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Enter the assumptions of the income statement

The Business Plan Module allows you to simulate economic, equity and financial trends over a period of time ranging from 4 to 8 periods.

To elaborate the Business Plan of a company with Leanus, the following steps must be followed:

Log in to Leanus e select the company for which you want to create the business plan.
Make sure the latest accounting period is present in Budget Analysis is the latest available. If possible, it is advisable to update the analysis with the latest data.
Check that the square control triangle is square green or orange
Log in to Business Plan / Income Statement / Numerical Analysis and click on the button "+" to add new years (up to a maximum of 8)
Enter the hypotheses for the future, bearing in mind that the values ​​entered in Input replace those of the previous period.
Click on the button "Update" to simultaneously update the Cash Flow Statement and Balance Sheet templates
Repeat the operation for it too Balance Sheet
use the Graphic Analysis and the information at the bottom of the tables to interpret the results obtained.

It is important to consider that the Leanus Business Plan module processes depreciation and investments on the basis of the hypotheses entered and provides for various checks to highlight any anomalies. In addition, you can use advanced adjustments to run simulations on historical accounting data, such as the impact of a change in working capital, and save different scenarios for later recall. Finally, the module allows you to integrate the slides of the business plan into the presentation model via the Presentation/Configure Presentation menu.


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