Enter the assumptions relating to the cost of personnel and the number of employees
The cost of staff is generally reclassified as Fixed Cost. Given the importance of this item, which affects not only Fixed Costs but also the calculation of taxes, a dedicated area is provided for entry.
To change the cost of personnel in the business plan:
Log in to Leanus
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Go to Business Plan / Income Statement / Numerical Analysis
Scroll down the page downward
Enter the cost of personnel in the appropriate line below Main Indicators
The following example simulates the effect of entering the personnel cost with the indicated procedure
Initial situation
- Cost of Personnel = 100
- Other fixed costs = 200
- Total Fixed Costs = 300
- Detail of personnel costs in the “Main Indicators” block = 100
Situation after entering 500 in the "personnel cost" cell.
- Other fixed costs = 200
- Total Fixed Costs = 700
- Detail of personnel costs in the “Main Indicators” block = 500
The tax calculation takes into account the new personnel cost value. Entering the number of employees results in the calculation of the average cost per employee.
The values entered with the sign + in Personnel costs are shown with the sign - in fixed production costs. Then to enter an additional staff cost of 100, enter 100 in the staff cost line.
The inclusion of -100 in the production fixed costs line can have a different overall effect as it does not change the calculation of taxes and does not distinguish between the amount allocated to personnel costs and the amount allocated to other fixed costs.
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