The development of the Business Plan – Part 1: A real case

Leanus allows to process in real time a business plan complete with financial statement, balance sheet ratios, DSCR, LOM and much more on both an annual and monthly basis. To process it, simply enter the hypotheses (income statement or balance sheet) and click on the UPDATE button. With each update the entire model takes into account historical data and user input.

Even in the absence of user input, Leanus automatically generates an "inertial" business plan, which evaluates a company's ability to repay debt based on its ability to generate operating cash. Since automatic hypotheses are not sufficient to represent the specific situation of the company and simulate future scenarios Leanus allows you to enter an unlimited number of inputs.

During the Webinar we show the operating logic and show examples of processing of the Annual and monthly business plan.

Alessandro FISCHETTI - Leanus Administrator

Giampiero CIRCLES - Chartered Accountant and Statutory Auditor


NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
