The menu “Search with Filters” has been further enhanced with the introduction of Search by Roles Natural and Legal Persons
For example, it is possible to enter the Tax code of a person and identify all the companies in which the Natural Person is a Shareholder, Beneficial Owner, Representative or having offices.

Through the filter it is possible, for example, to identify:

  • all the societies somehow related to the same subject;
  • all the connections, direct and indirect, of a natural or legal person;
  • all companies which refer to a certain auditing firm;
  • all companies that are held by natural persons of foreign nationality;
  • ..

The research refers to the companies included in the Leanus database.


  1. Menu: Process Analysis/Filter Registry
  2. Filter by: "Roles of physical persons"
  3. Select the operator “Contains, equals”
  4. Confirm


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