Motor Italy – Milano Finanza – November 2022

Alessandro FISCHETTI, guest of Engine Italy, an editorial and communication project by Class Editori dedicated to companies which, with their dynamism, ensure the fundamental boost to the national economy.

The 100 fastest growing SMEs, who invest, who create jobs and who represent Italian excellence

  • 4% of Italian companies generate 60% of revenues and more.
  • 50% of the smallest generate 4%.
  • 20.000 businesses have no debt.
  • 13% show signs of tension, 3% require renovations.

The 100 best companies, which will be the subject of a special by MF Milano Finanza they are manufacturing companies. The "transaction containers" and the companies that show even the weakest signs of attention, or rather elements that require a further level of study directly with the company, are excluded from the ranking.


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