Customize the reclassifications
Leanus allows you to customize the preset reclassification schemes for each analysis and of save the new templates so that the user can recall them later and reuse them for other analyses developed on the basis of the same data source. All the processes that depend on the reclassification model adopted (e.g. Balance Sheet Indices, Leanus Score, Financial Statement, DSCR, etc.) are updated in real time
It is possible to modify and save the reclassification criteria in two different ways:
by Budget Analysis Menu by accessing the income statement, balance sheet and cash flow statement reclassification formats
by Data Source and Reclassification Menu, by accessing Reclassification
The reclassification operations carried out within the schemes of CE, SP, RF and from the Balance Sheet Analysis / Reclassification Menu are synchronized, or they can be carried out from one or the other menu indifferently. From the menu Reclassification it is possible to insert items previously not included in the reclassification model (eg Sub-accounts).
Customization of reclassification from the Balance Sheet Analysis Menu
Customizing the reclassification is a function available only in the RESERVED AREA (or for Corporate users)
This mode allows you to change the reclassification of items that have already been previously reclassified in another way.
To modify / reclassify a single item .
Log in to Leanus
Research the company that you intend to analyze
Select it scheme of your interest (Eg. Balance Sheet / Numerical Analysis)
Click on any entry in the diagram you want to change (eg. Other Payables)
Wait for the box above the table showing the reclassified source items
Click on drop down menu and select the reclassification item you want to use
Click on Update
Customize reclassification from the Reclassification Menu
This mode allows you to change the reclassification of all the items present in the Data Source
To modify / reclassify the reclassifications .
Log in to Leanus
Research the company that you intend to analyze
Go to Data Source and Reclassification / Reclassification
Click on drop down menu in correspondence with the entry of the source you want to change (lines already reclassified in other ways are highlighted in yellow)
Select the reclassification item you intend to use
Click on Update
Check the square control triangle (Green, Orange, Red) and the contents of the box Accounting verification of Leanus reclassification schemes to check that the operation was performed correctly.
See the guide dedicated to the rectification of entries Other inputs for statistics and Other
To save the new reclassification model and reuse it later, open the “Customize Reclassification” box and follow the save procedure.
The change affects all calculations and processing associated with the company subject to the change.
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