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Advanced adjustments with description and calculation of totals

Leanus makes it possible to adjust the values ​​obtained from the reclassification of the data source in the destination schedules. The adjustment can be inserted by "opening" the column relating to each accounting period and entering the value of the adjustment.

The advanced rectification function allows you to:
Describe the value of the adjustment inserted (e.g. Additional costs for maintenance)
Please describe in more detail the resulting value after the adjustment.

How do advanced adjustments fit in?

The symbol is shown next to each reclassification item . Just click on the symbol to view the advanced adjustments management module

In which schemes is it possible to insert advanced adjustments?

The adjustment menus are present in all the Income Statement and Balance Sheet tables for both historical data and the Business Plan.

On the historical data it is foreseen the insertion of adjustments, on the data of the business plan it is foreseen the insertion of inputs (which replace the pre-adjustment value). How does it work?

On the historical data, in the balance sheet analysis module, the procedure allows you to adjust the reclassified values. For example, if the pre-adjustment value is 100 and the user enters 20 in rectification, the post-adjustment result will be 120. In the business plan module, the procedure instead allows you to enter (input) a value that replaces the visible one first of the intervention; In the example, the post adjustment value would be equal to 20

Below is a compilation example


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