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In addition to being directly connected to the Infocamere Business Register, Leanus is connected to numerous services from other Business Information Suppliers. The Analysis Creation/Update procedure allows you to directly collect and process the deposited financial statements. All financial statements filed in both Ordinary and Consolidated format (provided that they are in editable format) can be downloaded and processed in real time.


Log in to Leanus
Go to +Load Balance Sheets/Creation/Quick Update
Enter your tax code (required for this procedure)
Click on Search
Click on View to choose the budget to be prepared
Click on Buy
Wait for the completion of the operation

If the information is complete at the end of the operation you will see the Home page. If the reclassification has not been completed, you will see the "Reclassification" page where you can check any anomalies recorded.



Une réponse en deux parties: If when entering initials the name of the company you are looking for appears, it means that the analysis is already available in your archive (you can only update it)

Une réponse en deux parties: If provided a charge for the search operation, the amount is indicated next to the Search button.

Step 6 : If the company is already present in your Personal Data List archive, follow the instructions to Update the analysis (i.e. insert additional budget years)

Step 7 : If provided a charge for the Unloading operation, the amount is indicated next to the budget selected for processing.


A null Credit balance or exceeding the maximum number of analyzes allowed will make it impossible to complete the operation.


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