Motor Italy - Tuscany Edition - October 2022

Alessandro FISCHETTI, guest of Engine Italy - Tuscany Edition, Class Editori's publishing and communication project dedicated to companies which, with their dynamism, ensure the fundamental thrust of the national economy.

The Tuscan SME system is healthy and enjoys excellence known all over the world. This is the photograph provided by Alessandro Fischetti, administrator of Leanus who, during Motor Italy Tuscany, explained on which data the ranking of Mf on the SMEs of the territory is based. "Looking to 2021", said Fischetti, "we see a growth in revenues that has pushed the overall growth to a value greater than that before Covid". The Leanus analysis refers to 7 small and medium-sized enterprises that have generated complex revenues of 100 billion euros, a sum that makes the region the sixth for production at the national level. «In our analysis», continued Fischetti, «we also hypothesized a 40% increase in energy costs. The good news is that the Tuscan SME system is so healthy that it would be able to absorb an increase in energy costs, both thanks to financial and capital resources. The bad news, however, is that energy, after the pandemic, would be the last stress test that SMEs could face ". Standing out according to the MF-Milano Finanza ranking was ErreDue, the Livorno-based company that has produced hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen and gas generators for laboratories over the last twenty years. "We were born in 2000 and transformed into a spa in 2010," explained Luca Giacomelli, the company's senior sales manager, during the event. "We are a particular company, we like to define ourselves as a micro public company with particular attention to the presence of women in the company, today we are about 90 people". «In recent years we have grown», Giacomelli concluded, «both in organic and commercial terms. Today we have a turnover of 13 million ”. (All rights reserved)


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