The Business System of the Province of Vicenza - 11/5/2023

Leanus in collaboration with Banca del Veneto Centrale, Piano Bis, Confcooperative Vicenza and Promozioni Servizi srl, met the Banks, Entrepreneurs and Professionals of the province of Vicenza to discuss businesses, access to credit and development opportunities through the story of the different players of the local system.

The following intervened:
Stephen Carrara - Leanus Administrator
Claudius Bertollo General Manager of Banca del Veneto Centrale
Robert Conte - Founder of Piano Bis
Valerio Zanella - Director of Confcooperative Vicenza
Alexander Castiglioni - Chief Executive Officer of Promozioni Servizi srl

Download here the study on the Business System of the Province of Vicenza conducted by Leanus


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