How to search for a business
To search for a business with Leanus you can use indifferently:
- la Name (or part of it)
- il Ateco Code
- il Tax Code / Match IVA (or part of it)
- the address
- Free search (Size, Revenues, Profit, etc)
The search box
Il search box is present in home page and all other pages of the software. The box is preset to the option "What are you looking for" which allows you to search by name, tax code or any other key. With this option the characters typed (ex "pre") are searched at the beginning or within the text and in all the personal data fields. In addition to the companies that meet the search criteria, the results related to:
- Groups created by the user
- Chamber documents purchased by the user
- Leanus menus matching your search criteria (typing for example "Pfn" the menu where the value of the is available will be shown Pfn)
Is it possible to restrict the search to the Denomination only?
The drop-down menu allows you to select the type of research chosen. Selecting "Name" the search is carried out:
- only in the field Name;
- Research all Denominations starting with the characters you type.
For example by typing "Pre" you will get the result shown in the image:
The function is very useful in the case of personal data with very common names and corresponding to a large number of subjects.
What can be done when the search results are too many?
Click on Show all results placed at the end of the list. You will be able to refine your search using filters.
What can I do when I can't find the company I'm looking for?
1 option:
Click on “+Load financial statements” to download the balance sheet of interest from Official Suppliers and automatically process the analysis.
Or (if no financial statements can be identified)
2 option:
Click on "Registry search and Chamber data from the Business Register" to verify the existence of the subject in the official register.
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