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Is it possible to receive telephone assistance?

Yup. Contact our Service Center ( or our toll-free number 800.864588 to request technical support.
For requests of elaboration, analysis, business plan, benchmark, reclassification of charts of accounts or other support interventions you can request assistance from the Service Center

Can I request a demo?

Yup, you can activate a demo at any time. Activate your DEMO access

Is it necessary to enter the promotion code during registration?

No, it is not needed.

Is it possible to analyze the financial statements of all companies?

Yup. Thanks to the connection with the Italian and Spanish Company Register it is possible to download the financial statements of any Italian or Spanish company in real time and obtain the analysis of the financial statements. All other financial statements, accounting situations or other accounting structures of Italian or foreign subjects can be re-elaborated through the procedure Process New Analysis/+Upload Financial Statements and accounting situations

How long does it take to activate a new user?

Registration takes a few moments. Requests for activation, modification, cancellation sent by email to the Service Center are generally processed within 24 hours.

How long does it take for the user to become familiar with the system and learn how to use it?

Leanus is a latest generation software and does not require specific computer skills; it can be used immediately even without assistance. However, a online manual, a service of telephone assistance (toll-free number 800 86 45 88) e by email (
It is possible to request targeted training sessions to address more detailed topics that require specific skills on the subject (eg. DSCR calculation, Identifying the best benchmark etc.).

Is it possible to modify the Leanus configuration or integrate the platform with incoming and outgoing data flows or request customizations?

Yup. Leanus solutions (PREMIUM and Lean Corporate) provide for the possibility of responding to the most sophisticated needs both in terms of service extension and customization. Integrated Web Services also allow you to exchange data flows with the Customer's systems.

What are the Leanus references?

Leanus offers its services to Banks, insurance companies and other operators in the financial and insurance sector both large, medium and small.

Is it possible to feed Leanus through the chamber data of another distributor?

Yup. The customer who desires it and considers it economically advantageous, can keep its own data provider and use Leanus to process them.

Is it possible to make a comparative analysis between different companies?

Yes. Leanus provides for various benchmark processing methods through which it is possible to compare both the reclassified schemes and the indices.


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