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Financial statements 2020

Here is the updated situation of the budgets 2020 of businesses with Revenues greater than 500.000 euros

Situation as of 11 May 2021

Total budgets 2020: 11.789 of which with exercise as of 31.12.2020 and duration 12 months: 5.331
Companies with Revenues> 100.000 Euros: 66

€33 billion of aggregate revenues with a decrease in 0,21 % compared to 2019; ebitda of 15 %

Among the best with revenue variation greater than 30%, Bouygues E&S Intec Italia, Amazon, A2A, Bedeschi.

VERY SELF-ENERGY LLC, Luxottica, Illumia ed SMS group GmbH group reduced revenues (item A1 of the balance sheet) by over 30%.

Loans to banks it fell by over € 500 million. Average collection and payment times are stable.

To analyze the 2020 financial statements:

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After logging in:

- Click on Process Analysis / Filter Master Data
- Set your filters as shown in the figure

- Click on Apply Filters
- Click on the * Actions / Create Group button * o
- Enter the group name and confirm

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