MCC Guarantee Fund Rating Calculation
The new evaluation model of the creditworthiness of SMEs for eligibility to the MCC guarantee fund. The Guarantee Fund is a credit risk mitigation tool, established at the Ministry of Economic Development to support SMEs, through the recognition of a public guarantee against financing granted by banks.
The calculation of the probability of default of MedioCredito Centrale
The new model, currently operational for financing for the purchase of capital goods referred to in the "Nuova Sabatini", it is not yet applicable to all Fund guarantee access operations for which the old model
Through Leanus it is possible, in real time, calculate whether the company is in line with the eligibility requirements set by the Guarantee Fund.
The New Rating Model of the Guarantee Fund (MCC) is based on 3 pillars:
- La Economic - Financial Evaluation budgets. The calculation algorithm takes into account the Applicant's Sector and Legal Nature
- Il Behavioral module (Credit Bureau)
- Il Behavioral module (Central Risks)
Leanus therefore allows to integrate the Accounting Information with information relating to the Central Risks and Credit Bureau (if in the user's possession).
The final evaluation, similar to the rating models used by the banking system, takes into account the possible presence of Prejudicial.
For more information on the objectives of the reform, consult the MISE institutional website and / or the attached documents at the bottom.
To view the MCC Guarantee Fund Rating (Final Assessment), proceed as follows:
Log in to Leanus
Research the company for which you intend to carry out the evaluation
Go to Rating » MCC Guarantee Fund Rating Mod. 2018 »Economic and Financial Form
Verify that the MCC Sector , legal nature correspond to the characteristics of the company you are analyzing. Otherwise, select the features through the appropriate drop-down menus
In the case of Evaluation Unrated check the possible causes in the tables below.
The Band calculation is carried out by taking the data from the official source if in civil format. If the source you are using is not an official Italian financial statement in civil format
complete it Civilistic Scheme available under Source and Reclassification
download the xml (icon at the top next to the date) and updates the analysis with loading thexml.
Go to Rating » MCC Guarantee Fund Rating Mod. 2018 »Performance Module (Credit Bureau)
enter the information obtained from the Credit Bureau
In the case of Evaluation Unrated checks in the tables below the possible causes
For the customers Lean corporate it is possible to foresee an automatic feeding of the required fields:
Go to Rating » MCC Guarantee Fund Rating Mod. 2018 »Performance Module (Central Risks)
Enter the information obtained from the Bank of Italy
In the case of "Unrated" Evaluation check the possible causes in the tables below
For the customers Lean corporate it is possible to foresee an automatic feeding of the required fields:
Go to Evaluation » MCC Guarantee Fund Rating Mod. 2018 " Final evaluation
Check the special boxes in the event of the presence of Prejudicial
The Guarantee Fund system provides for the calculation of the range even in the event that the information on performance and prejudicial factors is not included
The final evaluation indicates the band attributed to the last accounting period and corresponds to a certain probability of default, the values of which are shown in the following table
Below are the main documents that describe the mechanisms for calculating the rating of the Guarantee Fund and the procedures for the processing of the Band through Leanus
Summary document for calculating the probability of default
Technical Specifications: Update for the calculation of the probability of default under the new valuation model of the Fund
Technical specifications 2018 for the calculation of the probability of default under the new valuation model of the Fund
Technical Specifications February 2020
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