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If you do not see the Leanus pages correctly, do the following:

Make sure you use a updated web browser (such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari or Microsoft Edge)
Check that your browser is set to accept cookies and tracking data
Make sure you have one stable internet connection
Close any other windows or tabs browser that may be opened and consume resources
Try to clear the cache and browser cookies and reload the page
If the problem persists, try temporarily disable any extensions or browser plug-ins that may interfere with the operation of Leanus
Pause or add the address among the allowed add-ons "ADBLOCK"
Click CTRL + 0 (o DCM + 0 if you use a MAC) to eliminate the zoom effect on the page
Click CTRL + F5 (o DCM + R if you use a MAC) to empty the "cache"
Update your search engine to one of the versions indicated

If none of these solutions work, please contact Leanus Support for further assistance.

Leanus is optimized for all major search engines:

  • Internet Explorer v. 10 and later
  • Chrome v. 39 and later
  • Opera v. 8 and later
  • Firefox v. 34 and later
  • safari v. 8 and later


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