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Associates Companies / Customers - Suppliers

In the Benchmark /associate companies menu you can monitor the main customers and suppliers of the company in question. You can choose to associate:

  • Companies (selecting them by Name or Tax Code)
  • Previously created business groups

By clicking on "+" corresponding to Customers / Suppliers, the selector allows you to associate the respective customers, suppliers or groups of companies with the company being analysed.

Using this function, in addition to allowing the monitoring of Customers and Suppliers, allows you to build your own archive of relationships between companies. In fact, if for example you associate the BETA Customer with the ALFA company, by accessing the BETA Customer analysis, ALFA will automatically be identified as a SUPPLIER

To select counterparties:

Log in to Leanus
Research the company you intend to compare
Go to Benchmark / Associate Businesses
Click on + placed next to the label Customers or Suppliers
Insert the initials of the name, tax code or ATECO (the company must be present in the registry list of the area in use)
Click on the Business name or on group you want to use for the comparison and click on "Add"
Repeat the operation to select other counterparties and at the end click on Proceed


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