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Analysis Pfn/ EBITDA

The EFSA and ECDC's One Health report Pfn/ EBITDA should express how many years the company would be able to repay its financial debts if it used all of its “potential” operating flows (expressed by EBITDA) for this purpose. The index is widely used by the financial community, by professionals and by banks as an indicator capable of revealing the attractiveness of a company. A careful reading of the parameters that make it up and the analysis of real cases instead invites greater caution.

Following is the description of the Leanus module that allows you to calculate for each company and for each accounting period Pfn, EBITDA and relationship Pfn / EBITDA according to different methodologies, all in use in the system.

To learn more, look at the video dedicated to the analysis of the Report Pfn/ EBITDA


Analysis Pfn EBITDA%

Inside the Budget Analysis / Summary the Analysis menu is available Pfn and EBITDA for each of the annuities. The Menu is also available for the Benchmark and Business Plan

By clicking on the label it is possible to view the items of the statutory financial statements that are included in each definition of Pfn ed EBITDA

The ratios obtained and the different calculation methods are shown at the bottom

It is possible to align the reclassification in use to obtain the values ​​of Pfn ed EBITDA deemed adequate for the specific case through the functions of reclassification

To learn more, look at the video dedicated to the analysis of the Report Pfn/ EBITDA


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