Oops. You uploaded a PDF and got the following message: “Elaborated with Anomalies” - What to do?
First let's clarify what could be the causes, taking into account that if you obtained a low score, it means that the PDF used for uploading was not of good quality (e.g. XLS or Word converted to PDF):
Lack of tax code
Incorrect reading of the accounting period
Incorrect reading of one or more values
Partial or incorrect reading of the list of accounts.
There is a solution for each of the following anomalies.
PROBLEM No. 1 – Lack of Tax Code
If Leanus does not detect the tax code, it assigns a fictitious one (generally coinciding with the upload date)
To assign the correct tax code
Go to Company Data / Personal Data or click on the mail icon shown in the figure
Enter the correct tax code in the appropriate field
Click on Update
PROBLEM No. 2 – Incorrect reading of the accounting period
In this case:
Click on the date relating to the accounting period to be modified (if it is not clickable go to Source and Reclassification / Manual Input Management and proceed
Correct the accounting period by indicating the closing month of the financial year, year and duration
Click on Update
PROBLEM No. 3 – Incorrect reading of one or more values
In this case it is necessary to correct the values that the system has read incorrectly. Carry out the necessary checks following the instructions below
Go to Source and Reclassification / Manual Input Management. This way you can intervene to modify the input data
From the “Check Management Schemes” box, verify that the imported profit actually corresponds to what is in the PDF. If not, correct it. Click on Update
Verify that the Calculated Profit matches the imported profit. Do not proceed without first obtaining this result
Proceed with the Net Worth check
Proceed with the verification of the Total Liabilities
Proceed with the verification of the Total Assets.
Remember that only the items highlighted in orange are initially taken into consideration to obtain the reclassification of the Management CE and the Balance Sheet to Sources and Uses.
This operation is reserved for users who are experts in budget analysis and are familiar with the Leanus platform. In case of difficulty request assistance from the Service Center
For more information see the section Source and Reclassification
PROBLEM No. 4 – Partial or incorrect reading of the list of accounts.
Although less likely, it may be the case that not all description lines were intercepted. In that case you can:
To delete the accounting period and use one of the manual loading procedures or via L1, L2
Request assistance from the Service Center to receive support in managing the specific case
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