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Procedure with manual data entry on predefined schemes (Civil, Ce.BI etc)

The procedure allows you to create a registry to be associated with a statutory financial statement entering the data manually on predefined standard schemes

After copying the data, you will be able to get the analysis without any further intervention

Log in to Leanus
Go to *Elaborate Analysis / +upload financial statements/ and select the option: Manual Input of Accounting Data on Predefined Schemes
Complete the required fields (Name, Tax Code, Budget Type as shown in the figure

Click on Confirm
Enter the values ​​in the selected report

Click on Confirm

Is it possible to change the data later?

YES. Just access the Menu: Source and Reclassification »Manual Input Management

Is it possible to insert new accounting periods later?

YES. It is sufficient to access the Menu: Source and Reclassification »Manual Input Management, click on the plus corresponding to an accounting period that you want to duplicate and follow the instructions

Can the reclassification criteria be changed later?

YES. It is sufficient to access the Menu: Source and Reclassification »Source Reclassification on Management Schemes or click on the balances of the EC and SP schemes


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