The procedure described below allows you to load balance sheets and accounting situations present in the ICCREA management system used by Banks and Intermediaries. (modebilJ).
Procedure for downloading the xls file from ModBilJ
Perform the “Export Data” procedure after selecting the balances following the path “Input financial statements” > “Civil financial statements
ATTENTION: DO NOT perform the function exports data after selecting the balances following the path “Input balances” > “Reclassified balances”
In this case, in fact, the file produced is in CEBI format and will not be managed by Leanus.
Procedure for uploading the file to Leanus
Log in to Leanus
Go to Process Analysis / + Upload financial statements / Upload financial statements and accounting situations in any format or upload from Home
Click on Select a File (or drag the file to the orange area)
Select the file from your PC and wait for it to load
Click on Import
wait the completion of the operation
Some examples of files that fall into this category.
- XBR extension format EXCEL Info cameras
- PDF Infocamere budgets
- PDF extracted from the main management software (Zucchetti, Teamsystem, Sistemi, etc)
- XLS e CSV from the main management software (Zucchetti, Teamsystem, Sistemi, etc)
- XLS, PDF of software mainly used in the financial system (ModBilJ, Galileo, etc)
At the same time as the upload, the accounting data they are automatically reclassified.
The image shows an example of ModBilJ file
Video pills
How to process balance sheets in XLS/PDF format of the ICCREA ModBilJ application
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