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Benchmark refers to the comparison between a company and other companies or between a company and a reference (e.g. sector analysis, etc.).
Leanus allows you to search for competing companies by Name, Fiscal Code, Ateco code or through other criteria. Once the selection of competing companies has been made, it is possible to compare the entire analysis model (Income Statement, Balance Sheet, Financial Statement, indices, etc.).

Leanus allows you to make the comparison on the most recent and available accounting period for all the selected companies. Below is an example

In the example given, although 3 companies were selected, the company XXX – Limited Liability Company was not included in the Benchmark as the last balance sheet is from 12/2011.

It's possible:
Change the ALIAS by clicking on the “pencil” next to the name”
Delete Relationship
Archive the Benchmark and view related presentations
Update analyses not included in the benchmark with both official balance sheets and proprietary accounting situations.

Important: After the video was recorded, some features have been further enhanced.


Access Leanus in the Reserved Area (if applicable) and select the company you want to compare. If included in the profile, all "benchmark" companies must be present in the Reserved Area.
In the Menu Benchmark select the submenu Associate Businesses/Groups
Click on “+” next to the “Benchmark” label (the function is also available in Home and in the Income Statement, Balance Sheet and Cash Flow Statement menus)
* Search via Name, VAT number or Atec code* or the companies to be included and follow the procedure (“Click on *Add and then Proceed")
It is possible to compare up to 5 analyzes at the same time

IMPORTANT: If applicable, all companies to be included in the Benchmark must be previously Copied in Reserved Area
IMPORTANT: In case the user does not know the Benchmark companies, he can search for them through the Menu Filter Personal Data and subsequently carry out the operations required by the procedure.

The Benchmark Leanus module allows you to compare the entire analysis of the company (income statement, balance sheet, cash flow statement, balance sheet ratios etc.) with those of other companies (benchmark) or sector analyses.

Video pills

Compare your company with competitors

Business cases

Research and analysis of competing companies – The Benchmark

Dedicated Webinars

Benchmark processing

Practical Tips

It is possible to compare up to 5 analyzes at the same time. To compare a larger number of businesses use the Group Analysis Menu
You can search for competitors using the form Search with Filters
You can compare a firm with other firms, with custom groups or benchmarks, or a group with other groups
Your User Profile may include the use of the Benchmark module only in the RESERVED AREA. All analyses must therefore be transferred to the Reserved Area
The Benchmark is calculated on the last accounting period available for all the companies considered
To view the Benchmark on previous years (as long as they are available for all the companies in question) you can hide the last accounting period

It will be possible to use all the submenus of the Benchmark Module to compare all the elements of the analysis model (Income Statement, Balance Sheet, Cash Flow Statement, Financial Statement Ratios, Statutory, Banks Scheme, Etc)


What are the methods for processing the Benchmark with Leanus?

Leanus provides the ability to process the benchmark in 4 different ways.

Il Benchmark menu allows you to elaborate the comparison between up to five companies chosen by name by the user.
For business search through Nace or other Filters, uses Filter Master Data Menu
To carry out the Automatic benchmarking with Leanus models, use the Last Period Valuation / Benchmark Comparison Menu
To search for the Benchmark via the analysis of a group of companies previously selected through filters, use the function Create a group of companies selected through the Filters

What is meant by Benchmark with selection by Denomination?

If you know the names of the competitors you can associate the main company with up to 4 companies (Italian or foreign) with which to make the comparison through the Positioning Menu Competitive / Manage Relationships, you can make your selection All firms to be included in the Benchmark must be previously transferred to the RESERVED AREA (if required by your profile).

In this mode you can compare businesses using the entire Leanus Analysis Model. Some examples:

  • Comparison of Income Statement, Balance Sheet, Cash Flow Statement, OIC Cash Flow Statement, Civil Law Scheme, CEBI Scheme
  • Calculation of relative market shares
  • Leanus Score Comparison
  • Comparison of Corporate Value
  • Comparison of Balance Sheet Indexes, KPIs, Crisis Indicators.

Furthermore, the graphs that can be exported in pdf, png, jpeg are automatically generated. All prospectuses and tables can be exported to excel.

To access the operating procedures use the "Search field" of this manual.

Can the Benchmark module also be used to compare the Business Plan data with the trend data?

YES, to make the comparison follow the procedure below:

Develop the business plan, the statutory scheme on prospective data will also be processed automatically.
Access the statutory framework of the Business Plan and download the XMLs for each of the years you are interested in (icon located at the top corresponding to the year).
Prepare a new budget analysis (from XBRL, XML, XLS) using the XML you just downloaded (the main company's CF will have “BP” added).
Update the new registry with other XMLs
Access the analysis of the company in which the performance data are present
Select the analysis related to the Business Plan as Benchmark just processed.

It will be considered as the reference year the last common year present both in the trend and in the Business Plan. To view different annuities, use the function: Hide / Show Accounting Period.

How is the Leanus Automatic Benchmark Model processed?

The Leanus Benchmark refers to a cluster of financial statements of similar companies in terms of size, business models and eco / fin profile regardless of ATECO. For each cluster Leanus chooses as a benchmark the business profile that identifies the 30% of the best.

What is the best way to identify the Benchmark?

The best way depends on the information available. In the absence of specific information, the Leanus Benchmark or the search by Sector codes (Ateco, Nace, SAE, RAE,..) and the further analysis by the Group Analysis module, allows you to identify a list of potential competitors with a margin of error that depends on available information and user experience. The entrepreneur generally knows his competitors; the selection by Denomination is certainly the most effective but often not feasible method.



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