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In which Leanus menu you can find information about the codes SIC?

Information on sectoral coding can be found:
In the registry of the single company. After identifying the company, click on View Master Data in the Master Data Box on the Home Page or click on Company Data / Master Data
In the Analysis Menu Groups / Statistics by / Sector available for Groups. Within the Menu, the distribution of the companies belonging to the Group is available for each of the sector codes. Using the "Edit Group" function it is possible to select a subset of the main group.

What are the Codes SIC? (Standard Industrial Classification)

Industrial sector classification system adopted in the United States

Introduced in 1937, it was replaced in 1997 by the classification NAICS extension (North American Industry Classification System), but is still used by some government agencies (such as the Securities and Exchange Commission, SEC, the control commission on the American stock exchange). The codes SIC are 4-digit numbers (so-called digits), which group sectors into one hierarchy of sub-categories for progressive detail of the type of product or production.

For more information click here

Dedicated webinars

The limits of comparisons and research based on the Codes ATECO


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