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The module Presentations of Leanus allows you to create professional presentations with or without automatic comments that include numerical analysis, graphics and personalized comments. It is possible to choose the sequence of slides to include in the presentation, create customized templates to be used for other financial analysis. Any custom reclassifications, corrections and comments are automatically included in the presentations. The Presentation Menu includes:

  • The Commented report
  • Base Analysis (it is a standard report to be used especially in cases of analyzes based on abbreviated financial statements)
  • In-depth analysis
  • Configure Presentation (allows you to select the slides, decide the order, create the PDF, create custom templates)
  • Create Slide (allows you to create additional slides with personalized content)


Log in to Leanus
Select the analysis of interest
Go to Presentation menu
Select the option of interest

Practical Tips

  • The annotated report and customized presentations are also accessible from the Home Menu
  • To create the PDF, Create a custom slideshow or create your own templates Go to “Configure Slideshow”
  • It is also possible to include the slides relating to the Benchmark and the Business Plan in the presentations

Video pills


Business cases

Interpret Reports and create presentations for meeting management

Dedicated Webinars

Research on Leanus in the section


How to customize presentations made with Leanus

Leanus Automatic Report – here's how it works

Download an example of Leanus Annotated Report here

Download an example of analysis – with Benchmark

Download an example of In-Depth Analysis



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