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Change the source data

Sometimes even the data sources downloaded from the official registers may present errors such as the reversal of the sign of some items, the value of the balances that do not correspond to the values ​​of the sub-items, etc. In this case it may be necessary to change the data source.

The procedure, to be used only if certain of the error in the data source, allows you to change the numeric data of the data source.

Log in to Leanus
Search or sign in the analysis you intend to modify
Go to + Update Budget Analysis
Click on Enter manually
Duplicate the year you want to change (e.g. 31/12/2014) (I will create a new year with the same data as 2014, e.g. 31/12/2015)
Enter manually changes in the year just created
Delete the 2014
Modification the date of the year created and modified with 31/12/2014 (click on the date and follow the instructions)

An intervention on the software is foreseen to simplify the indicated operation.

We recommend using the procedure only in cases where the data source used is clearly incorrect (e.g. cost items entered for a few years with the sign + and for others with the sign -.

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