Indicators LOM Corporate
The function, of specific interest to users involved in the credit process, allows the indicators to be processed in real time LOM both on historical data (including accounting situations) and for the benchmark and the processing of the Business Plan.
The number of indicators achieved on the historical data are also visible in the box "KPI Sectors, Crisis Code e LOM" present on the Home page.
For Premium users, the indicators LOM are visible in AREA CONFIDENTIAL; the number of indicators reached is visible in Home also in AREA PUBLISH.
How the indicators were identified LOM?
The indicators LOM they have been elaborated with reference to the “Annexes” of the Regulations EBA as shown in the figure
How the thresholds of the indicators were identified LOM?
For each indicator, the distribution of Italian companies was analyzed as shown in the figure; an average threshold of the first quartile was selected for each indicator.
For "Corporate" users, Leanus processes the distribution of indicators on specific segmentation criteria which may include Sector codes, Geographical areas or other parameters chosen by the user
The indicators LOM are they also available for the Business Plan?
Yes. They are available for Business Plan, Benchmark and Group Analysis
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