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View and customize reclassification criteria

It is always possible to view and customize the reclassification criteria processed automatically.

By clicking on each item of the Income Statement, Balance Sheet and Cash Flow Statement you can view the detail of the individual balances.
For example, by clicking on Revenues, Item A1 – Revenues from Sales and Services will be displayed if the source is a statutory financial statement. If the source is different from a statutory financial statement (e.g. accounting situation uploaded via PDF or Excel), the reclassified (and marked in orange) associated Items will be displayed via the Menu Source and Reclassification

In addition to viewing the details of the individual balances, it is possible to modify the reclassification criteria by acting on the drop-down menu (In AREA CONFIDENTIAL if applicable)

From the Income Statement, Balance Sheet and Cash Flow Statement templates (Financial Statement Analysis Menu) it is possible to view only the reclassified items (marked in orange). To view all the Source entries, manage the reclassification via the Source and Reclassification/Reclassification Menu on Management Schemes

To view source data from the Income Statement, Balance Sheet or Cash Flow Statement:

Log in to Leanus
Research the company that you intend to analyze
Select it scheme of your interest (eg. Income Statement)
Click on any item of the scheme
Immagine the list of the source items which determine the displayed balance

It's possible modify the reclassification criteria. The change affects all calculations made for that specific company.

To view all the entries in the source and the related reclassification criteria used:

Log in to Leanus
Research the company that you intend to analyze
Go to Source Menu and Reclassification/Reclassification on Management Schemes

It's possible edit and save the reclassification criteria. The change affects all calculations made for that specific company.

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