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Keep an eye on the report Pfn / EBITDA

The EFSA and ECDC's One Health report Pfn/ EBITDA should express in how many years the company would be able to repay its financial debts if it used all of its "potential" operating flows (expressed by theEBITDA) for this purpose. The index is widely used by the financial community, by professionals and by banks as an indicator capable of revealing the attractiveness of a company. A careful reading of the parameters that compose it and the analysis of real cases instead invites greater caution. Definitions and analysis of the report are provided below Pfn/ EBITDA of a sample of companies. It will be up to the reader to formulate their own idea in relation to the correct use of the indicator.

The report Pfn/ EBITDA


  • Pfn = Net Financial Position, that is the algebraic sum of Financial Debts net of Cash.
  • EBITDA = Earnings Before Interests, Taxes, Depreciation and Ammortization. Corresponds to MOL (Gross Operating Margin). Indicates the operating margin deriving from the Characteristic Management of a company or: Revenues net of Consumption, Fixed and Variable Costs, General and Administrative Costs (see attached document)
  • The higher the ratio, the lower the firm's ability to repay the debt owed to the system should be.
  • The lower the ratio, the greater should be the ability of companies to produce wealth and therefore sufficient financial resources to honor their commitments.

The ratio is also used to quickly calculate how soon the firm will be able to repay the debt. A ratio of 5 means that, all things being equal, it will take at least 5 years to fully repay your debt (excluding financial charges). A rough assessment but often used as a dividing line between good companies and less interesting ones, at least for those who are looking for healthy companies. The careful reading of these definitions imposes some questions that are unlikely to find a univocal answer, suitable for all business realities; some examples:

  • What are the financial debts? Do they include payables to shareholders? And the debts to other lenders? Payables to subsidiaries?
  • Which items should be included in the Revenues? The A5 entry? The increases in fixed assets for internal work?

Leanus elaborates the analysis of Pfn ed EBITDA both on historical data and on the data of the Business Plan so that the user can evaluate which is the best reclassification model to be adopted to better analyze the individual company reality


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