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Concordat need

The module allows you to simulate the bankruptcy needs, to elaborate the maximum percentage of satisfaction of unsecured creditors and to elaborate the table of Asset with Concordat and Passive with Concordat generally included in the applications for admission to the procedures provided for by the Bankruptcy Law.

Capital Balance Table

The module provides for the processing of the table Asset balance through a procedure that allows the financial statements to be reclassified using a "composition with credit" logic and applying the necessary revaluations / write-downs to the individual items.

Through the Table of Asset balance it is possible to calculate the composition requirements, and the maximum percentage of recognition of unsecured credits.

In summary, the procedure involves the following steps:

Confirmation of the reclassification (automatically pre-processed by Leanus) of the source and inclusion of any corrections (based on expert data or other sources known to the procedure)

Consolidation of the estimates of the concordat values

Simulations and estimate of the percentage of credit recognition for unsecured accounts

CP Active Table Processing

Processing of the "CP liabilities" table

The menu provides customization on specific needs of Corporate Customers. For information contact the Service Center Tel. 800 46 45 88 -


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