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Commercial Dossier

In addition to the connection with the Infocamere Business Register, Leanus also provides for the connection with various Business Information suppliers that allow you to download in real time Commercial Dossier, Cadastral Information and more. It is also possible to request research on foreign subjects.

Some services are provided through the Service Center. Generally the request is processed within a few hours.

Access to services requires a charge according to consumption; therefore it is necessary to have a positive credit balance.

Examples of Commercial Dossiers


To purchase Commercial Dossiers

Log in to Leanus
Verify you have enough credit to perform the desired operation
Go to Buy Documents / Commercial Dossier
Select the Subject (Individual, Legal Person (i.e. Firms, Enterprises)
Select the type of document (Basic Report, In-depth Plus Report for Businesses; Basic Person Report, In-depth Person Report for Individuals)
Choose the Search Key (Name or Tax Code / VAT number or SALE for business; Name, Name + Tax Code for Individuals)
Click on Send inquiry. If there is a charge, the value is shown next to the Send Request button.
If the search criteria entered are associated with 2 or more subjects, identify the one you are interested in and click on the document of your interest
Go to the bottom and click on Buy
When the document is delivered, an icon appears next to the requested document, click on the icon to view / download the document
If the document relates to a Leanus analysis present in your Personal Data List, by clicking on the link placed on the same page under Company Name you can access the corresponding analysis.
In all cases you will receive an email with a summary of the operations carried out, the cost and the link to the requested document.

IMPORTANT: you can continue to use Leanus while you wait. You will be notified by a message and an email when the document is available.


To view the queue of required documents

Go to Buy Documents / Research History


To purchase chamber of commerce services for a company already developed in Leanus

Log in to Leanus
Verify you have enough credit to perform the desired operation
Research the analysis of your interest (the second menu level is visible)
Go to Company Data / Commercial Dossier (the tax code is already placed in the appropriate space.
Click on Submit Request
Follow the Step 8-12 of the previous procedure


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