Is it possible to view the sector codes relating to a company or to search through filters?
Leanus allows you to carry out sophisticated searches on the DB of Italian companies by searching not only for the Ateco code, parts of it or contained words, but also for other national and international sectorial codes (SIC, SAE, RAE, Code MCC, etc). Leanus also allows you to select one or more sectoral codes simultaneously.
For more information on the search function with filters, click here
In which Leanus menu can you find the information relating to the Ateco codes?
Information on sectoral coding can be found:
In the registry of the single company. After identifying the company, click on View Master Data in the Master Data Box on the Home Page or click on Company Data / Master Data
In the Analysis Menu Groups / Statistics by / Sector available for Groups. Within the Menu, the distribution of the companies belonging to the Group is available for each of the sector codes. Using the "Edit Group" function it is possible to select a subset of the main group.
What is the Ateco Code?
The Ateco code is an alphanumeric combination that identifies a Economic activity. It is attributed at the time of incorporation of the company; it is very rare that it is aligned with the actual business activity should this change over the years. Although it represents extremely useful information, the Ateco code it allows to identify only marginally the actual company activity. The use of Ateco codes it can therefore deceive the analyst who has no experience relating to the specific sector under analysis.
The coding of the Ateco code is as follows:
• The letters identify the economic macro-sector
• I USEFULL (from two to six digits) represent, with varying degrees of detail, the specific articulations and sub-categories of the sectors themselves.
The new classification has been in force since 1 January 2008 Nace 2007, approved by ISTAT (National Institute of Statistics) in close collaboration with the Revenue Agency, the Chambers of Commerce and other interested Bodies, Ministries and business associations. With the Ateco 2007 codes, the same classification of economic activities is therefore adopted for statistical, fiscal and contributory purposes, in a process of simplifying the information managed by public administrations and institutions.
How is an Ateco code made?
Economic activities are grouped with increasing detail according to:
The classification of economic activities ATECO (Activities ECOnomiche) is one type of classification adopted by the Italian National Institute of Statistics (ISTAT) for national statistical surveys of an economic nature.
It is the Italian translation of the Nomenclature of Economic Activities (BORN) created by Eurostat, adapted fromISTAT the specific characteristics of the Italian economic system. Version is currently in use ATECO 2007, which entered into force on 1 January 2008, replacing the previous one ATECO 2002, adopted in 2002 to update the ATECO 1991.
It is an alpha-numeric classification with different degrees of detail: the letters indicate the macro-sector of economic activity, while the numbers (ranging from two to six digits) represent, with varying degrees of detail, the breakdowns and breakdowns of the sectors themselves. The various economic activities are grouped, from general to particular, into sections (coding: 1 letter), divisions (2 digits), groups (3 digits), classes (4 digits), categories (5 digits) and sub-categories (6 digits) .
Each numerical code incorporates the previous ones. For example:
- section C: manufacturing activities;
- division 14: packaging of articles of clothing;
- group 14.1: packaging of articles of clothing except articles of fur;
- class 14.19: packages of articles and accessories other than clothing in leather, work clothes, other external clothing and underwear;
- category 14.19.2: sportswear and special clothing;
- subcategory 14.19.29: production of baby clothes, sports suits, ski suits, swimwear and the like.
This classification is valid from 2008 also for communications and declarations to the Revenue Agency to replace the previous one ATECOFIN 2004. The previous classification ATECO 2002 was developed in five levels of detail: sections (coding: 1 letter), subsections (two letters), divisions (2 digits), groups (3 digits), classes (4 digits) and categories (5 digits).
To download the list of Ateco codes click here
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The limits of comparisons and research based on the Codes ATECO
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