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Edit / Update a group

Leanus allows you to create and modify aggregates (groups) of companies reiterating the operations of identification and aggregation of companies both through the use of filters and with the selection of the single subject.

Changing / updating a group means one or more of the following actions:

  • The change to the base year used to create the group
  • The insertion or exclusion (elimination) of one or more analyzes present in the group by name
  • The use of the "Analysis Filters" to identify a subset of the previously created group.
  • The modification of the aggregation methods (example not by Year but by Month / Year

Log in to Leanus
Go to Process Analysis / Group List (or search) to identify the previously created Group.
Click on multifunction wheel located to the left of the Group Name
Click on Edit Group
Make the desired changes
Click on the Multifunction wheel Open and…” and click on “Create Group (the operation includes a maximum number of analyzes that can be aggregated)
Enter the name you want to give the new group
Click on Confirmation

The menu can also be reached by clicking on small wheel placed to the left of the group name as shown in the following image.


To remove one or more companies from a group

Follow the previous procedure up to point 5; then identify the companies you want to delete from the list and click on the red symbol I can in the last column of the list


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