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Create Group with name search

The function allows you to create an analysis of a group consisting of the sum of the financial statements of the companies selected by name one at a time.

There are two ways to create Leanus groups:

Using the Filters from the Menu Filter Personal Data and then create the group
Select the subjects by name to include in the group

Some of the functions described may be limited or only accessible in RESERVED AREA. To process a group in the RESERVED AREA, you must verify that all analyses are present in the RESERVED AREA before proceeding as described below.


Procedure to create the group with name selection

Access the menu Create Group

Select the year that you want to be common to all analyzes (the last reference period of the group)

Type le initials of the name of the companies you want to enter and click on the plus to confirm

Repeat the operation

You can also search for businesses by fiscal Code

At the end of the selection click on Create Group

Choose a name to assign to the group and confirm


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