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Leanus allows you to calculate Equity Value and Enterprise Value both with the income method (EBITDA Multiple) and the Equity method; Furthermore, for each analysis it carries out an *estimate

The Leanus Evaluation is carried out using an algorithm that takes into account all the calculation methods of PFN and Ebitda and a parametric analysis that has as its basis a multiple value equal to 7. The user can intervene both on the calculation methods of PFN and Ebitda, and on the value of the multiple and obtain the personalized evaluation of Enterprise Value and Equity Value.

The calculation of Equity Value and Enterprise Value is available in the following menus:

  • Financial Statement Analysis (for the analysis of company value on historical data)
  • Benchmark (for comparing the business value of two or more competitors)
  • Business Plan (for the analysis of company value on prospective data)

For the calculation of the Enterprise Value com Income method you use the formula

  • Enterprise Value = EBITDA
  • Equity Value = Enterprise Value – NFP

The reference values ​​used automatically are:

  • Ebitda = the value reported in the Income Statement possibly adjusted by the user through the adjustment menu (See Rating / Company Evaluation / Numerical Analysis)
  • Pfn = the value reported in the Balance Sheet possibly adjusted by the user through the adjustment menu (See Rating / Company Valuation / Numerical Analysis)
  • Multiple = preset value = 7. The preset reference value can be modified by the user through the menu Rating / Company Evaluation / Numerical Analysis


Calculate the equity value and the enterprise value
Log in to Leanus
Search or Process company analysis of your interest
Verify that the Leanus reclassification schemes are complete (green triangle) and consolidate your analysis model by making any changes to the reclassification or adjustments
Go to Financial Statement Analysis » Company Valuation » Numerical Analysis
Click on + placed next to each accounting period
Enter yours hypothesis, edit the multiple, correction the ebitda, enter the market value of balance sheet items
For Graphic analysis Go to Financial Statement Analysis » Company Valuation » Graphic Analysis

If you want to use the standard settings go to step 8 (The Equity value calculated with the equity method will be, in the absence of adjustments, equal to the carrying amount of the net equity)

Any adjustments made to the EBITDA and in general in this menu, have no effect on the analyzes of the other areas of the software with the exception of the Menus
Competitive Positioning »Company Evaluation» Present Numerical Analysis and Business Plan »Company Evaluation» Numerical Analysis


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