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KPI General and Objectives

Leanus allows you to compare any firm's indices with a list of KPI (Key Performance Indicators) which can be:

  • Generali
  • Sectoral
  • Related to a list of companies selected by filters
  • Relating to a list of companies selected by name
  • Chosen by the user
  • Indicated by specific regulations in force (eg Crisis Code)


The image shows it scheme of KPI and General Objectives (customizable on Leanus Corporate)

Analysis (A):
Indicates the value of the indicator assumed by the company for that specific accounting period

Objective (B):
Indicates the value of the KPI o Objective

- the difference between Analysis and Objective (AB) if the KPI is reached for values ​​greater than the target
- the difference between Objective and Analysis (BA) if the KPI is reached for values ​​lower than the target


To view the KPI%

Log in to Leanus
Search or Process company analysis of your interest
Go to Assessment " KPI General and Objectives

Comparison with the objectives (KPI) is affected by any customizations made to the reclassification model


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