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What is meant by Group?

"Group" means an aggregate of two or more companies present in the DB with respect to an accounting period chosen by the user.

Is the creation of the Group also possible in the Public Area?

Yes, it is possible to create groups also in the PUBLIC AREA.

How do you create a group of companies selected through the Filters?

Log in to Leanus
Go to Process Analysis / Filter Master Data
Select the reference accounting period for aggregation (this will be the last year displayed in the analysis)
Set the other criteria search using filters or by recalling a filter present in the archive
Click on + Add Filters to use additional search filters
Click on Update
Repeat the operation until you have identified the number of companies you want to include in the Group analysis
Click on the wheel Multifunction Open and… and click on Create Group (the operation includes a maximum number of analyzes that can be aggregated)
Enter the name that you wish to give to the group
Choose the mode of aggregation by flagging the appropriate field
Enter any Consolidation percentages
Click on Confirmation



When creating the group you can select the option Aggregate all accounting periods for the same year which allows you to aggregate all the balance sheet data for the same year regardless of the closing month .

When creating the group, it is possible to decide whether to aggregate for each analysis data at 100% or less.


Some of the functions described may be limited or only accessible in RESERVED AREA. To process a group in the RESERVED AREA, you must verify that all analyses are present in the RESERVED AREA before proceeding as described below.

2 point. It is possible to aggregate the analyzes of previously created groups together. In this case, repeat the steps in this procedure, replacing point 2. with: Go to Process Analysis / Group List

8 point. Click on "Choose and Create Group" you can exclude or include individual analyzes before completing the aggregation operations.



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