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Go to Process Analysis / +upload financial statements/Spanish Company
Select the search key * (Name, Tax Code)
Fill in the spaces provided with the requested information
Click on Search
Click on View to choose the budget to be prepared
Click on Buy
wait the completion of the operation
Spanish Registry Procedure
Leanus is integrated with the main suppliers of Spanish Business Information. This means that it is possible search online for the personal data of the person to be analyzed, download in real time the accounting statements and process them with Leanus.
To elaborate the analysis of a Spanish subject
IMPORTANT. If you want to update the accounting data of a company already present in the Leanus archive, or if you want to add new years, you must use the "Analysis Update" procedure
To carry out an Analysis Update operation
Research the company in your registry list archive
Go to Update Spanish Budget/Business Analysis
Click on Search
Click on View to choose the budget to be prepared
Click on Buy
wait the completion of the operation
Step 3
If when entering initials the name of the company you are looking for appears, it means that the analysis is already available in your archive (you can only update it)
Step 5
If there is a charge for the search operation, the amount is indicated next to the button Close.
Step 6
If the company is already in your Personal data list, follow the instructions to update the analysis (i.e. insert additional budget years)
Step 7
If there is a charge for the I unload, the amount is indicated next to the budget selected for processing.
A null Credit balance or exceeding the maximum number of analyzes allowed can make it impossible to complete the operation.
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