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Sometimes it is necessary to associate the analysis of historical data with prospective processing (Business Plan) developed by third parties (consultants, professionals, companies). Generally, such processing is done through Excel and transferred via email.

In order to analyze them, you can follow alternative work paths, to be chosen according to the type of analysis. The following procedure describes how to load the business plan data on Leanus in order to analyze them in the same way as you would do in the case of analyzing an analytical accounting situation. Alternatively, you can use the Business Plan module to replicate the simulation and carry out further simulations

To upload the Business plan provided by the Client into Leanus, it is necessary to use the L2 models


Access the + Load Balances function via model L1, L2, L2.1 L3
Populate the Excel Leanus Model following the instructions (up to 5 exercises at a time)
In the cell immediately above the accounting period relating to the Business Plan, write BP o bp (no other labels are allowed)

Proceed with the upload.

After loading, the existence of accounting periods relating to the Business Plan will be highlighted by a specific icon as shown in the figure.



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