They were presented on Tuesday 20 February the results of the Leanus-BeBeez analysis on the anticipatory signs of the corporate crisis.
In 73% of cases, the signs are clear and evident two years before the default.
The study has provided valuable insights that we believe it is useful to share
The main one concerns the analysis of the cluster made up of about 15.000 Italian companies with Revenues> 1M € with a highly compromised risk profile (reduced share capital and / or negative net worth and / or excessive indebtedness combined with a strongly negative economic profile). Only 42 firms in the cluster actually went into default; the remaining 14.958 are still struggling to emerge from the crisis and may represent an opportunity.
For further insights at the following links are available:
- The article published in Milano Finanza signed by Alessandro Fischetti and Stefania Peveraro
- The full version of the study
- The comments to the study
- Registration of the event
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