In which Leanus menu can I find information about NACE codes?
Information on sectoral coding can be found:
In the registry of the single company. After identifying the company, click on View Master Data in the Master Data Box on the Home Page or click on Company Data / Master Data
In the Analysis Menu Groups / Statistics by / Sector available for Groups. Within the Menu, the distribution of the companies belonging to the Group is available for each of the sector codes. Using the "Edit Group" function it is possible to select a subset of the main group.
What are NACE Codes?
Statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community or NACE code (from the French Nomenclature statistique des activités économiques dans la Communauté européenne)
The nomenclature was created by Eurostat, the statistical body of the European Commission, in 1970 and refined over the years, until the last revision in 2002, published with Commission Regulation (EC) No. 29/2002, which amended the previous Council Regulation (EEC) No. 3037/90 concerning the statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community.
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Dedicated webinars
The limits of comparisons and searches based on ATECO Codes
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