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The menu Process Analysis it is available in all the software sections and allows you to start all the procedures relating to analyzes (companies or groups) not yet displayed on the screen; Some examples:

Identify companies whose name or VAT number you do not remember through the Filter Master Data menu
Upload Balance Sheets and Accounting Situations of companies not yet present in the DB or in your PRIVATE AREA
View the List of Groups previously created using the "Create Group" function
Create a new Group with Selection by Name or by Fiscal Code
Manage the analysis of a business portfolio by uploading a list of tax codes


Log in to Leanus
Click on the Menu of interest

Practical Tips

  • In the Public Area some menus cannot be used (e.g. Upload Balance Sheets from PDF)
  • In the Reserved Area, the Menus will activate only the functions available in the RESERVED AREA; for example, the search with filters will return the results relating to the analyses present in the RESERVED AREA
  • Consult the following sections of the manual to view the detailed operating procedures


What is meant by New Budget Analysis?

By New Balance Sheet Analysis we mean the preparation of the balance sheets or accounting situations of a person not present in the Leanus Archive. The operation involves the search for the subject or the file, the import of the file into Leanus, the reclassification which can be automatic or manual depending on the data sources and the management of exceptions.

What is meant by Update Budget Analysis?

By Analysis Update (menu available only after identifying the subject to be analyzed), we mean extending the analysis to a greater number of accounting periods and / or updating those already present with new data. The updating methods, in addition to those foreseen for the Analysis Creation, provides manual entry of accounting data.

What are the budget formats that I can analyze with Leanus?

You can analyze any Italian or foreign budget format, relating to corporations, partnerships, sole proprietorships or other. If the data is public you can acquire it directly from Leanus; if the data is not public you can upload it from your PC.

  • For more details on the loading of accounting data taken from the Official Registers (automatic reclassification) click here:
  • For more details on loading accounting data taken from your computer (manual or automatic reclassification) * click here

What are the financial statements already prepared by Leanus and present in Filtra Anagrafiche?

All financial statements (at least 5 years) of Italian joint-stock companies in Consolidated, Ordinary, Abbreviated format with Revenues greater than €500.000 for at least one year for a total of over 2.500.000 analyzes



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