Negative Event Control
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For detailed information on Prejudicial it is necessary to download the Commercial Dossier
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Go to Buy Documents / Commercial Dossier
Follow the search and download procedure of the Commercial Dossier which will contain the detailed information relating to the Prejudicial
In addition to the connection with the Infocamere Business Register, Leanus also provides for the connection with various Business Information suppliers that allow you to download in real time Commercial Dossier, Cadastral Information and more. It is also possible to request research on foreign subjects.
For a first evaluation, Leanus foresees the control with YES / NO answer of the possible presence of Negative Events to verify the possible presence of protests, prejudicial, procedures ("negative events") on the part of the investigated subject.
The query provides the following findings:
• Positive: SI - in the presence of Negative Events;
• Negative: DO NOT - in the absence of Negative Events;
• Unavailable: N/A - in case the answer is not available.
Access to services requires a charge according to consumption; therefore it is necessary to have a positive credit balance.
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