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Three meetings between Private Equity - Banks - Companies - Entrepreneurs to talk about the real economy starting from the numbers

Funds hunt for excellent companies, banks preside over relations with large companies and in the meantime many are trying to specialize in relaunching companies with untidy numbers but able, once they have been healed, to stay on the market and produce profits. Even among the funds, Banks and Professionals some succeed with extreme success, others struggle and abandon in the medium term.
We talked about it in three open-door meetings with entrepreneurs, leading exponents of the banking system, private equity and professionals.

First meeting 26 November 2018
What are the business models adopted by SGR. to carry out their business? What are the implications of choosing a business model? What are the peculiarities of the financial statements of SGR.? How is it best to reclassify costs and revenues in order to have analysis schemes that allow the correct interpretation of the economic, equity and financial structure of the SGR.? How to compare SGR. who file their financial statements in a different format: Bank of Italy vs traditional models (eg Spa)? But above all what conclusions can be drawn on the trend of SGR. and on the results achieved?
Guest: WALTER RICCIOTTI, CEO Quadrivium Group.


Second meeting 17 January 2019
The analysis of over 1000 “traditional” Italian companies with revenues between 50 million and 1 billion reveals trends and profiles of great interest for lenders and investors, often in contrast with the country's economy. A relevant part of our economy carefully analyzed and segmented to identify who are the best target companies for economic and financial operators. What risk profile do they have? What are there potential opportunities? Which are successful without recourse to credit? With what business model? And again: which segments are growing the most and which ones have the best operating margins? What potential do they have in terms of economic returns for investors and new loans for banks?


Third meeting January 31, 2019
Almost simultaneously the financial system on the one hand and the legal system on the other introduce the so-called EARLY WARNING SYSTEMS (EWS).
What is it about? These are the systems of indicators, parameters, trend observation that can make us grasp the signs of a business crisis and therefore are able to activate early warning systems (ie early warning). The recent reform of bankruptcy law, in fact, provides for the introduction of systems capable of capturing the anticipatory signs of the crisis in order to promptly entrust the company to the care of experts. On the other hand, the recent introduction of the IFRS9 accounting standard with the consequent creation of the Stage2 category of loans, the so-called underperforming loans, requires credit institutions to equip themselves with alert systems capable of detecting the start of a deterioration process as soon as possible. credit quality.


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