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Corporate offices

Within a company the persons (natural or legal) they can take on certain qualifications (shareholder, managing partner, ...) or they can be appointed to certain positions (president, managing director, ...).

A person can hold multiple offices and qualifications. Over time, qualifications and positions may be confirmed, modified or terminated. The Office is therefore the office, or the role, assumed by a person within a company (individual or company) on the basis of company law, legislation, or possibly special rules established in the company's bylaws.

Through the Menu Buy Documents, selecting the option "Corporate Offices" it is possible to identify in the Business Register the Persons (natural or legal) who hold or have held a position in one or more companies.

For the search it is sufficient to indicate the nominative or enter the fiscal Code.

The document (person card) that can be obtained contains the following information:

  • companies (with all essential data) in which the person currently holds offices or qualifications
  • the type of office or position currently held by the person, with the date of the appointment, if any, and the duration
  • companies (with all essential data) in which the person has held offices or qualifications
  • the type of office or position held by the person (office terminated, with registration date, protocol details).

Document example:
Corporate offices

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