place automatically but it is necessary (at least the first time) to carry out the manual reclassification. Leanus supports the reclassification procedure which takes a few moments if managed by expert hands. During the webinar we show several examples to complete the reclassification of a management chart of accounts focusing on the "asterisked items" and on the management of signs (same sign, opposite sign).

David Bertolli - Chartered accountant



NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
