If required by the configuration, Leanus expects aAREA PUBLISH, accessible by users in read-only mode, and aAREA CONFIDENTIAL for the exclusive access of the user and any authorized team members.
The area PUBLISH
The public area is the area for consultation only. Contains the financial statements of Italian companies (at least 5 years) with revenues greater than 500.000 Euros for a total of over 2.500.000 analyses. For each of the companies in the database (and/or for each of the companies elaborated by downloading the official financial statements through the "Elaborate new analysis" procedure), in AREA PUBLISH can:
- access the "Purchase Documents" menu and all the related submenus provided for your profile;
- search / filter companies through the Filter Master data menu;
- elaborate New Analyzes from the IT Company Register, Other IT Suppliers, Spanish Register;
- develop a New Group;
- view the Groups;
- display the Home menu for individual companies;
- view all the menus of the Budget Analysis module provided for your profile (Eco / fin Summary, Income Statement, Balance Sheet, Cash Flow Statement, Balance Sheet Indices);
- update the Analysis from the IT Company Register, Other IT Suppliers, Spanish Register (the operation involves a debit in credits);
- display some menus of the Evaluation module (Band MCC 2018 excluded);
- view and save in PDF the Presentations provided in the Slide module (Basic Analysis, In-depth Analysis, Customize Slide, etc);
- download tables in Excel and charts in PDF o image format;
- choose the language between Italian, English and Spanish;
- manage your profile.
The Reserved Area is your personal area within which you can carry out a series of analyzes that will only affect your analyzes and can in no way be shared with others. Limited to businesses transferred or processed in AREA CONFIDENTIAL, in addition to all the operations foreseen in AREA PUBLISH, you can also:
- Process new analyzes by uploading proprietary files (XLS, CSV, XML, XBR extension…
- Change the preset reclassification criteria
- Save your custom reclassification criteria
- Make Adjustments
- Use the advanced adjustment management menu
- Display all menus that in AREA PUBLISH are marked with a (Ex. Headband MCC, DSCR extension..)
- Access all menus provided by the Benchmark Module (Competitive Positioning)
- Access the Annual and Monthly Business Plan Form
- Access the Groups Menu and activate all the functions provided for in the Aggregation and management of business groups
It is possible to test the functions provided both in AREA PUBLISH in that AREA CONFIDENTIAL?
Yes, by registering and creating an account you will be able to transfer up to two analyzes to AREA CONFIDENTIAL and use all the functions.
What are the menus NOT accessible in "AREA PUBLISH"?
Menus indicated by a "padlock" orange and all the functions that involve the insertion of changes to the reclassification models or the loading of accounting data from proprietary sources.
It is possible to Create or Update an analysis in AREA PUBLISH?
Yes, but only from the Italian Official Registers. The cost is indicated at the time of the transaction confirmation.
It is possible to Create or Update a "Group" in AREA PUBLISH?
YES. However, some functions are only available in AREA CONFIDENTIAL. It is possible to Create a Group in AREA PUBLISH, download the file XML from the Balance Sheet Analysis / Statutory Scheme Menu and Create the group again in AREA CONFIDENTIAL. This way, all menus can be used on the aggregated data.
It is possible to Create or Update an analysis in AREA CONFIDENTIAL
Yes, it is sufficient to activate the functions available under the menu +Carica Balances
It is possible to keep the analyzes of AREA CONFIDENTIAL updated with the official budgets available in AREA PUBLISH
Yes. Simply request it from the Service Centre. In the case of the presence of analyzes in AREA CONFIDENTIAL processed on the basis of management accounting data, such data could be overwritten during the update and therefore no longer recoverable.
It is also possible:
Identify the businesses you intend to combine into AREA PUBLISH
Batch transfer the companies that it intends to aggregate from the area PUBLISH atAREA CONFIDENTIAL
Create the Group in AREA CONFIDENTIAL
In this way the user will be able to use all the functions provided for his / her profile.
It is possible to extend the size of theAREA CONFIDENTIAL?
YES. For more information contact the Service Center
Post your feedback on this topic.