I did not find the analysis of the company I was looking for.
Check the existence of the company and the availability of at least one budget through the procedure: Buy documents / Chamber of Commerce. Remember to also include discontinued businesses.
It was not possible to analyze the financial statements downloaded from the Business Register in real time, what should I do?
Repeat the operation Analysis Creation / Update "from Other Sources (IT): the procedure allows in some cases to acquire the electronic format even for companies that do not have the obligation to deposit the XBRL. If the operation is not successful, ask for assistance at Service center.
Can I add the registry of a company that is not on the list?
You can add it in real time by following the procedure of Process New Analysis / from Other Suppliers.
Is it possible to analyze a trend of 10 years and beyond?
Yes. There are no limits to the number of annuities; it should be remembered that an excessive number of columns may not be manageable on a monitor of modest size.
Why is the amortization item in the Income Statement table sometimes highlighted in red?
Depreciation is highlighted in red when the latter are greater than the total fixed assets (in detail the sum of intangible and tangible fixed assets net of accumulated depreciation).
What difference in valuation does the insertion of the “days of inventories on consumption” compared to the data “days of inventories on revenues” involve in the cycle of net working capital? How do they interact with each other what is their meaning?
The rotation speed of the warehouse can be measured both in relation to Consumption and in relation to Revenues. In the first case, from a theoretical point of view, the index answers the question "How many days of production are covered by the warehouse?", in the second case, however, the index answers the question "How many days of sales are covered by the warehouse?".
Why is it that in the reclassification scheme adopted on Leanus other revenues are not considered?
The standard reclassification model is inspired to the principle of prudence. The Income Statement provides that these are reclassified under Revenues only the revenues from core business (item A1 of the statutory financial statements). The voice "Other income" is reclassified as miscellaneous operating expenses / revenues.
However, it is always possible change the preset reclassification by accessing any analysis and proceeding in one of the following ways:
- Source and Reclassification / Source Reclassification Menu on Management Schemes
- Source and Reclassification Menu / Detailed Leanus Schemes
- Balance Sheet Analysis / Income Statement / Numerical Analysis / Click on Detailed Diagrams
- Balance Sheet Analysis / Balance Sheet / Numerical Analysis / Click on Detailed Diagrams
- Balance Sheet Analysis / Income Statement / Numerical Analysis Menu / Click on any Label (eg Revenues) to view the list of reclassified source data whose algebraic sum determines the balance.
For more info go to the section Source and Reclassification
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