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What is the Automatic Business Plan?

The automatic or inertial Business Plan it is a way of creating a business plan using algorithms and software to automatically generate a set of assumptions and forecasts about a company or business. These assumptions and predictions can relate current financial situation, expected income and expenses, long-term goals, marketing strategies and other important aspects of the business plan.

The advantage of an automated Business Plan is that it can be created quickly and without requiring a large amount of data or business knowledge. However, since the assumptions and predictions are generated automatically, they may not be adequate to represent your specific situation or to simulate future scenarios. Furthermore, the inertial must be understood as a forecast based on past data and does not take into account any future changes.

What are the hypotheses of the automatic Leanus Business Plan?

Leanus generates automatically an “inertial” business plan, which is used to evaluate a company's ability to repay debt without any user input. However, in most cases, the automatic guesses made by the software may not be sufficient to accurately represent the specific situation company or simulate future scenarios. Therefore, actively developing a business plan is an activity that professionals in the sector must be able to perform with the utmost competence.

The inertial Business Plan generated by Leanus and reported in Automatic Commented Report Evaluate the firm's ability to repay outstanding debt based on an average scenario, *that is an inertial trend of the business. This means *uses historical data of the company to generate predictions about the future, regardless of any changes significant in the external environment or in the internal situation of the company. In other words, it is based on the assumption that things will continue to work out as they have in the past. This can be useful to get a general idea the company's financial situation, but that may not be enough to make important strategic decisions or to evaluate the effects of any future changes.

What is the output processed by Leanus?

In addition to the income statement and prospective balance sheet, the Leanus inertial business plan generates the cash flow statement and prospective score, in order to allow to visualize the effects of the simulation on all the main dimensions of analysis.

The automatic Business Plan also generates :

  • budget ratios
  • the civil scheme
  • custom schemes (e.g. CRF, AQR1, AQR2 etc)
  • LOM indicators
  • the DSCR
  • the breakeven
  • cash flow
  • ....

Where can I view the automatic Leanus Business Plan?

To view the automatic Business Plan (also in PUBLIC AREA) you can use the Commented Report or access the Business plan menu. The Commented Report is a document that includes all information relating to the historical analysis and the automatic Business Plan, accompanied by comments and explanations that allow you to evaluate and interpret both the historical data and the forecasts generated by the software.

In RESERVED AREA, the user has the option of modify the automatic assumptions and create different scenarios based on specific information about the single company. This allows the user to adapt the automatic Business Plan to the specific needs of the company and to simulate different future situations, taking into account any changes in the external environment or in the internal situation of the company. In this way, the user can get a more precise and complete view of the company's financial situation and make more informed strategic decisions. Furthermore, the user has the option of create more scenarios and evaluate the related results to identify the one that best suits the business needs.

The Leanus automatic or inertial Business Plan


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